With a long spear, Zhao Huang moved on.

He didn’t plan to go back without filling all the bags on his body with magic stones while there was no other adventurer.

As the night got darker, even the red light district full of lights and sounds fell silent.

In the basement of a dilapidated church in Euler, the young Goddess, who had experienced more “surprise” in a day than the one month since the lower realm, was sleeping deeply.

“…earlier…come back…”

A slight grunt came from her mouth.

Time is passing fast.

“Tweet, twee…”

With the chirping of birds, the first ray of sunlight cut through the atmosphere and brought light to Euler.

Inside the towering Tower of Babel, a silhouette with four or five bulging bags on his back walked out of the entrance of Underground City.

It didn’t take long before he left the 24-hour gold exchange and stepped out of the Tower of Babel.

“hundred thousand 4500 Baiwallis…It’s okay.”

After killing all the way to the 9th floor, Zhao Huang kept wandering around until the bag was about to be used Light, before embarking on the way home.

The result of doing this is naturally an income that pays off hard work.

This time, you can add a few pieces of furniture to the base again. However, there is no need to add too much furniture. After all, sooner or later, I will live in another place.

While thinking about the usage of these money in my heart, Zhao Huang moved towards Dongdajie.

Go to the first stall on East Street, buy two hearty breakfasts, and then go back to eat with Hestia who was awake-after spending the early morning like this, I will go back again To Underground City.

Before saving a certain amount of money, Zhao Huang estimated that he would live in Underground City.

[In addition, I have to find a family member who can engrave gifts for Hestia. 】

Although Zhao Huang is now Hestia’s family, he knows that he can’t do it.

Even if Hestia doesn’t care, his identity in this city is not correct enough after all. And, sooner or later, when Hestia’s wish comes true, he will return to the “seat”.

And Hestia’s wish is to get “family”.

He who doesn’t know when he will disappear, can’t satisfy Hestia’s wish.


Zhao Huang, who was thinking about things, suddenly stopped.

Turning his head, he cast his gaze to the sky and looked towards the towering Tower of Babel.

In that direction, he felt a bird’s eye view that was first cold and then hot.

Originally, I just swept the sight from my body by accident, I don’t know why I stared at myself tightly. Not only that, but the “temperature” of the line of sight began to rise. The master of this sight did not intend to conceal his existence and feelings.

It’s as if Brat saw a novel toy, full of danger.

“I can’t see clearly… [Shake the light].”

Squinting his eyes, Zhao Huang whispered for the name of Treasure Item.

Although the armor is not at all present on his body, he can still borrow part of his power temporarily by calling his real name.

For example, a person who can be farsighted is like “clairvoyance”.

The magic of pale red surged, and the scene in front of Zhao Huang quickly zoomed in. The floor-to-ceiling windows on the top of the Tower of Babel in the sky were clearly visible.

In the next instant, Zhao Huang met a woman’s eyes.

That is a silver haired woman whose “clothing” only has the function of covering three points at a minimum.

Her plump and charming body is undoubtedly the manifestation of [beauty].

Even if it wasn’t deliberately, the faint smile on the corner of her mouth still has a powerful [charm] ability.

Zhao Huang, who didn’t put on the armor, only relied on his own skills to be fascinated and fell into a momentary loss of consciousness.

When he spirit slowly recovers, the silhouette of Goddess has been lost by the window.

“This level of mental impact, and it is a nature that does not contain any power, unconsciously… There is nothing wrong, it is definitely a god. And… I am afraid it is a beautiful god.”

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhao Huang continued to move forward.

After becoming Guardian, even if he didn’t want to, the knowledge of mythology was forcibly stuffed by Boss.

Even if he could not recognize which goddess belonged to which god, Zhao Huang still guessed her nature.

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