Chapter 821 821 reborn eight zero (4) two more

Disappointing, Ye mother is of course very disappointing.

In the morning, she was full of confidence in Ye Haohua. She felt that she could be seen by Xu’s family because of Ye Haohua’s appearance, but she never imagined that Xia Hongming would slap Ye Haohua in the dark.

I said that after Ye Haohua’s academic qualifications were too low to match her son, she was said to be angry with Ye, and she said that she could not be angry with Ye Haohua.

I feel that this daughter is really making her lose face.

Fortunately, Ye Xingxue asked her to find some face.

"Okay, don't say it," Ye Xinghui dropped the chopsticks on the table. "Is it annoying all day, and let people not eat?"

"Well, eat and eat," Yem did not have any temper on Ye Xinghui, and poured the fried eggs into his bowl for a long time. "You are now growing up and eating more."

After thinking about it, she divided the remaining eggs into a little bit for Ye Xingxue. The last point she did not eat, but returned to the kitchen and left to return to Ye.

Ye Haohua did not feel anything. There was no pollution in this year. Although the oil was small, the vegetables on the table were all grown by myself. It was very tender.

Although this world is not the original meeting, Ye Haohua suddenly felt that she was more uncomfortable than the original society.

At least the dinosaur meat is eaten in the primitive society.

No money, no cell phone, no car... not even one's own clothes.

Ye Haohua finished the meal and looked at the red paint slogan brushed on the outside wall. For the first time, I really realized the things of this age.

"You really don't want to study?" She was thinking, and suddenly there was a slightly impatient voice in her ear.

Ye Haohua looked up and saw Ye Xinghui.

She did not speak. The original Lord seemed to be such a character at home. She was brainwashed by Yem, and always felt that everything in her family was weighted by her younger brother. Later, the whole family must rely on her younger brother.

Ye Xinghui saw her like this, sulkingly yelling: "Who are you going to lie to? If you don't want to read, how do you still have a high school book in the cabinet? If you want to study, you can say it!"

Opportunities are all won by themselves. Although Ye Xinghui is a rural person, his parents are so fond of him that his character is very violent, and even his parents are embarrassed when he is upset.

Ye Ye Yemu did not feel that there was anything wrong with him. Even two daughters were born. Xia Hong was joked by the people in the village for several years before she gave birth to a baby son. She was proud of it, and she would have this son. What complaints?

It also led to Ye Xinghui's bad temper.

"I have a measure of my own." Ye Haohua was stunned by his shackles.

Ye Xinghui glanced at Ye Haohua, once again said nothing, and immediately turned away and ran out.

Ye Haohua stood behind him and looked at the dirt on his clothes, blinking slightly.


Because these days, busy Ye Qihua married, Ye mother did not have time to manage her many things, in the afternoon went to her mother's family to inquire people.

The people in the village are very kind to Ye Haohua. Although the original master has not many words, but the work is diligent, these neighbors are also in the eye.

Ye Haohua looked for it in the original main room and took two college entrance examination books. I wanted to see what the college entrance examination in this era was.

After Ye Xingxue went out of the Ye mother, she secretly took a small book and went out.

Ye Haohua glanced at it and saw a word on the book. She took back her eyes.

The entrance to the courtyard of the village gate is very tight. Ye Haohua can't see the inside. Naturally, I don't know who lives in it. But the people in the village seem to be very jealous of this compound. When passing by, I can't wait to go around ten. A few meters away.

When Ye Haohua glanced at it and was ready to go back, he suddenly heard a burst of exclamation in the yard.

Although she changed her body, her soul did not change.

When I wear this body, the five senses are much better.

The house in this era was not soundproof. When she heard the sound, she frowned and stood at the door and reached out. The door was easily pushed open.

"Mr. Feast, Mr. Ban, you wake up..." Inside is a yard, planting a lot of flowers of the season, it seems that the variety is very precious, "Quickly call, did Mr. Wu come?"

Talking to a middle-aged man in a military uniform, he was looking at the man who fell to the ground with a look of horror.

A small young man standing beside him took a huge black big brother.

When Ye Haohua saw the first sight of the man who fell to the ground, he knew that he had never guessed wrong.

"Don't shake him." Ye Haohua put his hand in his pocket, like a few silver needles in his trouser pocket.

Stride to them.

If Ye Family or Xu Family is here at this time, they will be amazed, because Ye Haohua at this time is very different from Ye Haohua in their eyes.

In their eyes, Ye Haohua’s words are very incomprehensible. Like other people in the village, they have never seen anything in the world.

However, at this time she was stunned and her tone was unbearable.

The middle-aged man in military uniform stood up and stepped back.

Ye Haohua took out the needle and directly plunged into several men's universities. He put his hand on his veins. The more he looked at the suffocation, the more he said, "Why didn't you have time to cure it? If you tried to rule it at that time, it would not be dragged into today. ""

There are bullets in the legs and on the edge of the heart, but it is very bad to follow the follow-up.

Especially the legs, have left hidden dangers.

Ye Yihua probably knew at a glance that the other party might have been exiled to the area to be injured.

The middle-aged man reacted at this time and he let it go.

Also let a strange little girl come in.

When he heard Ye Haohua's words, he even blinked. When the other party saw it, he knew the illness of Mr. Feast.

It won't be... spoiled?

He was thinking, the people on the ground slowly opened their eyes.

Perhaps because of physical reasons, his face is very white, and his eyes are like obsidian. The edges and corners of his face are very distinct.

Ye Haohua saw that he was awake, and then he twisted his brow and took the needle.

At this time, Zizi Yun saw that there was another person around him, and his eyes could not help but turn to her.

(End of this chapter)

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