Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 848: 848 superstar big bang (6) three more

Chapter 848 848 Superstar Big Bang (6) Three More

The group once again went to the old grandfather's family who had just gone to the ink film emperor.

The grandfather saw Joe and he smiled. "You have to borrow a fishing net, of course."

Said to turn back and took a fishing net and handed it to Joe.

This time, 666 is brushed on the barrage of each live room.

The group said with a smile and returned to the fish pond to start fishing.

Joe has been used, and also showed the ink film emperor how to fish.

After the demonstration, she and Lin Ze played again, and everyone else subconsciously ignored Ye Haohua, as if she was a set decoration.

In the first ink, I saw that the camera was not on her side, the brow wrinkled slightly invisible, and then walked over to her. "Let's go fishing?"

Ye Haohua saw the shoes he had taken off, and the trousers that he had pulled up. "You can't catch the fish, and the clothes are dirty and it is difficult to wash."

When she came, Ye Haohua saw it in the yard. There was no running water. There was only one well, but the slab was covered with a slate brick.

[Oh, what is difficult to wash, I think it is artificial, is it afraid of dirty? Look at the long Lin Ze acting Bai Hao, which one is not taking off the shoes? 】

[Good work, don’t play this reality show if you can’t afford it. 】

When Mochu heard her words, he turned his head and glanced at the water, almost leaving a pile of mud ponds, and then looking at the white clothes on Ye Yuhua.

"It's really dirty, you don't want to go down," Mochu nodded. "They haven't caught the fish until now. It may not be easy to catch. I will go down and see."

As Ye Yuhua expected, they had been working in the cement for nearly an hour and did not catch a fish.

Only Joe’s group caught a fish 20 centimeters tall, and her live barrage was blown up.

"The fish is fine here," the first man came up in the mud, and the person with the lens followed him up. He stepped on the mud for an hour, and his energy had already been used up. "I obviously saw a big fish." It will not enter the net."

"You want to eat fish?" Ye Haohua has been standing on the shore, but the live broadcast will also switch to her lens, there is no way, the value is too high.

"Hungry." In the beginning of the ink, the eye was on the only fish in the group.

"Ink Shadow Emperor, do we have a bowl of fish soup at night?" Lin Zeyan saw the eyes of the first ink, smiled a bit, and saw the heat of the live broadcast, the heart made his decision more certain, "or let the long Tell you the secret of catching fish."

"Yeah, long," Bai Hao also came up with nothing. He saw the fish in Lin Ze’s performance and swallowed it with exaggeration. "It’s all in the water. Why did you catch the fish?"

"This requires skill, Ze Yan will have a little fishing, and I have a little skill myself." Joe knows that all the light in the live room is on his own, so he smiled. "I will tell you slowly."

Listening to her voice, the others immediately looked at it and saw what experience is needed for fishing.

Bai Hao carefully took notes. "You said, let's listen."

At the beginning of the ink, I also took notes. Ye Haohua picked up a long plastic boot and looked at the ink, "How many?"

Ink at the beginning of the text, "Ah?"

Ye Yuhua folded a pointed branch at the water's edge, leaning his head and carrying it. "I ask you, how many fish?"

(End of this chapter)

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