Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 833: 833 rebirth eight zero (16) one more

Chapter 833 833 rebirth eight zero (16) one more

Wei Hang always knew that Ye Xingxue had a younger sister. He only stayed at Ye Family for a few days. He had never seen this sister.

However, Wei Hang did not care much.

At this time, I heard Ye Xinghui screaming at her sister, and the mysterious Ye Family II girl also opened the door. He was inevitably somewhat curious.

When he first saw Ye Haohua, he did have a slap. The white clothes were very old, and the pants on his body were very old. The black hair of the waist was not **** and hung straight in his waist.

In fact, Ye Xingxue is not bad, otherwise Wei Hang, the young master, will not move his mind, although there are not many sincere elements.

Wei Hang has always known that Ye Xingxue only needs to pack a little, which is also a beautiful beauty in the school.

Unexpectedly, the two sisters are not at all a single level.

The lively dinner table, because her appearance has become stagnant.

Even Cheng Fang’s two girls couldn’t help but look at Ye’s direction.

Ye Haohua read the textbooks in the past few days, and also asked several teachers. The teacher in the class was very surprised by her change.

However, some of the test papers of the previous two years were brought to Ye Haohua.

This year is not like the age when technology is developed. Ye Haohua can also check things online without moving his fingers.

She specially sorted out a set for Lu Pandi.

When Ye Xinghui called her, she also sorted it out.

Hearing Lu Pandi, she didn't think much about it. Putting down the pen, she took her own books and some handwritten contents.

"This is said." Ye Haohua saw Lu Pandi's appearance was not very good, his brow slightly twisted, and then made a look to her, let her go outside.

Lu Pandi had so many people in the family of Ye Ye, and naturally he went outside the door when he heard the words.

"How come you come to me now?" The two stopped at the fence outside the gate, and Ye Haohua asked with a wink.

At this time, Lu Pandi’s mother should not let her go out, let her do some farm work at home?

When I heard Ye Haohua’s words, Lu Pandi looked at the lights of people not far away and whispered. “I just was in the room and heard my mom talking to the matchmaker. My mom is going to marry me before the end of this year, a thirty. Many years old man. Yan Hua, can you lend me your book?"

Ye Haohua was silent when he heard the other party's words.

Lu Pandi is one year younger than her. This year, seventeen, she will be married by her parents without adulthood.

However, Ye Haohua knows that this matter is not strange here. If he is not 17 years old, he will not get a marriage certificate, but in this country, the ceremony is more important than the document.

Which two are married, even if you have a banquet, even if you have a certificate, you will not recognize the banquet.

"This is for you." Ye Haohua put all the books in the hands of Lu Pan.

She probably knows that Lu Pandi is going to take the college entrance examination and leave here. If she is Lu Pandi, she will choose this.

"Thank you, Yan Hua, if I can go out..." Lu Pandi whispered, "I can't leave too long."

After she finished, she immediately turned and left.

After waiting for many days, Lu Pandi turned to the notebook that Ye Haohua gave her, and then turned inside and put a bunch of change.

Ye Haohua watched Lu Pandi leave his sight, only irritatedly grabbed a handful of hair and stopped at the door for a long while before turning around and entering the door of Yejia.

When she entered, Ye Jia had already recovered the heat of the past.

Ye mother saw Ye Haohua's eyes not going to the room, and she didn't even look at her side. She couldn't help but put down the chopsticks. "Two girls, why are you so rude? You don't have a guest at home? Wei Hang, he still makes big. Shantou brought you clothes. Wei Hang, Jiang Heng, and Cheng Fang, I am really embarrassed, our family's second girl is a stuffy gourd from childhood, not sensible, don't be surprised."

Wei Hang’s eyes were placed on Ye Haohua’s body, and the smile was very mild. “Nothing, after all, we are bothering the second sister, right?”

When Ye Haohua heard the words of the second sister, she couldn’t help but have a headache.

She looked at Wei Hang with a slight look, her eyes were cold, and then she entered the house and slammed the door.

Wei Hang stunned, and then did not know why he suddenly smiled.

Jiang Heng saw this, twisted his eyebrows and saw Wei Hang, but did not say anything.

Ye Xingxue is now in the hands of this big brother, and there is no difference in the atmosphere.

After a meal, Wei Hang and Jiang Heng and his party sent Cheng Fang these two girls back to Xu, and they did not come back immediately.

Yem will hand over the garbage from the table to Ye Father to clean up, and he and Xiao Xiao came to their room with Ye Xingxue.

"Big girl, let me see this big brother." Yem and her little eyes have not moved away from the big brother, when they talked, they were a little cautious.

Ye mother never used such a tone to Ye Xingxue.

Ye Xingxue also felt it in the past few days. Ye mother’s attitude towards herself is getting better and better, although she still can’t keep up with Ye Xinghui’s attitude.

However, I was treated with such an attitude, and Ye Xingxue looked at herself with such a look before she was very useful.

Ye Xingxue handed the phone to two people who wanted to wear it.

Yem and Otaru saw Big Brother for the first time. The two were careful, and they were afraid to drop the big brother. "Son, come and see your big sister's big brother."

Seeing Ye Xinghui walking outside, Ye mother immediately opened.

However, Ye Xinghui just looked at it calmly and returned to the room.

Xiao Yan didn't pay attention to Ye Xinghui's situation. He just looked at Ye Xingxue with his mobile phone and his eyes. "The Wei Hangjia is definitely not an ordinary person. Sister, your family may have a good time."

Be sure to deal with Ye Xingxue well. The relationship between the pomelo leaf and the snow is still not good for them.

This point, even if Xiaoxiao does not say, Ye mother and Ye Xingxue also know.

Can you just come up with a big brother, can you be an ordinary person?

Although Ye Xingxue was excited, but there was still a state of indifference on the face, she handed the big brother to Ye Haohua. "Two sisters, you have never seen a big brother, let me see you?"

(End of this chapter)

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