Chapter 886 886 car king (end) tickets

Neighbors, especially the opposite one, Ye Haohua helped them repair the computer several times in the past two months, and the feelings multiplied.

Their family is the most embarrassing one.

One sentence after another, the neighbors who did not know the truth immediately shut up, these two nephews were accused by one sentence, and their faces rose red.

As the saying goes, the ugliness of the family cannot be promoted. The neighbors who are opposite are also familiar with Ye Family, and they know this from the mouth of the mother.

Today, he is quite happy for Ye Haohua. In particular, Ye Haohua has simply solved the problem of their computer every time. In his eyes, Ye Haohua is not in the pool.

I can't believe that Ye Haohua will have such a brother-in-law, or a pro.

At that time, he suspected why she had not seen her brother's nephew come here to see Ye's father.

When I remembered the first month, Ye Haohua had to train and have to approve the paper. Every night he got up in the toilet and saw the lights on the window open.

These two nephews felt that Ye Haohua lost a game and lost a lot of money. He felt that Ye Haohua could not do it, and quickly broke open the relationship.

But I did not expect that Ye Haohua is still successful, not a general success.

Thinking of this, the neighbors still want to laugh.

"Okay, don't be embarrassed." Ye Haohua did not dare to carry his big brother, and took his wife's wrist and rushed out the door.

The second brother would have disagreed with his wife's decision at the time, especially when he was looked at by the strange eyes of so many people. His face was also very unbearable. There was also a kind of embarrassment to his parents and his sister, and he dared to stay there.

My brother’s nephew came and went, and Ye’s father did not speak, and his face was not happy.

All the money earned by Ye Haohua’s bank card is in their hands. It is because of this contrast that Ye’s father is very unclear. When did their two sons become like this?

Or, if the two sons have their own family, they will not be home to their home. After they become home, they will start to be selfish.

At this time, I want to come back and share a piece of cake. Don't say that Ye Haohua disagrees. Even if Ye Haohua agrees, Yem will not agree.


"Manager Wang, are you still not going?" Less than holding the key and preparing to lock the door, I found that Manager Wang was still sitting in front of the computer to watch the video, and could not help but ask.

Manager Wang did not answer, only silently smoking.

There is a pile of cigarettes in front of him.

Less than seeing him not answering, he took a step forward and looked at the computer in front of Wang, who was a video of Ye Haohua participating in a black market match.

These are different from those of the business, they are all harder than the competition, but it is Ye Haohua's arena in this game.

"Look, the corners don't slow down, the whole process is in the inner circle, how good a seedling is." Manager Wang pointed at the screen of the computer and whispered. "She definitely has her own understanding on the car, she is on the speed. The calculation has reached a point that no one can understand. It is strange that she won't win the championship."

The te club spent a total of more than two million in front of Bai Yue. In the end, the money didn’t make it back. Even after seeing Ye Haohua’s step away from their te, this is the te club. heartbreak.

If other people, Manager Wang, will not have such a heartache, it may be Ye Haohua.

This person who was introduced as a discard by him.

He stared at the leading car and rushed to the end, reached the position of the car king, then smiled, smiled and covered his eyes with his hands.

It seems very lonely.

Less than seeing such a manager, he did not know what to say. When he rushed Ye Haohua out, he really hated Wang.

Although not so annoying now, I can't afford to be a manager of this kind.

That is to be self-confident.

The te club was dissolved. Bai Yue originally wanted to make money by racing. However, she is now a newcomer, and Ye Haohua is in front of him.

Her mentality has long been stretched, and where will the team invite her?

Bai Yue’s physical condition is not good. There is still autism in college. There is no source of racing. All her economy depends on her salary as a teacher.

However, she is self-sufficient and proud, and the teachers in the math group discuss with Ye Haohua every week about the study plan essay.

Only she is very proud and she does not bother with it.

A month later, the college entrance examination scores came out.

Bai Yue knew that the principal did not read the paper he had written, so this time he brought it again, and then he showed it to the principal.

The college entrance examination results are of great concern to all teachers and students, and they have been waiting in the school conference room early.

"President, I hope you look at it again." Bai Yue handed the paper to the principal. She did not look at Ye Haohua who stood next to the principal.

The principal took over and did not immediately look at it.

Bai Yue saw her like this, her fingers pinched, but did not speak, but sneered at the bottom of her heart.

The people who have included the results have already agreed to the results, "President! Congratulations!"

A group of people immediately passed.

Bai Yue first found out the transcripts of his two classes.

The second is not the best high school in the city, no matter which department is worse than the one.

However, in the second year of this year, the difference between the average score of 2.5 is steadily pressed.

This year's mathematics is surprisingly difficult. The province's average score of mathematics has only reached 49 points. In the total score of 150 points, 49 points is also one-third.

Some people are lucky, just pick a multiple-choice question for two or three.

Although the other divisions are worse than the one in the second, their average math score is more than 20 points higher than the one!

This is the average score!

A very scary number.

In particular, Ye Haohua's class, although other departments are quite a dish, but mathematics has three full marks, two 147, three 139.

The total score of the three 150 is not much, but each one was specially recruited by Beijing University.

The worst in the second middle school was the two classes in Bai Yue. The other 19 classes averaged 105, while the average score of the two classes was 69, and the average score was 77.

"This is not right, how is this possible?" After seeing the grades of all classes, Bai Yue was hit hard.

The principal knew that Bai Yue had never been to the mathematics group meeting. He was really angry this time, not because of the difference between the two classes, but because he had a chance to test well, but he was brought into this by Bai Yuesheng. .

"No? Is there anything wrong with this? Bai Yue, I think you need to go back and reflect," the headmaster dropped the paper in his hand onto the table, and then turned out a foreign mathematics journal on the shelf. Going to Bai Yue, "Do you think that the paper you wrote is very powerful? You look at Teacher Ye! Teacher Bai, I hope you know, there is no end to learning, there are people outside!"

Bai Yue took up the journal, and there was a feeling of coolness in his heart.

She knows that there seems to be something that has been messed up by herself.

Whether it is racing or school.

【Ding! Complete the main line task, the system rewards 3000 points! 】

【Ding! No. 008 is the host service, 300 points have been received, leaving the world! 】

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, red envelope, 嘿嘿嘿

These two days are a little bit fried. I am forced to write every night. I feel that I am confused. I don’t want to write it today. I rest for one night and sort out the thoughts of the next world. I will have seven chapters tomorrow. How do you feel (small bb)

Good night first

(End of this chapter)

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