Chapter 842 842 Rebirth Eighty (End)

Ye Yuhua still slept in the bed. After opening his eyes, Ye Xingxue of the lower bunk felt his movements and opened his eyes. He slowly took his clothes and sat up.

Seeing Ye Haohua's light face, Ye Xingxue put the cotton jacket on it and silently opened the quilt.

When Ye Haohua put on his shoes and laced his shoes, Ye Xingxue suddenly spoke. "You must be laughing at me in your heart?"

"What?" Ye Yuhua determined that she was talking to herself and could not help but look up at her.

"Mocking at me is not self-sufficient, I want to be a great lady." Ye Xingxue clenched his fist.

Ye Haohua heard this, could not help but look at her, did not say a word, the face expression is similar to the past, nothing changes.

Seeing her like this, Ye Xingxue sat in bed for half a minute, then went out to put on her shoes without saying a word, and came out behind Ye Haohua.

When Ye Haohua came out, he met Ye Ye, the father of the soul.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you?" Ye Xingxue saw the expression of the two people a little strange, whispered, "Is it Mrs. Wei..."

"No, two girls," Ye Father should be frightened, and you can't say a word for a long while.

Yem saw that he was so anxious and immediately took the words. "Two hoes, you tell me honestly, who is that person?"

God knows that when they both got up and opened the door, they heard the impact of the uncle who was obviously extraordinary when they called the uncle and aunt.

In particular, a military vehicle was parked outside the gate, and the car was not comparable to Weihang’s car at first glance.

At the beginning, Ye mother thought that he came to Ye Xingxue. After all, in their cognition, only Ye Xingxue could recognize such a person. What he never imagined was that the other party actually came to Ye Haohua.

Ye Haohua naturally saw a hand in his pocket, standing in the doorway of the scorpion cloud.

It should be known that she has gotten up and naturally turned to look at her. "Good morning."

"Well, he should introduce himself." Ye Haohua realized that it was a joke of his own last night that spurred him to come and couldn't help but turn to look at Ye.

"Oh, oh, yes." Yem nodded quickly.

Ye Yuhua said a few words, watching Ye mother re-inject a cup of hot tea to Yanziyun, she went to the kitchen to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Ye Xingxue stayed in the city for so long, and also had an understanding of those high-end products.

The mobile phone that Scorpion Cloud holds on hand, as well as the watch on his wrist, all show great value.

After she stunned, she reacted and immediately went to the kitchen with Ye Haohua.

"You said to me at the beginning, you still don't find a rich man now?" Ye Xingxue looked at Ye Haohua, and he didn't know what it was, just mocking the opening. "He still has Wei Hang's intentions, even one piece. Clothes are reluctant to buy you."

"What do you think about how you love it." Ye Haohua brushed his teeth, washed his face with cold water, and spoke lazily. "However, we are different."

Ye Xingxue stood in the same place and watched Ye Haohua leave, and his heart was not ridiculous.

What is different?

When the family was preparing for breakfast, Wei Hang’s mother and son just woke up.

Mrs. Wei did not adapt to the rural environment. She did not fall asleep at night, and she was stupid for a while in the morning.

When she came out, she didn't look at the people on the table. She said with a calm face: "Ye Yihua, I will give you two thousand pieces, and there is a big brother, so you are satisfied..."

Mrs. Wei had thought about it last night, and Ye Ye’s mother saw it as a greedy person.

As for Ye Yuhua, she also noticed the dress of the other party, the clothes are not new, and she is also attending school in the city. Can the children of the school in the s city have several comparisons?

A mobile phone may not be able to afford it in her life. After thinking about it for a night, Weimu finally decided to take out the mobile phone, solve the problem as soon as possible, and leave here early. This broken place, she really has enough. However, she did not finish the sentence, and she saw the man coming from the kitchen facing her face.

"Children... son cloud?" Wei Mutian is not afraid of fear, the only person who is afraid is her younger brother of 20 years old.

It can be said that the people in the entire circle are not afraid of the youngest son of the banquet.

Killing Weimu will not want to, she will see her younger brother here.

Zhai Ziyun should have known Wei mother here, and there is no surprise on his face. He just took two bowls of porridge and placed a bowl next to Ye Haohua.

"This is my sister." Then I will introduce it casually.

Ye Haohua took the chopsticks and heard the words of the scorpion cloud. "Hello, sister."

Wei Mu: "..."

It was at this time that the cell phone in Ye Xiaohua’s pocket rang and broke the unusually quiet hall.

Ye Haohua touched the pocket of the old cotton jacket. When it looked like an electric man, he looked serious and walked out again. "Grandpa grandfather... Yes, come to my house, don't come, don't come, wait until the end of the year, I am going to s downtown to find you..."

Wei Mu pinched the big brother who had been eliminated by the society and fell into a strange silence.

Ye Haohua’s hand also shocked the other people on the table. Ye Yeye’s father was picked up. No one thought of her in the cotton-padded jacket.

Wei Mu silently broke the big brother into his arms, and then reacted to Ye Haohua just called the grandfather.

She is somewhat unbelievably looking at Yunziyun, "Ziyun, Dad, Dad?"

How did the father accept a rural daughter-in-law?

After the Wei family knew about Wei Hang’s incident, he almost didn’t give up.

"He already knew it," Yanziyun glanced at her faintly. "And, she is a c1 person, don't give her a mess in the future, lest you be jokes by c1 people."


Wei Mu and Wei Hang looked at each other and thought that when they used two thousand pieces of big brother, Ye Haohua, the face rose red.

In the morning, the snow stopped, and Wei Hang did not leave his face. The snow stopped and left.

Xia Hong took Xu Cheng’s girlfriend to the town, and also specially swayed in front of Yejiamen. She saw the car parked at the entrance of Yejia, and stunned. "Xunzi, Xingxue’s boyfriend is coming? ”

(End of this chapter)

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