Chapter 825 825 rebirth eight zero (8) two more

This is the result of Ye mother’s visit to the village next door yesterday.

Ye Haohua has several villages in Fangyuan. Many people are thinking about it. Xu family can't see it, but it doesn't matter if he finds it a little bit more.

Thousands of yuan at this time has been counted as a big family, after all, pork legs are only eight cents a pound.

If it is true that it is successful, there are dozens of gifts, and the family is not short of money. There are also several large pieces in the house. Ye mother estimates that if he can accompany a sewing machine, he will stay and give Ye Xinghui a dowry. There is something.

She must be tempted to make a fortune in Ye Haohua.

Yem does not feel that she is harming her daughter. She feels that she has chosen a good family for her daughter. "You can rest assured that Mom can still harm you? In the surrounding village, many people want to be added to that family. That family Didn't agree, guess what, the son of the family said that he was on you. You are also lucky, and you will be happy when you come to his home. I don't think about it..."

Ye Haohua squeezed his fingers and his face was very calm. "I don't marry, I have to continue studying."

Yem is helping Ye Haohua to think about the future.

When I heard her, the smile on my face instantly solidified. "What do you say? You have to study? Where do you have money to study for you at home? No, don't even think about it!"

"Oh." Ye Haohua faintly responded, not in mind.

When Yem heard that she was going to leave, she immediately squeezed over to close the door, and picked up the broom around her. In turn, she would pump. "Let you not obey!"

"Mom, what are you doing?" Ye Xinghui heard the voice and cold face.

Yem has always been very precious to this son. When he saw him coming out, he immediately put down the sweep in his hand. "Son, why did you come out so early? Why don't you sleep for a while."

"I ask what are you doing?"

"Not all of her, I found her a thousand yuan household next door. Isn't that good for her? She doesn't marry, she still has to study. This year her tuition has not been paid, and there is money in the family. "Yemu said with a sigh of relief."

"Thousands of households in the next village," Ye Xinghui turned black. "Is that one son who is a fool?"

When he heard Ye Xinghui, Ye Haohua gave him a look.

Yeh's face changed and then sat down on the ground. "Do you blame me? But I am not for you too? You look at where there is money at home now. What do you do with your wife? Your older sister will go to college. Do you want to eat at home, don’t you have money? Just rely on your father’s factory where the salary can be!”

"I will use the money in the future, I will earn it myself," said Ye Xinghui, who returned to the room. After a while, he took a cigarette case and took out a bunch of cigarettes from the cigarette case and took it to Ye Haohua. Paying tuition in the past!"

The tuition fee is only five yuan. If you go to college, you can avoid tuition, but the living expenses and the book fee are necessary.

Ye Haohua did not think that Ye Xinghui actually put a bunch of money for himself.

All are one point two points, there are also a few two paper tickets, paper tickets are very new, should be replaced with change.

Ye mother was also shocked by Ye Xinghui’s move. "Where are you coming from?"

"You don't have to take care of it." Ye Xinghui's irritating hand is very impatient with Ye.

Ye mother was hurt by Ye Xinghui’s move. "Well, the whole family is my fault. You should not eat or wear it in the future. How can I cry so much? Debt collector..."

She sat on the ground and squinted and cried.

Ye Xinghui was annoyed and went straight into his room and closed the door.

Ye Haohua put the money in his pocket.

She was going to go out, but think about it, or she went back to her room and went to the upper bunk to grab a candy.

Then pushed the door of Ye Xinghui.

When I heard someone coming in, Ye Xinghui immediately put down his clothes.

When I saw the head, Ye Haohua, there was nothing good on his face, and he said: "Where are you coming in?"

Ye Haohua had a good eye and saw a large red stamp on his shoulder, but she did not say anything. "Where did you come from?"

"I want you to manage!"

"Then I don't want it." Ye Haohua put the money on the table.

"Do you really want to marry the fool?" Ye Xinghui angered down and looked at Ye Haohua with a look of iron. "Nobody needs you to sacrifice for this family. You don't have to. I ask you, you. Do you really want to go to school or leave?"

Ye Xinghui did not hear the gossip of the family in these two days.

He was very annoyed to hear his heart.

The villagers have a very good sense of Ye Haohua. It is probably that the Ye family is too good. Fortunately, Ye Haohua is obedient.

It’s good to hear something, actually not because she is a buns!

"I have money." Ye Haohua heard this sentence, and my heart is very complicated. Although there is no money now, I will have money soon.

Ye Xinghui heard this sentence, his face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and he directly pushed Ye Haohua out, and then closed the door with a bang!

Annoying, having such a sister is really annoying.

Ye Xinghui did not hear the door leaf outside the door, and turned directly to want to lie in bed.

However, after turning around, I saw a lot of candy on the side of the money, and he stumbled.

Before entering the house, there was no such candy, which was only after Ye Haohua came in.

He looked at the candy and looked at it as a toffee, but he didn't know the name of the toffee written on it. There was only one word, not English. Where did his second sister come from?

However, Ye Xinghui did not see any happy color on his face. He just frowned and sat at the table and grabbed his hair.

After Ye Haohua went out, she looked at her naturally and she didn't have any good looks. The things at home were also slammed by her.

This point Ye Haohua did not care, went directly to the village head, looking for a cloud of tools to start a research and started this mobile phone.

There are not many parts factories in this year. The Chinese people have not invested enough research in this area. It will take some time for the technology to develop rapidly.

Zhai Ziyun was holding a brick and talking to someone who said that he had finished hanging up. Ye Haohua was sitting on the sofa and playing with the parts. He saw the red marks on her hands at a glance. "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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