Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 817: 817 I was a goddess in the ancient times (end) three more

Chapter 817 817 I was a goddess in the ancient times (end) three more

When I heard the phrase of pomelo, Ye Hao suddenly caught them and looked at the pomelo in a foolish way.

"When our people found Ye Daren, she was on the road to the black forest on our way back." The pomelo continued to say as if he had not seen it.

"Black... Black Forest?" Ye Hao muttered.

The children who are childish, Ye Hao, and the tribes of the tribe are stupid one by one.

"Yeah, Black Forest," continued the pomelo. "It’s a blessing to the gods. You know that our tribe was only a small tribe of 300 people a year ago. There are no weapons, no cloth, no fine paper. After the adults came, take us to make bricks, bricks are the things that built the red house. And those cloths are also caused by Ye Daren.

"Right," Pomelo continued to reverence. "Before Ye Daren, our tribe had only two five-level fighters. But after she came, our soldiers accepted her baptism, and each broke through the seven-level fighter. You know the grown up, he is the most complete inheritance accepted, has become a tenth-level warrior. Hehe... what happened to you?"

"I, my daughter was also thrown by us in the Black Forest!" Ye Hao’s voice suddenly muted and his fingers were shaking.

"Is it?" Pomelo was surprised. "You can be unlucky enough. If you didn't abandon her at the time, maybe your daughter is like us, and the adult is calling me, I will go first." ”

After that, the pomelo left with a light flutter.

A group of people who lived in the tribe, standing in the same place as a fool, could not say a word.

Ye Hao looked down at his hand and his fingers were shaking.

If you just have pomelo, he will listen to it in his ear. If it looks like a coincidence, what about the other?

The same name, the same serious injury was abandoned in the Black Forest...

Ye Daren... There are indications that Ye Daren is his daughter, who was seriously injured, because he was afraid of being dragged down, so he was thrown by his daughter in the Black Forest!

That body has a huge force to praise and God's sacrifice!

When I realized all of this, Ye Hao seemed to forget how to think for a moment.

He clearly remembered what he had just said. Before Ye Haohua came, the Icefield tribe was similar to their tribe, just a small tribe of 300 people.

In the hands of Ye Yuhua, one year, just one year, it has become so prosperous.

Such a powerful priest can also let the soldiers reach the tenth level. Such priests are originally their tribes.

By the way, there are pretty white papers, apart from the tribes of them, and which tribe's priests have such mysterious sacrifices?

They should have the opportunity to become so prosperous and become so powerful, but because they had to evacuate Ye Hao, they abandoned Ye Yuhua and pushed her to the Icefield tribe.

Ye Hao’s whole person almost collapsed, and his heart was bleeding again.

He remembered that he saw Ye Haohua a few times ago. When the other party saw them, the expression on his face did not fluctuate. He suddenly realized that the other party had already recognized their pedestrian.

It’s just that the other party has no plans for them.

The priests of the tribe did not react. "Ye... Ye Daren is really our tribe..."

After he finished this sentence, the whole person was a little laborious.

And Ye Hao stood on the side, and some of them were overwhelmed by the fact that their people looked at the center of the Icefield tribe.

The tribes of the tribes joined the ice sheet, but every time they saw Ye Haohua teaching them to train, the heart added another knife.

There are more and more people in the ice field, and they also hang on the brand of Icefield City.

The Nanyin tribe next to it is not so smooth. Although some people have broken through to the sixth level, the strength is still not as good as the first-class city.

After going to the first-class city again, I was beaten by the people in the first-class city, and now it is difficult to walk.

Chen Nan and Chu Yin finally had no way to come to the ice field for help.

Far away, I saw the words "ice city".

There is also a defensive trap outside the city of Icefield. They have not yet reached the door and saw a group of people coming.

The ones that are headed are the fennel and the people.

The eyes are bright, "Anise! Anise!"

They also knew that Chen Nan had already wanted to take care of them. They saw that they had been calling, and they could not help but pull the rope and stop in front of them.

Chen Nan saw the very nice cotton clothes on them, and the pupils shrank slightly.

Chen Nan, the eagle, the pipa, and the soldiers who had left the Icefield tribe all saw the fennels and their arms.

The carving has always been guessed that the fen has reached the eighth-level warrior.

Because the seven-level warrior to the nine-level warrior are the same pattern, but the scent of the body is not like a seven-level fighter.

But now...

"Ten...10-level fighters?! Anise, have you reached the tenth level?!" The carving is like a ghost.

Did you see only eight in the first two days? How did it suddenly become ten?

Even if the fennel was nine, it would not become tenth in a few days without seeing it!

"There are clouds and adults, and we are very simple." I looked at them and nodded. "We have to go back to life."

There is no one in the city of Icefield who cares about the Nanyin tribe.

And Chen Nan is also very unbearable for others to see such a gaze, seeing the carvings and the shackles of those people and the color of regret, Chen Nan is going crazy, but he did not speak, just turned and left here.

Back to the Nanyin tribe.

Chu Yin looked at the huge building and looked mad. "How is it possible? No, things should not be like this..."

She grabbed her own head and couldn't believe it. She directly caught a resident of the Ice City. "Are you priests treating you with your own blood? Is it?!"

"What blood, how can we let Ye Dayen be injured," said the people of Bingyuan City as if they were a madman. "Our priests have a powerful ritual power, but the treatment for us is generally a pomelo. The priest Adults are busy teaching the soldiers, where is the time."

After that, the man directly opened the hand of Chu Yin and went straight.

Chu Yin's entire face is a little confused, how could it be like this?

Although Chu Yun is strong, shouldn't it be **** six months ago? How could it still live to the present?

Chu Yin scratched his head. "This world is ridiculous!"

She felt that something was wrong everywhere, but she couldn’t say what was wrong.

Finally, looking at the confused Chen Nan, she is like grabbing the last straw, "Chen Nan, you believe me, you are very smart, you may make a gun in the future, our tribe will become a first-class city. of."

She tried to comfort Chen Nan and was also convincing herself.

But she still couldn't help but look at the ice city, even if Chen Nan could make a gun, but it was a decade later, but now the Ice Age tribe has become a first-class city.

The first time Chu Yin felt that he was wrong, should she not leave the Icefield tribe?

Compared to her, the last regret should be to sculpt these people.

Especially hey, she saw that the grapefruit commanded a powerful seven-level fighter, and those seven-level fighters were so awesome about the pomelo.

At first glance, I know that pomelo has a high status in this city, and even the fennel is very polite to her.

What is the pomelo because of what can go to this point, in fact, do not have to think about it, the first thing that floated in the mind is Ye Haohua.

I thought that when I first rescued Ye Haohua, I took care of each other. It was only at that time that Ye Haohua was still a slave, and it was inevitable that she would marry her.

The first care for Ye Haohua is his own, and the complexity of his current mood can be imagined.

If she did not choose to leave the Icefield tribe at the time, is it now standing in the position of the pomelo?

After Chen Nan and Chu Yin went back, they were committed to the development of the Nanyin tribe. There is a strong ice city here, and they have not developed anything.

The other tribes choose one between the original and the southern sounds, almost no need to think about the brain, but also know that the choice is the ice field tribe.

And what Chen Nan made, what bow and arrow, what paper, what knife, and iron, if there is no Ye Haohua, he may also attract the attention of the first-class city.

But now everything that the ice comes out is dozens of times better than what he has made. Others will only think that he has copied the icefield tribes and has not paid much attention.

The Nanyin tribe has always been the same, and there is no development.

The change in the Icefield City is too great.

The things in the city expanded outward. Ye Haohua had found the cement in the adults, and the house was refurbished. The soldiers also went out to repair a lot of roads to reach the city of Icefield.

A civilized dynasty gradually came.

【Ding! Complete the main line task, the system rewards 4000 points! 】

【Ding! System No. 008 is the host service, 4000 points have been received, leaving the world! 】

Listening to this voice, Ye Haohua's thoughts fell into a darkness.

Woke up again, she felt a little dizzy, and the sun above her head was dizzy.

Ye Yuhua realized that this body is not good and some anemia.

She opened her eyes and looked at the two inside the simple house.

"Going to school? There is still money in the house for her to go to school. The younger brother will go to high school this year. Where can I afford it? Xu is a big family in our village. Xu Cheng is still a college student. Marrying them is a family life of eight years. Fu," the middle-aged woman spoke, and suddenly saw Ye Haohua, the expression on her face was taken for granted. "You just heard it, have you heard it?"

(End of this chapter)

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