Chapter 819 810 rebirth eight zero (2)

Ye Haohua has not answered yet.

Seeing Ye Xinghui's face full of anger, she squinted slightly. Is this sound too big?

However, Ye Xinghui looked at Ye Haohua's confused words and did not know how to describe his expression.

"You haven't told Mom that you don't want to marry? You are only eighteen." Ye Xinghui said, seeing that Ye Haohua did not respond, and finally returned to his room with anger. "It's really stupid, teaches you can't!"

After that, I went back to the room.

At night, Ye Xinghui did not come out. Ye mother and Ye mother squatted for a long while, and finally personally brought the bowl to his room and gave him food.

Ye Yuhua and Ye Xingxue are in a room.

The room for the two was very small, a high and low bed, Ye Haohua slept in the upper bunk, Ye Xingxue slept in the lower bunk, and there were piles of peanuts and rice in the room.

In addition to these are Ye Xingxue's book, there is also a wardrobe, but there is nothing in the closet, most of them are Ye Xingxue's clothes.

Speaking of the clothes that Ye mother gave to Ye Haohua this evening, it was the first time that the original owner wore his own new clothes.

Because Ye Xingxue is a year old, Ye Yihua wears clothes that Ye Xingxue does not want.

Ye Xingxue and Ye Yuhua are girls. In fact, during the Chinese New Year, neither of them had any clothes. Although Ye Xing was better than Ye Xingxue than Ye Haohua, she was not willing to buy clothes for Ye Xingxue.

A dress can not be worn by the leaves, and the mother will buy her a dress.

Ye Yihua is almost as high as Ye Xingxue, and Ye Xingxue is not fit enough, and she does not fit well.

"Second sister, do you know Xu Cheng?" Ye Yuhua closed his eyes and was thinking about going to the village tomorrow to see what happened to Ye Xinghui’s person living in the village courtyard.

The sound of Ye Xingxue sounded in the ear.

Ye Haohua faintly said, "I have never seen it."

Ye Xingxun muttered, "Is it..."

Finally, I was silent and didn't talk anymore.

When she got up early the next morning, Ye Haohua put on the broken skirt with white flowers and blue flowers that Ye mother gave her.

The length of her body is really good-looking, and she does not blame Ye’s idea of ​​always playing the original.

The skin is white, the eyes are big, and the waisted hair is not **** today. He hangs casually on his waist and wears a pair of black cloth shoes on his feet.

It looks like a flower with a dew in the morning.

Seeing Ye Haohua like this, Ye Xingxue couldn't help but pinch it slightly, and then smiled if nothing happened, and the deep eyes flashed a deep meaning.

Ye mother is busy early in the morning.

When I saw Ye Haohua coming out, the bottom of the scene flashed a satisfaction color. Finally, "Xu Cheng, the child I saw the day before yesterday, he is a university student. If you have high academic qualifications, you may return to the city in the future. Development, study medicine, when it is time to go to the city, become a doctor in a large hospital, you will enjoy it later."

Ye mother is very convinced of the beauty of her daughter.

Looking for the town, I can't find someone who looks better than her second daughter.

Ye Xingxue only stood on one side and did not speak.

"Xingxue, don't you review today?" Ye mother looked at Ye Xingxue.

Before Ye Jia was poor, Ye Xingxue and Ye Haohua went to school together. Although she was one year older than Ye Haohua, they were the same grade.

However, Ye Xingxue is smarter than Ye Yuhua. Most of the exams are higher than Ye Yuhua, which is also a favorite place for Ye.

"Swallows went to her grandmother's house today, I am fine." Ye Xingxue smiled.

Ye mother did not care, just anxiously waiting for Xu family to come over.

After half an hour, a young man came over with a grandmother.

"Mr. Xu, you are here," Yemou shined, and immediately ran over and took over. "Xu Cheng is really a talent."

The party said as he walked in.

Xu Cheng wore a white T-shirt, black trousers, and shoes on his feet. It looked like a very successful person, and his face was very handsome.

Ye Haohua glanced at him and his eyes turned to Ye Xingxue. When he saw Ye Xingxue see Xu Cheng, he squeezed his hand.

Ye Haohua has a lot of thoughts and slightly bowed his head.

Xu Cheng saw the two people in the room. When they saw Ye Haohua's face, they also paused. Finally, they saw Ye Xingxue. They should know her and smile at her and nod.

Ye Xing Xue has a happy heart.

Ye mother is also a little surprised, did not think that Ye Xingxue is so familiar with Xu Cheng?

Xu Cheng is a city man, and marrying him later is also good for their future.

"Don't read a book? Why?" Xu Cheng heard the words of Ye mother, and looked up a little strangely. "I will soon take the college entrance examination. Why don't you read it?"

Yem did not have any strange places, she smiled. "Big scorpion, you don't know, we are sly, my brain is stupid, I am a **** in the class, the teacher yells at her every day, I guess that studying is also a waste of money, also It is better not to read her, and then go out with her husband to fight."

The words of Ye mother are very obvious.

In her eyes, what books do girls have to read?

It’s good to have a husband and wife at home. Anyway, her second daughter’s daughter looks so good. Don’t worry about this.

Unexpectedly, Xu Cheng heard this sentence, his face changed a bit, and even Xu’s grandmother’s expression changed a bit.

On the other side, Ye Xingxue whispered slightly.

“Her grade is very poor?” Xu Cheng frowned. “How bad is it? Star snow is not very good? You can talk to me in English.”

Good night, good night, dogs, ah~

(End of this chapter)

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