Chapter 879 879 car king (12) two more

Bai Yue thought about this friend's words. In fact, she didn't notice Ye Haohua at first, but who could think of her rebirth this time, she was suppressed by this person everywhere.

She did get a little angry, especially the team leader of the math group hurriedly asked her to listen to the speech, and then did not say anything extra, went to Ye Haohua.

Bai Yue’s heart is really wrong.

Although her main heart is in the car, she is the most popular in this group before Ye Haohua. When she was in class, she often had physical education classes to look at her on the window sill.

Suddenly, she was left out, and the whole school’s eyes were gathered on Ye Haohua. Her heart was naturally very uncomfortable.

Outside the office, several students in the Baiyue class were rushing in the direction of the auditorium.

"Twenty-one classes were so good. At first I thought they were all plagiarized, especially Shen Yan. People like him could test 145 points in the week."

"Too amazing, the highest score in the school is 145. He has never studied before. He even took the first place in the school. I certainly think he has the answer. Later I found out that I was wrong. You know that he is watching now. What? The proof in the mathematics book! The books that most math teachers in the school will not read. He not only read, but also made a mark. The last time I went to Ye’s office, I also heard him discuss mathematics with Mr. Ye. The problem.” The boys who spoke were all sighed.

"Hurry up, and you won't be able to take the seat. I am now dragging my math. If I can get a 135 in the mathematics college entrance examination, my total score will definitely reach 650."

"I think so too, let's go!"

Said, these few people ran over.

Because he was too hasty, he did not see a white face standing on the edge of the door.

Bai Yue didn't think about what to do in school, but now she can't help but be embarrassed by Ye Haohua.

"Well, that's it." Bai Yue nodded, let her classmate help her collect a bunch of content such as her mathematics materials.

Also let the other party go to m to download her papers to her.

This time, I sorted out my clothes and went to Ye Haohua’s lecture hall to see.

I want to know what Ye Haohua has done, and let these people suddenly become so crazy.

Half of the lectures in the school, especially in academic lectures, are mandatory, and students are not willing to come.

The general lecture halls are empty and simply not willing to come.

However, today the lecture hall is full of people, the entire high school students are all coming, all the things are full, this is not only the empty places still stand people, some even took a stool from the class, squatting in the gap to sit and watch .

Some people even took out their mobile phones and started recording.

Bai Yue is a teacher. She has a second row of positions reserved for her. The first row is for some of the leaders who have studied, and some people who are not known to Bai Yue.

However, Bai Yue did not pay attention to them, but looked at a piece of paper on the table with several math problems printed on it.

She took it up and looked.

"White teacher, you are here too." The teacher around me thought that Bai Yue was interested in Ye Haohua and immediately said, "This is a few math problems that Teacher Ye has printed for us. The difficulty does not seem to be big, but it is 狠Hard to understand, I basically didn't understand."

Hearing is the math problem of Ye Haohua Yin, Bai Yue sneered, no answer.

The people around her looked at Bai Yue and immediately stopped talking.

Bai Yue is in the heart of looking for Ye Haohua, and she has no heart to listen to what Ye Haohua is talking about. She is upset with a whole class of speeches.

Or just pick up the phone and the person at the other end of the phone sends a message.

Otherwise, I smiled and looked up at Ye Haohua.

The people around me looked at such Bai Yue, moved to the side quietly, and then continued to work hard to take notes.

Not only this person, but other people in the lecture hall are also taking notes very seriously.

There was no one talking in the whole process, very quiet, especially the content of Ye Yuhua’s speech was very attractive.

Only Bai Yue is full of cold.

After one and a half hours of Ye Haohua’s speech, Bai Yue saw that the principal and the school leaders had gone up to shake hands with Ye Haohua, thanked them, and looked very respectful.

There are still some students standing in the place three meters away from Ye Haohua, dare not go forward.

Bai Yue was very annoyed at first glance.

She looked at the paper on the table and wrote three math problems. It was very difficult. There was also a conjecture that borrowed math problems. She could not write the answer process completely.

Just looking at this a4 paper, sneer, "Popularity."

The teacher around her heard Bai Yue say this and had a hand.

Bai Yue did not see that the teacher around her had an opinion on her. Instead, she asked the teacher, "What do you know about the last question?"

"Modell theorem." The teacher around said something.

This made Bai Yue a little surprised. "Do you even know Modal's theorem?"

I don't blame her for being so surprised. She actually knew that most of these teachers were graduated from normal schools, and most of them were still dying. There were not many people who really learned.

This sentence made the teacher smile a little stiff. Although she did not graduate from a famous school, she just listened to what Ye Haohua said. She is not a fool. How can she not know?

"Then you know how to solve it?" Bai Yue did not see that the teacher was not happy.

"No, it's too hard."

At the same time, other teachers around me are pondering these big questions.

Bai Yue turned his head and most of the students died in these three big questions.

At last, the headmaster drove all the students away. Shen Shen sat in the third row. Without going, the headmaster closed his eyes and saw that he did not see it.

"Just Ye has already promised me. Every week, as a representative, I will give a meeting to the mathematics team and rectify the mathematics of our second school. I will strive to surpass one in this year." The principal announced the news.

Other math teachers are also very honored.

Even Bai Yue couldn’t help it anymore, and stepped forward to Ye Haohua. “Is it necessary to hold a mathematics speech and rectify the mathematics of the second?”

Speaking of her a4 paper with several math problems printed on it, she slammed on the table in front of Ye Haohua and sneered at Ye Haohua. "This is the topic you want high school math teacher to do? See us You can't do it. You are very happy? Seeing that they are all stumped by you, do you think that you are very powerful? Are you proud of it? But I don't think there is any nutrition for this topic without an accurate answer!"

"There is an accurate answer to this question." Ye Haohua only pays attention to this sentence.

Bai Yue gave her a look. "I won't just like you, but I don't want you to teach me how to learn math. You don't deserve it."

(End of this chapter)

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