Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 839: 839 rebirth eight zero (22) three more

Chapter 839 839 Rebirth Eighty (22) Three More

Ye Xingxue is also a glimpse. She has not seen Ye Haohua for four months. She didn't know what Ye Qihua had admitted to the department, and she was also very big. When she first came to the Magic Capital, Jiang Heng and Wei Hang had both sought Ye Haohua.

However, they have not found it. Ye Xingxue almost forgot the fact that Ye Haohua was also in the magic capital. He did not expect to see it at this time.

Especially in the cold weather, the other party did not wear a few pieces, and the body seems to be just a very simple sports jacket.

In fact, after the devil, Ye Xingxue knew that he was just a frog at the bottom of the well.

Almost all of them are locals. Many girls wear new clothes and new dresses, and they have a pair of leather shoes on their feet.

Let Ye Xingxue feel a huge gap, especially around Wei Hang. Every female friend of Wei Hang, who wears and even eats, mostly comes abroad.

Ye Xingxue felt like an ugly duckling.

In addition, because Wei Hang likes to hook up with the school flower of the freshman recently, Ye Xingxue is very uncomfortable, but now she sees Ye Haohua, she suddenly has a sense of balance.

"Second sister, how come you are here alone?" Seeing Ye Haohua sitting in the passenger seat, Ye Xingxue took the arms of Wei Hang, and he wore his very nice woolen coat and smiled. "How are you?" Without your sister, look at what you are doing now."

Ye Haohua leaned back on the back of the chair and closed his eyes slightly, faintly speaking a place.

Ignore any one person, it is even more cold than when I saw it in the country.

Jiang Heng was driving and couldn’t help but look at Ye Haohua. He really had never seen someone like Ye Haohua.

Weihang, who was in the back seat, was watching the mobile phone. He also stunned after seeing Ye Haohua coming up. He had almost forgotten Ye Haohua in the past four months. He did not expect to see it here.

In the rear seat, you can only see the side of the other side's delicate white face, and you can see that there is no rubbing powder.

But bigger than s, nowadays, those flower school flowers don’t know where to go.

Wei Hang opened his mouth and just wanted to say something. At this moment, he suddenly slammed!

The car was slammed from behind and the four people in the car slammed. Jiang Heng’s hand slipped and almost hit the car in front of the road.

"Ah--" Ye Xingxue was so scared that he couldn't help but scream.

"It's them!" Jiang Heng looked at the mirror behind his eyes, and his brow tightened tightly. "Wei Hang, call me Xiaoyan!"

"It's too late," Wei Hang looked back at the back, then spoke. "Give me a drive, you can't get rid of those people, Ye Er sister, you let me go to the front."

Ye Xingxue also turned back and saw several cars in the back, afraid of shaking all over the body, and could not speak.

"No, your left hand fracture has not fully recovered, can't open." Jiang Heng did not want to refuse.

His driving technology is not as good as Wei Hang, but it is not a way to let Wei Hang open.

Wei Hang did not listen, the situation was urgent, "Ye Yihua, you first come to the back..."

Then Ye Yuhua’s eyes closed and seemed to fall asleep, and did not respond to her.


Another sound, the car was hit on the road and even had some drift.

Ye Haohua finally opened her eyes. She saw the situation behind her from the rearview mirror, but there was no panic on her face.

Just pinching his fingers and taking over the steering wheel on Jiang Heng’s hand, faintly glanced at the situation behind him, and said indifference: “Go to the back.”

This year's car was not small, Jiang Heng did not know why he turned and went behind.

Ye Haohua sat in the driver's seat, and there was no expression on his face. Before he stepped on the gas pedal, the words of the wind and the light cloud were light, "help."

The three people in the car have not reacted yet.

The car suddenly galloped out.

"Ye Yuhua, you are crazy, the front is a corner, fast deceleration! Slow down!" Ye Xingxue, who was sitting behind the car, had never seen Ye Haohua driving. At this time she was really scared.

Seeing that Ye Haohua did not slow down, her face was whiter and she even closed her eyes.

However, Jiang Heng and Wei Hang both looked at Ye Haohua intently. At first they were naturally afraid, especially Wei Hang. This speed, even at the peak of his hand, did not dare to open like this.

However, the woman sitting in the driver's seat, shifting gears, stepping on the gas pedal, drifting, changing lanes, they can even hear the harsh sound of the tires on the ground.

The car passed the curve one after another.

The car that originally chased them did not slow down one after another when they were over a corner.

When it was determined that no car continued to chase the ground, Ye Haohua slowed down and put one hand on the steering wheel, and casually knocked the steering wheel.

The car quickly drove to where she was going. She had already seen Lu Pandi standing on the street. She turned her head and glanced at Jiang Heng. She said slowly: "Thank you."

Then take out a banknote from your pocket as a fare.

The tone is not shocking, it seems that just to everything for her is just to eat and drink.

The three people in the car are still stunned.

Wei Hang realized that she was going to leave, and immediately pushed the door open, trying to stop Ye Haohua, but did not see her figure in the crowd.

From the beginning to the end she told two things.

First, let Jiang Heng go to the rear compartment and sit down. Second, let them help the car.

Then they came out so inexplicably, Wei Hang looked stunned, and the way the other side lazily drifted over the corner was still in front of him.

After seeing Lu Pandi, Ye Haohua grabbed her to a small stall and asked her about the situation for a few months.

Only then did I know that Lu Pandi had escaped and is now working in the Magic, ready to take the college entrance examination next year.

She did not plan to go back in the New Year, so that Ye Haohua helped her with 20 yuan to go back to Lu.

Ye Haohua took over the money and let her have trouble finding her. Because she was carrying out the task, she sent him a text message to buy the train ticket for her home.

Because of the laboratory, Ye Haohua went home a lot later than others, but when she came back, Ye Xingxue had not returned yet.

"Hey Hua, are you looking for a boyfriend?" Xia Hong followed a young woman. When she saw Ye Haohua returning, she couldn't help but smile.

(End of this chapter)

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