Chapter 872 872 car king (5) three more

The only one who can play, Ye Haohua, because of a problem, the hand sensitivity is not high, but also made such a big mistake, resulting in the club does not pay much attention to him.

Fortunately, he re-signed a person.

Manager Wang felt that Ye Haohua was a bit embarrassed and didn't even want to say a few words with Ye Haohua.

"What is Ye Jie doing now?" A young man asked not to open his mouth.

Manager Wang heard the words and paused. He looked at Ye Haohua with a blank expression. "She? The club just signed two new people. You don't have your seat for the time being. If you don't mind, you can help look at the venue and contact the game. The problem of renting the road, you are familiar with these anyway."

There are a lot of amateur racers in the club. They are different from Ye Haohua and have not experienced the glory of the past.

When the original owner was in the club's dominance, he caused a lot of people to smash, and now she is falling, naturally gloating.

Now I heard the words of Manager Wang, and I laughed. "Ye, I have to use the three-hour driveway tomorrow morning. Can you arrange for me?"

The young man near Ye Haohua’s anxious face is red. "Manager Wang, you... how do you do this?"

"Otherwise?" Manager Wang sneered. "Professional racers are even more than a newcomer. They have lost their faces. After entering the hospital, Ye Haohua, your hand is not as sensitive as before. I put the key of No. 3 racing car. For you, do you dare to use it? If it is still your assistant, less than, take her to..."

"No," Ye Haohua stood up directly. "Manager Wang, let's cancel the contract."

"You want to leave the te club?" Manager Wang snorted. "Is it because the No. 3 car is not for you? Ye Haohua, you have to think clearly, te is to look at the previous face will let you stay, you think Are you leaving te, and will other clubs want you?"

"This is my business." Ye Haohua is playing with his mobile phone.

"Yes, let's go, we haven't officially signed the contract." Manager Wang should be a little anxious. He looked at Ye Haohua and left, and did not say a word.

"Ye Jie, you..." is less than a mouth open, he is the most loyal fan of the original.

Ye Haohua smiled. "Don't be sad, I will go to other clubs."

“Does manager Wang forget how much money you made him before?” Less than angrily, “For the newcomer who just signed, I want you to be a club assistant...”

"The new signing person is Bai Yue?" Ye Haohua fingered.

Less than just want to shake his head, can not lie on the dark eyes of the upper leaves, "is her, the one who won you last time."

Speaking of it, it’s less than tangled, and finally I’m looking at Ye Haohua. “Actually... Ye Jie, the club is rumoring that your hand is gone, so Manager Wang will take back your key. This is true. Is it?"

If Ye Xiaohua did not answer less than the words, the two walked toward the door.

It was at this time that the woman outside the gate was greeted by a star-studded woman wearing a black tight-fitting dress, and the manager Wang, who was in a hurry, was smiling at the woman.

Less than the low voice around me: "That is Bai Yue, I heard that the club spent a lot of money with two million invited her, and now it is assigned to the manager of Wang, the industry said that her drift is a bit like the international car king Shadow, the future may be the first car king in Huaguo, so the club attaches great importance to her."

There is one more and so on

(End of this chapter)

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