Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 852: 852 superstar big bang (10) three more

Chapter 852 852 Superstar Big Bang (10) Three More

The black powder on the barrage also began to sneer, [I really doubt Lin Ze’s vision before the show, what else does Ye Yihua have in addition to a face? Some people look good again, and they can't cover the fact that she is just a vase. It's still raining. She wants to talk about the topic and find a better reason. Do you think it looks like it is going to rain? People who have no brains always have no brains. 】

On the other hand, Xu Sister had a sigh of relief when she saw more and more passers-by in the live broadcast.

I did not expect this time, Ye Haohua actually pulled out this sentence.

In fact, she also thinks that Ye Haohua is stupid. The sun in the sky is hanging well. There is no dark cloud or wind. Where is the rain?

The people on the field looked at Ye Haohua's eyes somewhat strange.

Only the beginning of the ink is not doubtful at all, just looking at Ye Haohua with excitement. "Yes? Is it raining now? Is it going to rain, after 15 minutes?"

If this is her feng shui world, even the apprentices in Feng Shui can estimate the time of rain.

It seems that this world culture is also lost.

Thinking of this, Ye Haohua couldn't help but sigh. "Physics and geography don't learn well. This is actually convective rain. Actually, don't look at other things. Many natural scene machines can't be detected. For these descriptions, Yijing There are very detailed descriptions. People who knew a torrential rain a thousand years ago, of course, few of them are now available."

She said as she recited the paragraph.

Today, up to now, this is the most talked about by Ye Yuhua. Before, she was concise.

The sound of the mermaid is unique, and it sounds very enjoyable.

Before she rarely talked, other people couldn't feel it. Now she explained it carefully and carefully. Not only the people on the scene, but also the audience watching the live broadcast could not help but be attracted by her voice.

Just as she finished, there was a slamming sound outside the shed.

The rain is very big.

The photographer standing outside the shed immediately drilled into the shed and then looked at Ye Haohua in amazement.

The director and the agent of Mo Chuwen did not say anything at all, but simply silently put away the words of opposition.

The audience in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

Some people searched the Internet for some of the embarrassing words that Ye Haohua said, and found that those are really easy to pass, but they are too embarrassing, unless they specialize in literature.

Otherwise, few people will go to see this.

There is a big opening that specializes in the study of literature.

[I have read these books, but let me open my mouth and I can't do it. I am a graduate student in the history of literature at Beijing University. 】

[666, if such a person is illiterate, I don't think I have to live. 】

[Oh, just a coincidence. 】

Ye Haohua's live broadcast room began to quarrel again, but the popularity is gradually rising, apparently has surpassed Joe.

It became the first again.

Because the people who came in are still waiting, waiting for Ye Haohua's next prediction will be fulfilled, that is, the rain will stop in fifteen minutes.

These people who watched the live broadcast were very accurate. Just Ye Haohua said that he would wait for fifteen minutes to go.

The live room was noisy and there was no influence on Ye Haohua. She was sitting on the side and chatting with someone.

On the one hand, Xu Jie saw Ye Haohua’s treatment of the first ink, so she really felt that Ye Haohua was crazy.

But now it’s live, she can’t remind me.

After a while, the rain stopped.

The director subconsciously looked at the time and slammed his eyes.

"What's wrong?" The assistant director on the side asked him.

The director pointed to the watch on his wrist and could hardly believe his eyes. "Five minutes."

I can estimate when it rains, and I can accurately calculate when the rain stops. The director is also very clear. At that time, Ye Haohua was definitely not talking about it.

But, who is it, can even the most strange weather be predicted so accurately?

The directors are used to the big winds and can hold themselves.

The people in Ye Weihua’s live room couldn’t help it.

[Come on, those who say that the script is over, others can have scripts, can the crew still order when the rain will rain when? 】

[I have some doubts about online rumors now, this lady sister is pink! 】

[6666, almost 6 turned over, can Miss Sister predict what I will take off afterwards? 】

[I will write big characters, I will catch fish, my strength is still very big, I can predict now, Ye Dazhao, what else are you not going to? 】

[Is it too much? 】

Anyway, there are always some words of sunspots on the barrage.

Ye Haohua’s live broadcasts broke through 20 million and came to the first place.

And Joe's leisure time in their live broadcast gradually declined, less than 20 million into the second.

For these Ye Haohua did not care, wait for the rain to stop, a line of talent began to enter the mountains.

Just taking a rain, although the time is short, but the rain is very big, there are some big and small mud pits on the ground, not very good.

The director group put some ingredients in the box of the red flag. Some of these boxes are hateful, some are deep, some are still hung in the tall tree, and it is difficult to get it.

When Ye Haohua went down, Joe’s group of people was just down.

"Fortunately, the good guys, we met two villagers borrowed two umbrellas." Bai Hao's cp sighed, and finally realized that Bai Hao said that the effect is good, "have not seen for so long." They came to the ink-screen emperor, don't know how they are?"

Even because of the borrowed umbrella, the girls were still drenched in rain, and they first planned to go back and change clothes, and then come up.

"Ink empire may be hiding from the rain," Lin Ze played very happy as long as he didn't go with Ye Haohua. "But the villagers don't like them. They don't get an umbrella. If it rains later, they will It’s uncomfortable.”

A group of people are talking, this pedestrian hit the face of Ye Haohua and the first ink.

(End of this chapter)

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