Chapter 870 870 car king (3) one more

Students in the 21st class are either unable to provoke at home or are not tempted by the Tao.

At this time, the class became a pot of porridge because of Bai Yue’s affairs.

"Speaking brother, I asked my uncle to find out. Our new class teacher and the white sister are from a university." A group of students gathered together without a formal shape. "I didn't expect the students from famous universities to have such a white sister. Personalized."

A group of people were noisy, and they discussed that if the school forced them to arrange a new class teacher, they would transfer to Bai Yue’s class.

"Only the white sister will take care of us. You see that there are a few other teachers who will take us as students." Another student snorted. "When I hear our class, I am shirking one by one."

Until Ye Haohua pushed the door of the 21st class again.

This time there was no headmaster in front, and the mixed people in the class thought that the principal should compromise, and looked at the class door very casually.

It may be because I didn't expect to see people like Ye Haohua, and the expressions on each face were very sluggish.

The female teacher in high school was originally less than the male teacher, let alone the female class teacher who taught mathematics.

Eating snacks, watching mobile phones, chatting, playing games, after the doorman came in at the door, there was never a quiet silence in the classroom.

After the students sent a notice to the school, they began to predict who would be their class teacher, but they also planned to be good no matter who they would not recognize.

But now, after seeing the woman who looks very embarrassed by the door, all the pretending remarks are empty.

This school has never lacked beauty, such as school flowers, high school grade flowers, high school class flowers...

But add up, there is no one in front of this person looks good.

The most up-and-coming students in the previous class now seem to have been pressed halfway through the pause button, and one foot is still in midair, and has not moved for a long time.

Ye Haohua just flipped a math review textbook in the office and knew that the world is no different from her familiar high school curriculum.

However, she did not know how much impact she had brought to this group of students, but she went to the podium.

A male student sitting on the edge of the podium saw her go to this side and suddenly reacted, and her ears ran to her seat.

Ye Haohua picked up the chalk and wrote the powerful and powerful "Ye Yuhua" on the blackboard. This was the first time to play with chalk, one hand on the podium, two or three sentences to introduce himself, "Who has a seat table in his hand?" ?"

"Ye teacher, I have!" A girl raised her hand and gave Ye Haohua a seat table.

Ye Haohua took a look at it for a few seconds, and then scanned everyone in the class again, and returned the seat table to the girl.

"You don't have to?" The girl snorted.

"No need." Ye Haohua shook his head.

The girl is strange, but she didn’t say anything.

High school mathematics is really difficult to teach, especially students who have almost no life. Ye Haohua will not be chaotic since he became a class teacher.

It was already established on the road.

There are no lesson plans, and each series of lessons in each lesson is in my own mind. She wrote a comprehensive question on the first.

It's not very difficult, but it's still a bit difficult for this class.

Most of the students’ brows were wrinkled.

"Ye teacher, Bai Jie said, our foundation is weak, we must start from the most basic things to review," a girl saw Ye Haohua even out of this topic, immediately raised his hand and stood up and said, "No one in our class will do it." With such a question, you are deliberately humiliating us. Would you like to give us a horse?!"

These teachers are like this. When they look at it, they will give them the kind of problem. If they see that the people in the class will not do it, they will start to say how the other classes are doing.

The 21st class has been bored, and only Bai Yue will not do this.

The headmaster who stood outside the door to observe the situation heard this sentence, and his mood was somewhat complicated. "Ye teacher, this topic is really complicated for them. If you really don't want to teach them, just say it, I will reconfirm it. White teacher..."

Ye Haohua didn't have any annoyance on her face. She just looked at the girl. "Xu Meiqi is right, just don't understand, just learn, I want a teacher to give you an analysis. If every question is out, it's easy for you." I understand, what is the use of the teacher? The teacher is not used to satisfy your poor self-esteem."

As she spoke, she reached out and took out a white chalk and brushed the first formula on the blackboard.

"This is the text in the second paragraph of page 132 of the review of the information in your hands..." Ye Haohua has absolute confidence in mathematics. After all, he has taught the champion of the Mathematical Olympiad. Every knowledge she talks is very thorough. .

At first, the expressions of these students were very numb, but with her words, there were very interesting mathematicians interspersed in the middle, and they were all attracted.

A topic is finished in ten minutes.

As she finished, the detailed answer process appeared on the blackboard. "Is it very simple, I believe that you have calculated the results?"

The classmates of the 21st class looked down at the numbers they had written on the books, and the same numbers that Ye Haohua wrote on the blackboard. The mood of head down is very complicated.

Ye Haohua has only one class today. After this class is over, most of her classmates have not returned, and she has gone out of class.

When Shen Yan saw her coming out, he immediately put down the rotating pen in his hand to come out, but even Ye Haohua’s shadow did not see it.

"Speaking brother, are we going to see the practice of Bai Jie today?"

Shen Yan took out a cigarette from his pocket and wanted to click on it as usual. But he didn't know what he suddenly remembered, and he took it back in his pocket and raised his eyebrows. "Go back and do the paper."

At the same time, the principal who has sneaked out, and the director who was called by the principal on a phone call: "...master, why don't you let her come to class early?"


On the first day of class today, Ye Haohua also went to the personnel department to see a lot of course, and adjusted the exams for the 21st class in these three years.

After returning, Ye’s door was open.

There seems to be someone talking inside.

"Is it back?" When Ye Haohua entered, Ye father was talking to a middle-aged man. Ye mother was chatting with people in the kitchen while cooking.

It’s Ye Xiaohua’s little talk, and the other party is telling Ye’s father that two brothers have left.

"Since your aunt took me to arrange for you to go to school, I will work hard." Xiaoxuan saw that she put down her bag and her eyebrows were tight. "Don't engage in your car anymore, can you learn to dress?" Your dad and your mother have a little peace of mind."

(End of this chapter)

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