Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 861: 861 superstar big bang (19) four more

Chapter 861 861 Superstar Big Bang (19) Four

"Impossible, my mother-in-law can swallow the worms in his body, no problem at all!" Joe had a bad face, and immediately followed the man.

Photography followed him behind him.

The director rented the village this time. The people in the village did not have this change before, so the director began to have some doubts about whether they were outsiders.

And if the show is really dead, it must stop broadcasting.

He looked at Ye Haohua with some requests.

Ye Haohua’s attitude towards this village is totally unlovable. Look at the director’s appearance, or go.

[It still depends on me, Ye Dazhen, but I don’t like that family. I want Ye Tao, I am not willing to show them. 】

[After all, it’s a child, are you too embarrassed? 】

[Do not be morally kidnapped, you have just not seen in Joe's live broadcast, people are kindly suggesting that they go to Ye Dazhao, the family does not look at it, plain and plain disdain, I am still stunned today, why are you hot? Faces people cold ass? ! 】

Everything on the live broadcast, Xu Jie is not as awkward as it was when she came yesterday.

Instead, he followed Ye Haohua and ensured that he did not appear in the camera, and looked at Ye Haohua with a look of a girl.

"Xu Jie, are we going to send it?" Ye Haohua's assistant said, "How do you say that Yuhua suddenly became so fierce?"

"Maybe it is back stimulation." Xu sister can't manage so much, how is the tube process, as long as Ye Hao Hua Hong is worth it.

A group of people entered the yard.

When I entered, Joe looked at the boy with blood and red eyes in horror. The other hand and the feet were close together on the ground, watching the crowd like a wolf.

"Miss Joe, you save my son!" The boy's parents are straightforward.

Joe has made the boss's means, no success.

She also wanted to summon the locusts, but the back of the yard was sown with her worms and she could not be called.

The middle-aged man saw hopelessness and his face was numb.

However, his wife saw the first ink, and even climbed to him, recognized him as the lieutenant, and asked him how good.

Mo Chuwen first glanced at Ye Haohua, Ye Haohua slightly dagger.

"This lady, beg you!" The woman asked for Ye Haohua with a nose and tears.

How disdainful it was before, how humble it is now.

"Well, right when I used the locusts in your village once." Ye Yuhua did not push, the poisonous insects of Miaojiang were raised at the expense of Miaojiang people. Before she saved the ink, she used Once.

When I saw the woman asking for Ye Haohua, Lin Ze did not understand these people.

"Or send the hospital!" Lin Ze said anxiously. "She won't do it at all. You can still save the hospital now!"

The woman opened his hand directly. "The locust hospital can't cure it."

"You don't hurt anyone!" Lin Ze and Bai Hao, they are all persuading Ye Haohua, "If this boy died because of you, this program will not be published at all!"

Ye Haohua didn't let them touch themselves, went straight to the boy, and picked him up easily when the boy wanted to bite himself.

Then I took two bowls and placed white water in a bowl.

In another bowl, the mother-in-law who caught the ink in the morning in the pocket was poured out.

Within a minute, a little yellow thumb on the boy's face climbed out.

The cyan on the boy's face, as well as the red eye of the eye, receded.

Lin Ze’s actions with Bai Hao and others stopped suddenly, and the staff and villagers in the yard were silent.

Hey, huge happy

Good night, I am dripping the dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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