Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 823: 823 rebirth eight zero (6) four more

Chapter 823 823 rebirth eight zero (6) four more

When she came back, Ye Haohua had a good meal early.

Today is good, she came back to live with gas, and Ye Haohua has not returned yet.

When they were eating, Ye Haohua and the two men just came back.

After the training, she looked at Ye Xingxue again. Just about to open her mouth, Ye Xingxue said: "Mom, I reviewed the Swallow in the afternoon and talked with Xu Cheng. He will have a college friend from the city to play here tomorrow. Xu Cheng said that he had been studying outside for several years and was not familiar with the situation in the village. Let me help guide and guide."

Upon hearing the friends in the city, Yem’s expression was brightened, and she immediately forgot the things of Ye Xingxue, and let her go in for dinner.

Turning to look at Ye Haohua, his face turned sunny again. "Don't be home all day, you will be lazy. Who will ask you later? You will not do anything at home, but tell your sister. Do you want to study, still study?!"

"Don't you be arguing all day long?" It was at this time that Ye Xinghui, who was sweating, came back and looked at the two irritably.

Seeing Ye Xinghui, Ye mother’s face instantly became gentle. "Son, you are back, fast, just eating."

Ye Xinghui directly skipped Ye Haohua and went to sit on the seat.

"Son, what happened to your clothes, how did you break a hole, so much gray on your body?" Ye and Ye Ye were very concerned about Ye Xinghui.

Ye Xinghui has no expression on his face: "Nothing."

Yem also routinely poured the best bowl of vegetables on the table into his bowl.

Ye Xinghui picked up the chopsticks and just happened to eat. He suddenly looked up. "What about the second sister?"

"What does she eat for the loss of money?" Ye mother sneered, "Don't work all day, and give her something to eat?"

At this time, Ye Haohua had already washed and slid into his room.

She can hear the voice outside, but she does not pay attention to it.

Just took out the bricks in my pocket.

It is a brick, actually a special mobile phone of this era, but this mobile phone is particularly large. This year, the person called it "big brother", one has 800g, because it is too big, so some people call it brick.

There is no game in the world this year. Big Brother has only one function, that is, communication.

And not very secret.

She wants this to be of course not for fun. Ye Haohua mainly wants to see the level of technological development in this era. Then, she wants to change this big brother, I don’t know if there are any parts that she needs.

Ye Haohua climbed to the upper bunk and took the bricks apart to see the parts inside with the faint light.

She is on the upper bunk, actually there is nothing on the bed.

Ye family also knows, so no one cares about what is going on in her shop.

Ye Xingxue was even less concerned. When she came in, she was obviously in a good mood. She also took a small piece and carefully placed the small book she took out into the drawer.

When I let go, suddenly thought of something, Ye Xingxue looked back at Ye Haohua.

It was discovered that Ye Haohua was looking down at something. She did not notice her side, and Ye Xingxue took a sigh of relief.

Early the next morning.

Ye Haohua got up and Ye Xingxue got up early.

She took the toothbrush and went to brush her teeth.

Yem came in the room and his face was beaming. "How do you still wear that old clothes? You didn't see Xu Cheng's classmates driving in the car! It's a car! Fast, put on This dress!"

Said, she took out the skirt she had just given to Ye Haohua yesterday.

Today, the pigeons don’t make up for it, everyone’s good night.

(End of this chapter)

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