Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 835: 835 rebirth eight zero (18) three more

Chapter 835 835 Rebirth Eighty (18) Three More

Ye Haohua is thinking that Ye Xingxue and his relatives will not finish one or two sentences, and they are prepared to avoid it.

I did not expect to hear the voice of Ye Xinghui.

She looked at Ye Xinghui strangely.

"Don't test well, Mom will marry you again." Ye Xinghui is still ridiculous.

However, Ye Haohua still remembers that the child had to bear the burden of selling a penny and a popsicle with his little friend in order to earn his own tuition.

She smiled. "You can rest assured."

Accustomed to Ye Haohua's indifference, this is the first time Ye Haohua laughed at himself. Ye Xinghui did not think of it at all. He stunned and finally turned directly into the house. "Nervous disease!"

Some look like they are fleeing.

Ye Xiaohua smiled and then turned to go to the cloud.

Chen Song’s attitude toward Ye Haohua has now turned 180 degrees, especially after seeing Ye Haohua’s mobile phone for Yan Ziyun.

In the past, he was very respectful to Ye Haohua on the face of Scorpion Cloud, but now it is from the heart that Ye Haohua is so respectful.

"Today you give you the last shot," Ye Haohua unplugged the needle from the scorpion cloud. "Your injury should be all good, when are you going to go back?"

"A month after the results come out." Yan Ziyun also thought of Ye Haohua's situation.

After half a month, the results will be released. One month later, before the start of the school, if you go to the magical capital, Ye family will definitely not say anything.

Ye Haohua nodded.

On the one hand, Chen Song listened to the two of you, and I didn’t actually listen to it. I only heard the first half of Ye Yuhua’s first sentence, and my eyes were red. “Ye... Miss Ye, you said that Mr. Ban’s injury is good. Already?"

"Yeah?" Ye Haohua looked at Chen Song with a slight look. "No, what are you crying?"

The injury of Zhai Ziyun was really difficult to rule in this era. The old Mr. Wu is the best person in the flower country so far, but he can only stabilize the condition of Zhai Ziyun.

Chen Song did not think that this young girl could really cure the cloud.

He didn't say anything else, but he slammed it toward Ye Haohua.

Ye Haohua wants to reach out and stop him, but he is stopped by Zhai Ziyun. "Let him yell, and he will feel a little more comfortable in his heart."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Haohua did not say anything.

Chen Song Li Ma took the phone in the living room, went to call the old man, and while he was happy, he cried.

The young soldier who soon watched the door also knew that looking at Ye Haohua’s eyes was like a savior. He was surrounded by Ye Haohua. At this time, the leaves were inevitably a little embarrassing.

She then leaves no leaves and left directly.

After half a month, the college entrance examination results came out.

There are not many children who participate in the college entrance examination this year. In addition, Ye Haohua and Ye Xingxue are also five or six.

Before the news came out of the school, Ye mother was sitting on the bench and sitting outside. Ye Xingxue’s current performance is very important. It is about whether she can go to the city to see Wei Hang.

Xiao Yan and Xu Jia’s Xia Hong are all sitting on the small bench in front of Ye’s door.

The school has not sent people yet, and there is no phone call from the village head. It is inevitable that the group will be anxious.

"How come you come back now, where did you go?" Seeing Ye Haohua not in a hurry, Ye mother could not help but give her a look.

"Go look for the younger brother." Ye Haohua answered slowly.

Xia Hong saw Ye Haohua, and it was inevitable to think of the matter that Ye Jia had put his mind on his son before. "Speaking, my son found a girlfriend. The family is a magical capital. It is a college student. Look."

Speaking of this, the people around him went to gossip, saying that his son was arrogant and found a wife in the city.

Still a college sound, very cultural.

This sentence made Ye mother unhappy. The village did not know that she had introduced Ye Haohua to Xu Cheng before, but Xu Cheng could not see it.

At the moment, Xia Hong said so, he also specifically mentioned that he is a college student, but is it to bury Ye Haohua?

Ye mother's heart is not happy, but he can't refute anything. He can only secretly confess that Ye Haohua does not live up to expectations.

I licked a melon seed. When I heard this sentence, I couldn’t help but think of one thing. I laughed. "Yes, sister, you know what you are doing?"

"She wants a college entrance examination. If she has enough money at home, she will let her take the college entrance examination. If she can get a test, then it is better for female college students than for high school students."

Upon hearing this sentence, Xia Hong took a look at Ye Yuhua. "How do I listen to my son? I don’t think that the performance of Yanhua is not so good. It’s not easy to go to college this year. Let’s find a husband’s family soon. If you are older, no one will be. wanted."

Ye mother was again angry with this sentence.

However, Xiao Yan still remembers that the last time Ye Haohua did not give her face, the blind date did not go, this time also opened, "Don't say, the son of the thousand yuan household in the village, now has a relative with other girls, Fang Yuan Ten miles can no longer find someone better than him. I said, sister, you have to find one, it’s not Xingxue, it’s still so picky, people don’t take it away, you’re not good, it’s good.”

These women in the countryside can’t break their mouths.

After talking about the group, everyone laughed.

Ye Haohua did not change and entered the hall of Ye Family under the watchful eye of a group of people.

It was at this time that there was a bang in the distance.

"Hey, isn't that the school's principal?" Seeing the man riding on the bicycle and riding here quickly, the woman in the village recognized it at a glance. "How did he ride a bicycle?"

Xiao Yan shot the thigh, "Sister, go to the cup of tea and let the principal rest for a while, it must be that your family star snow is very good, the principal personally came to report it!"

Ye mother also thought of this possibility, and went back and poured a cup of tea out.

She didn't think that the principal would come in person, and the stool was hurriedly stumbled.

After the teacher came out, the principal’s bicycle was parked in front of her. “President, you drink tea.”

Yem mother immediately gave the tea to the principal, then squinted at the principal, and the joy on her face could not be concealed. "President, how is our star snow? How can we get on s?"

(End of this chapter)

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