Chapter 896 896 weapons (10) three more

Ye Haohua just looked up and took a look at it.

But she did not speak, just broke her hand with a slight twist on her wrist.

The quiet martial arts is thought to be a very well-known master on the rivers and lakes, and he also got his nine-point true biography, otherwise he would not be able to invite a doctor.

However, Ye Haohua even broke his hand so easily, so that the silence is more or less a little surprised.

"Wait, what are you doing?" But I still have a lot of thoughts on it, and I saw that Ye Haohua used the dagger to cut the swelling on the neck of the lame, a small mouth with a long fingernail.

Seeing this scene, Shen Qiang’s direct reach will push Ye Haohua away. “This is a five-step viper. Today, the doctor is just in Ye’s father. I will bring people back to the city and may return to the city. You can open her. What is the use of the feet?"

These five-step viper are poisonous snakes, and they have not heard of being bitten by this poisonous snake and can still live.

Silently listening to the doctor said, the **** doctor had been lucky enough to save one's life.

There is no way for the average doctor, but the medical doctor may also help to return this life.

Just when Shen reached out and touched Ye Haohua’s collar, she did not know which points she pressed on her lame, and the black blood on her ankles instantly flowed down.

Silently handed a meal.

Being bitten by a poisonous snake, the injection of serum is the fastest way, but there is no serum here, but this is not a problem for Ye Yuhua.

After combing the iliac veins mentally, she crushed the herbs with stones and applied them.

After being bitten by a snake for five seconds, the lips are purple, and the family members know that the other person has a snake venom. It is far from the city, and I am afraid that it will be a long time.

Don't say that there is no time to go back, even if you rush back, most of the doctors in the city are not good.

They have never heard of anyone who is bitten by a five-step snake and can still live.

What they didn't think of was that every move of Ye Haohua made them stunned.

Everyone in the state before seeing it in the eyes, the lips are purple, the eyes are scattered, it is estimated that an hour will not hold.

However, Ye Haohua did not know how to do it. The purple lips of the other party gradually turned red, and the blue face gradually turned back to the normal color.

Even the silence that I want to say is shocked.

He took back his hand and looked at Ye Haohua, and finally did not say anything.

Just thinking.

When I woke up, I knew that Ye Haohua had saved herself, and I was very astonished. Then I immediately squatted down and thanked Ye Haohua.

I was stopped by Ye Haohua. "If you can still go, let me go up the mountain first."

Just a little bit on the ankle, except for this cockroach, I couldn’t feel any uncomfortable feelings on my body. I nodded. "Miss, I am fine!"

After receiving nothing, Ye Haohua continued to move toward the destination.

After a quarter of an hour, Ye Haohua finally found what he wanted.

However, the terrain here is very dangerous. When she looks at the following, she feels her face white and immediately stops Ye Haohua. "Miss, don't go, let the family go and see, help you get the stone back."

At the first glance, Ye Yuhua knew that it was not ordinary stone, but a piece of natural stellite.

Silently saw the natural stellite iron, and suddenly I remembered that this piece of natural ferroniobium was listed in the list listed by Ye Yuyu.

He thought in his heart that he must find a piece for Ye Yuyu.

"Right, Daiyu is also a piece of such material, this piece..." Shen Luran certainly knows that Ye Haohua will definitely not give Ye Yuyu, she must be holding a good material to refine the soldiers, and make a name for themselves.

Ye Haohua gave him a look. "I want to use this weapon. I will find another piece for my sister. But if you want to train a soldier, you need to find out more about these natural sputum."

She knows what it is for the sake of sinking here today. The original owner was so unclear and dead, and Ye Haohua certainly would not let the silence succeed.

Not only that, but she also wants to let her know how ridiculous she is.

Sure enough, Shen Qianran regained his gaze and secretly sneered at the bottom of his heart, but his face was mild. "What do you think of that piece?"

Ye Haohua naturally knows what he is trying to do, but pretending not to find it, looking in the direction he pointed, "Where?"

"It should be natural ferroniobium. Let's go and see, there is a lot of roads there." Suddenly smiled.

The milkmaid is telling the family to carefully tie the black iron and see that Ye Haohua walks in the other direction with the silence, and the milk mother is not worried.

The lord can say, Shen is a very powerful person, and the lady is very safe with him.

On this side, Shenran went with a mountain peak opposite Ye Haohua, although it was a very steep **** under the foot, almost close to the cliff.

Silently walked around Ye Haohua's side two steps, looking at Ye Haohua's face like aunt's face, he had a slight hesitation, but was quickly covered.

He has only seen Ye Haohua from an early age, and they really have no feelings.

Ye Yiyu is different. The two have been with each other for five years. Because Ye Yuyu had stayed in the capital because of his weakness, the two were very familiar.

Ye Xiaoyu's weakness is not in her mind. The doctors assert that Ye Yuyu is alive, but this year's words are also ringing in my ears.

Especially the doctor said that Ye Haohua does not necessarily die.

Thinking of this, Shen Ran turned out a stone.

Just when he was going to hit the stone on Ye Haohua’s leg, a stone under his foot suddenly fell, and the whole person was empty.

Silence is very good. If it is normal, he will not have anything. However, he is now filled with things, and there are entanglements and unbearableness. When he is hesitating, he has no reaction at all.

In the horror of a group of singer Ding Ding not far away, he slid down the bottom of the mountain and calmed down.

When he looked around, he found that there were no vines that he could reach for.

Behind the cliffs, at this time, the girl who was a few meters away from herself stunned, and then did not want to rush directly to this side.

(End of this chapter)

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