Chapter 884 848 car king (17) three more

"No," said the older brother. "Ching Yi said that Yuhua knows the people of the Education Bureau and let us go back to find her."

Of course, the two nephews don’t believe in the words of Fang Qingyi.

As with Ye Haohua, can you know the people of the Education Bureau?

It’s almost the same to say that their aunt knows it. If Ye Haohua knows her, she will use her aunt to give her a relationship to go to school as a teacher.

However, the older brothers said that they would like to go back and see if the two donkeys did not agree.

"I tell you, you have to go later, don't give money to your parents." The second brother did not trust his second brother, and he specially stunned before leaving.

They are very clear about Ye Haohua's situation. Even if the car burns money, Ye Haohua still can't make any money.

When they went down to Ye Jialou, they found that many people stood downstairs and chatted together.

Big Brother, they saw each other after seeing each other, then walked into the group of people watching the crowd and asked what happened.

"It’s just the reporter came, and I interviewed me," the neighbor recognized the older brother and other brothers. They looked at the four people’s eyes a little deep. "You don't know, I know that she got the car king, Shen family directly. I gave her a few shares and signed a contract with Ye Ye Ye."

"What is the reporter?" The two nephews were completely stunned.

"Speaking of your family is also smart, listen to the reporter said that it is a big speech, and the translation has been passed abroad," the neighbors did not know, but did not hinder her happiness, "the old Ye family is good!"

Ye Jiada screamed at them.

Also interviewed by reporters? I got the car king, Shen Jia divided a few shares for her? They didn't know how much Ye Haohua got, but Shen Jia had heard of them. The land they lived in was developed by Shen.

"This... is this true?" Daxie finally came back, she was very reluctant to believe, but seeing these neighbors are discussing with enthusiasm, my heart is hesitant, "Let's go and see?"

Daxie is discussing with the second.

Erqi also knows exactly what is going on, and she doesn't believe in her heart. It shouldn't be so clever. They just had a clear relationship with Ye Ye Ye, and Ye Haohua became a car king?

Shen family still want to share the stock to her?

When they took the elevator upstairs, they went to the floor and went straight out. Only then did they find that there were several families in front of Yejiada.

They are all upstairs and downstairs.

At the moment, I was standing outside the door of Ye Family and chatting about the sky. I saw the eldest brother of Ye Family and the second brother, but they ignored her.

It was at this time that the elevator rang again.

They subconsciously turned back and saw Ye Haohua coming out of the elevator. This group of neighbors stood immediately. "Hey, congratulations, you finally keep the cloud and see the moon!"

"Uncle and aunts." These days, Ye Haohua did nothing to help his neighbors repair the computer, and most of the neighbors had a new impression on her.

“Yuhua can make the Tuen Mun community famous, and the house prices have gone up.” The neighbors are happy. “I also advised your parents to let you be a teacher, don’t be old, burn money and not please. It seems that your young people are smart, after all, they have taken a test of a prestigious university."

The people at the door of Ye Haohua’s door heard this and looked at the neighbor who was upstairs. These people didn’t say that before.

However, the car was originally a money-burning project. Ye Haohua has been playing for so many years, but he has not seen the money, only to see the money flowing out.

It’s good for racing, an underground racing game, it’s much better than ordinary work, let alone being signed by a big company and splitting shares directly.

"My son also likes racing. I also beat him yesterday, but from now on, I decided to let him study the car well. If one day Shen will come to me?"

As the saying goes, some people laugh at the place.

That is to say, the mouth said, everyone knows how easy this is, before they also said that Ye father Ye mother stupid, the money to Ye Haohua chaos.

However, today they have gained insights and the car can play tricks out.

The reporters have come to a batch.

Some people are still strong in their hearts, and the reaction is not particularly big. However, other neighbors are enlisted in real name and are going crazy.

Ye Yuhua saw the brother and the scorpion who stood by the door.

But she regained her gaze in a blink of an eye. Instead of looking at them, she returned directly to the house.

Daxie and Erqi finally recovered from the surprise of the Thunder, and saw Ye Haohua go in, subconsciously following Ye Haohua.

There are still one or two neighbors in the door, and each neighbor’s mouth says congratulations to Ye’s father.

Daxie and Erqi had originally thought that things might not be what they thought. At the moment, when they heard these people, they couldn’t feel the joy at all, but they felt very confused.

This is not right. When they were there, it was okay at that time. They earned a little more than they did. They didn’t say anything.

But after losing to a new person, she lost to the club 200,000, and the two nephews did not do it in an instant.

I picked up my husband and opened a relationship with my mother.

But who can think of things going to this point?

However, the faces of the two nephews were thick enough, and they immediately rushed over. When they stood by the door, they saw a new arrangement of Ye Jiahuan. The two nephews and their brothers once again caught.

When did the family become so good?

Also, the carpet on the ground is not a bargain at first glance, and you can see a gym through it, which is a gap between heaven and earth.

Both the big and the second floor were dyed with envy.

"Dad, mom, little girl!" Daxie saw Ye mother and Ye father talking to a person, immediately put a smile into it, touch the furniture here, look at the carpet over there.

"What are you doing?" When Yem saw them, his face turned black.

When the words came out, the two sons did not talk, and the face of the big man changed. "We are also the nephew of Yuhua. How can we not come over? The younger sister is now making a fortune, or a big man, and she looks down on our poor relatives." Yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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