“However, this also shows that the fellow Hestia is such a kind god.”

Hungry for the wishes of the family, maybe It is also the essence of wanting to protect is at play.

If this is Hestia, Zhao Huang can’t find a reason not to help her. What she wants to implement is definitely not wrong. If it is for her, Zhao Huang is happy to give his strength.


At noon, under the towering white tower, a group of adventurer to-and-fro. Now that Euler as a cover restricts the monsters to the Underground City, there are monsters everywhere in the ancient land, and it is rare that you will die if you don’t work hard.

So, even if you become an adventurer, if you just want to live, you don’t need to take risks at all.

However, some people come to this city continuously just to step into the Underground City. Whether you dream of becoming famous, or dreaming of becoming the protagonist of Hero Tan.

Following the footsteps of heroes, today some people came to the labyrinth city from outside.

However, not everyone can become an adventurer. The supply exceeds demand, and the number of humanoids has long been saturated. Therefore, the standards for admitting new members are constantly improving. It’s just that it’s all that’s just to keep hitting the wall if it’s just empty-hearted.

Surrounded by the bottomless sense of loneliness and alienation, the white-haired country boy walks around with his head bowed.

Suddenly, at the fork of the dark alley where he stepped onto the street and turned into the Hooligan cluster, he moved towards the dark alley and turned around.

If it were an unpopulated dark alley, no one would notice him, and there would be no aloof and remote “urban people” mocking him, right?

He who has been fed up with the past few days can finally vent his uneasiness in a place where no one is there?

“–Stop, the kid over there.”

The foot that was just raised was put down because of the sound of words.

Turning around, the white-haired boy saw the “boy” with black hair.

No, maybe it was not a teenager. There are all kinds of races here, and judging age based on appearance is undoubtedly a very stupid thing.

I wore luxurious looking white clothes all over the body, and carried a black long spear on my shoulders.

It seems that he is an adventurer?

“For your body, it’s better not to go to the dark alleys? There are all kinds of things in there, but it is very dangerous.”

“Uh, thanks, thank you… …”

He shrank his neck cautiously, and the gray-haired boy was a little embarrassed. Is there really no place for people like him in this city?

“Speaking of which, what are you planning to do when you come here?”

As if thinking of something, the boy with black hair asked him questions.

The body trembled, and the white-haired boy replied with a sharp voice: “I, I am looking forward to a hero… I plan to join the family and become an adventurer and come to this city.”

The implication is that it did not succeed?

Lightly knocked on the shoulder with the gun body, Zhao Huang looked at the boy.

[No way. Sure enough, I, who is not a god, cannot see through a person’s heart. 】

In this case, let the professionals come.

“Come with me, boy. Maybe my god will take you in.”

Turning around, don’t see if the boy keeps up, Zhao Huang just moved like this Go towards the direction of the church.

018 New member Bell

“I, my name is Bell Cronney! Starting today, I will officially join the [Hestia Family]! In the future, please take care of me. !”

With his arms tightly pressed against his thighs, his upper body bowed at ninety degrees, so that the back of his head could be seen.

This boy who looks only about fourteen or five years old, with white hair and red eyes, is as alert and timid as a rabbit. It is the one Zhao Huang stopped by the side of the dark alley. It’s almost a week in the city, and there is no rural child that the dependents are willing to take in.

“His mind is very pure, pure to the purest level I have encountered since the lower realm!”

As if he had discovered a treasure, Hestia’s eyes flashed Brightly looked at Bell.

For her, a blank child like Bell is the most suitable “child”. I will definitely be obedient, and once I make up my mind and work hard, I will never give up lightly.

However, Hestia did not expect Bell to become stronger as soon as possible.

Without him, the fastest upgrade record in the whole city was left by [Sword Ji] Aisi of the Rocky family. It took one year.

In other words, unless aptitude is so good, otherwise, it will take more than a year at least in the lv1 stage.

And the aptitude like Aisi, simply may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

However, Bell can at least have a higher starting point than the newcomers of other new families.

Thinking of this, Hestia glanced at Zhao Huang.

[If there is a real hero Tan as the teacher, Bell’s fighting skills will definitely surpass most adventurers. 】

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