Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 837: 837 rebirth eight zero (20) one more

Chapter 837 837 Rebirth Eighty (20) One More

"What? Wei Hang is coming to pick you up?" Ye Family is a surprise again and again.

When Weihang’s group left, there were still many people in the village who were gossip, and Ye’s heart was more or less uneasy.

Now I heard Ye Xingxue’s words and finally let go of my heart.

"Yeah, but he will mention that he will come over that month when I am at school." Ye Xingxue put the big brother in his pocket at the table and saw relatives and Yem, their eyes finally turned to themselves. I smiled and looked at Ye Haohua.

Yem is now very proud of these two daughters. "Yes, it’s a family. I will also take care of it in the future."

Ye Haohua heard this, there is no change in his face, just raised his head slightly. "No, I go."

This sentence makes most of the Ye family do not understand, especially the small family of Ye family.

"Two hoes, there are cars, you don't sit, why do you want to go by yourself?" Xiaoxuan did not understand Ye Haohua's behavior very much like Ye Haohua. Her eyes were envious. "How many people want to go to the car?" No chance."

People in the village don't say that they are sitting in this kind of car. It is not easy to see a car in the village this year.

Ye Haohua did not say anything more. She also reminded Ye Xingxue before, but Ye Xingxue looked alert and she was too lazy to say.

"I will go on my own." After she finished the meal, she reiterated it again, then put down the chopsticks and bid farewell to the elders at the dinner table, and then she entered the room herself.

There were a lot of people at the dinner table. I heard Ye Haohua’s words, but there was no reaction.

Nor is there any opinion about Ye Haohua's words, but not dare to say anything.

Some people are secretly guilty, why do they always feel that Ye Haohua has changed a bit? She said so, no one dared to refute a whole table.

I don't know when to start anyway, and it seems like they are waiting until they realize it.

Ye Haohua returned to the room. She hasn’t heard Lu Pandi’s news yet. In the afternoon, she went to Lu Pan’s side. The Lujia family’s door was locked and she didn’t know where the family was. .

This is not good at this time, not the era of information globalization.

She sat on the table beside the bed, holding a pen and drawing something on the paper.

The door was knocked, and she did not lift her head and said that she came in.

The person knocking at the door is Ye Xinghui. From the results to the present, I have not said anything to her.

Perhaps because of Ye’s father’s eccentric relationship, Ye’s relationship with the three sisters is very cold, and there are not many words on weekdays.

"You have done a good job." Ye Xinghui stood at the door and did not come in, just looking at Ye Yuhua's complicated statement.

He once thought that Ye Jiaye was the most worrying one. No one needed her to do anything, but she wanted to make her own smart sacrifice.

This made Ye Xinghui very annoyed, and heard the gossip of the village people, which was enough to let Ye Xinghui burst into flames.

Ye Haohua stopped at the tip of the pen. "I said that my grades are good."

Of course, Ye Haohua said it.

At that time, her grades were recognized as poor. Ye Xinghui did not sleep one night before her college entrance examination. At that time, she listened to Ye Haohua’s "good test" and "good grades". He thought it was comfort.

But who can think of her, it is okay to test a provincial champion.

That means everyone except her is not good at it.

Ye Haohua’s feelings for Ye Xinghui are also very weak, and may not have been as good for Lu Pandi, but she thought about it and went to the corner of the desk.

"The half is what I left for the school. Let's take a few books to learn." She pulled out a pile of books from the corner of the table and handed it to Ye Xinghui.

Ye Xinghui finally left the room of Ye Haohua in the book, and the face was very complicated.

A month later, Wei Hang finally came.

Ye Xingxue knows that he is about 10 o'clock in the morning, so everyone is dressed very nice, and at 7 o'clock, he is waiting for the only road in the village.

At eight o'clock, a line of three teams drove in front of them.

The head is a military green car with a national flag on both sides of the car. The middle is a black car. It doesn't look cheaper than the last time they were driven by Jiang Heng.

Only the window of the black car in the middle is closed, and the inside is not visible from the outside.

The last one is also a military green car with a national flag.

This time, he saw it very clearly. The military green driver's seat and the front passenger seat were all sitting. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they see the person hanging on the passenger seat. gun.

The Ye family did not take a step back.

The head immediately went down and didn't dare to look at the three cars.

Even if they were stupid, they realized at the moment that the car sitting in the middle of the car should be a big man.

The biggest person they have seen so far is probably the party of Jiang Heng, but the group is just rich.

At the moment, the person escorted by two military vehicles, Ye Xingxue and Ye mother, they know that this is not simply described as having money.

When the three cars left the line of sight, Ye Xingxue looked up and slowly breathed a sigh of relief. "Just, that should be in the courtyard of the village. I don't know who it is..."

"Hey, don't say more," Ye Fan immediately whispered. "Where is this kind of person we can talk about, we should not see it."

Ye Xingxue just sighed. People who can meet Wei Hang in this life are lucky enough. Where can she dare to think about other things.

At 10:30, the group finally waited for Wei Hang.

This time he did not bring the two girls, he came with Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng went straight to the big house.

Wei Heng did not pass, and Ye Xingxue, who saw this scene, was shocked. She really did not think that Jiang Heng knew the people in the big yard.

Ye Xingxue’s heart leaps and ecstasy, as if they realized that the two people they knew were not very simple.

But soon calm down, don't leave your hair with your hands, "Wei Hang, do you know who lives here? Jiang Heng, he knows?"

(End of this chapter)

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