Chapter 898 898 Weapons (12) One More

The cost of trying to learn a craft is too great, not to mention the family of Ye.

Ordinary people can only see the glory on the surface of Ye Family, but they don’t know how much Ye’s family has paid for it.

No one knows more about how the original Lord lived in the past five years than Ye Haohua and her mother. When she thought of it, she also bowed slightly and covered the coldness of the bottom.

Suddenly, I only thought that Ye Yuyu was pitiful. Now I look at the burns on Ye’s arm and her faint statement. Ye Haoyu is really not qualified to say that she is sorry to say that she is wronged.

I thought about what he was doing with her up the mountain today. Suddenly, I suddenly felt that my eyes were a little hot.

This person has been struggling for five years to return to the capital, and they have booked her life from the very beginning. If there is no such accident today, I can’t imagine it, waiting for Ye’s meeting.

For the first time, he began to hate himself.

Also fortunately, Ye Haohua did not know this from beginning to end.

Natural meteorites were found and the group returned to the city.

When I had to cross the road at the intersection, I stopped the horse in silence. "You don't have to go to the palace, go back to Shenfu. I will take someone to bring back your usual things later."

The milk girl snorted. "How can I do that, Wang Ye..."

In fact, I can come out today, and my mother is surprised.

"Wang Ye, I will inform him." Suddenly, as long as he thought of what Cheng Yanqi Ye Yihua was for, he was uneasy at the bottom of his heart.

Ye Haohua was not good at the Wangfu. The milkmaid knew this too, but Shen was very familiar with Cheng Yan. When she thought of this, she did not insist on staying in the palace.

She naturally knows who is the real person who is good to Ye Haohua.

Ye Haohua did not come out in the carriage. She did not refute the decision of silence. Even if she did not leave the palace, she would leave the palace in a few days.

Silently went directly to the palace, telling Yan Wang to stay in Ye Shenhua.

"The doctor has arrived?" Cheng Yan did not know that the silence has now deviated from his original intention, and thought that the silence is to change the blood of Ye Haoyu.

Suddenly, he lowered his head and did not intend to fall out with Cheng Yan now. He has not made arrangements, "I am here this afternoon."

When I heard the medical doctor arrived in the afternoon, Cheng Yan had no curiosity about the need for Ye Haohua to go to Shen.

After the silence left, Cheng Yan asked people to inquire about the situation of Yefu. After hearing that Ye Haohua was really injured, the last doubt about the silence was gone.

Shen Fu.

After Shen Shen’s return, he saw that the silence was unharmed, and he would slap his face and slap him.

The doctor was bandaging Ye Haohua, and when he saw the scar on Ye Haohua’s arm, his hand shook.

"Hey Hua, you have to hurt and say." Mrs. Shen looked at the **** wounds, and the burn marks that the wounds became severe, and the sounds were choked.

Ye Haohua didn't feel any pain, just comforting Mrs. Shen and saying that she didn't hurt.

"Whether there is no pain," Mrs. Shen held her other hand and looked at the doctor. "Doctor, please be sure to cure the wound on the arm of Yuhua. It doesn't matter how much it costs!"

The doctor thought that even if he cured the wound, it would be useless. After all, the burn was even more terrible, but he did not say it, just nodded that he would try his best.

Suddenly, he lowered his head and listened to Shen’s father glaring at himself. He did not say a rebuttal.

Finally, looking at Ye Haohua's milk purchase, Shen Fu was cold-faced and let himself be quiet in the temple for a night, and there was a sigh in his heart, and he refused.

"Auntie, the palace has some things I used to do." Ye Haohua remembered that the weapons he made had a bunch of plans to support.

Silently said at the door, "I told Yan Wang that tomorrow, I will send someone to join the mother and the king will take things out."

Shen Shen and Shen Shen felt that Yan Wang still listened to the words, but the heart was a bit strange.

Silently went to the Buddhist temple to admit the mistake, Shen's father still has a bunch of things, here only Shen mother with Ye Haohua.

Ye Haoyu and the housekeeper are here at this time.

Seeing that it was evening, Ye Haohua had not left Shen, and Ye Yuyu was very surprised.

"Sister, why are you still here?"

Shen Fu explained to Ye Yuhua, "How can we give people a shackle? After that, we will be in Yefu, Yuhua, you can rest assured that your aunt will definitely find you a good."

Ye Yuyu stunned, and she reached out and brushed her hair. "That's just the case. The housekeeper will take care of our sisters together, just as our yards are connected."

She smiled and smiled at the original housekeeper of Yefu.

The housekeeper heard that Ye Haohua would stay in Ye Family, his face was a bit ugly, and he bowed his head and screamed, very stubborn, "Missy."

Shenmu looked at the housekeeper and knew that the butler had grown up watching Ye Yuyu grow up, and it was inevitable that there was some gap with Ye Yuhua. However, Ye Guanjia was a Ye family before, but now he only serves Ye Yuyu, and Shen’s mother is not good. What to control.

Just touched Ye Haohua’s head and thought deeply.

Ye Yuyu saw the letter on the desk of Shen’s silence. She did not have any doubts about Ye Haohua’s living in Ye Family, and even a little bit of hope in the heart.

If you can live, who is willing to die?

However, Ye Yuyu waited for two days in the yard. The doctor who lived in the yard on the first day would tell her what to pay attention to. But the next day, the doctor did not tell her, except for routine routine examinations. There is no other place to pay attention.

Ye Yuyu feels strangely subconsciously.

She took a bowl of chicken soup to the study room to find silence.

Quietly sitting at the desk, his heart is holding a very delicate box.

This box is very familiar with Ye Yuyu. It is Yuxuan Pavilion to the box. Yuxuan Pavilion is a place to buy jewelry. The things inside are not duplicated. They are very delicate and valuable. They are hard to find.

Ye Yuyu has only one nephew to be Yuxuan Pavilion, or she was brought to her for the first time when she was a child in Shen’s family four years ago.

When I saw the box, Ye Yuyu’s mouth was dyed and laughed.

Naturally, I feel that it is sold to myself.

However, I haven’t laughed for a second yet, and I’m silent. I’m here, I’ll send it to Yuhua.

The subordinates should go down.

Ye Xiaoyu’s mouth was stiff and stiff.

"Cousin, what are you doing?" Ye Yuyu resumed her mood, put a bowl of summer tea on his hand, and saw that Shen was holding a letter.

When Yu Guangkai reached the front of the letter, he knew that the letter was the one she had seen in the study.

Her heart rate was a little faster.

However, before she could react, she quietly burned the paper directly.

Ye Yiyu has a tight hand. If she doesn't know what is written on her mind, she will certainly not be curious about burning a letter, but it is because she knows that she can't help but pay attention.

"Cousin, how do you burn the letters of others?"

"Unimportant things, burned and burned." Silently faint opening, staring at the burnt ashes of paper, there is a bit of disgust in his eyes.

Ye Yuyu’s heart trembled, “No...not important?”

"It’s purely nonsense." After waking up, Shen suddenly felt that he was crazy. He wanted Ye Haohua’s life. He smiled indifferently. "It’s better to burn it earlier."

Ye Haoyu’s worry this morning was finally realized at the moment.

She couldn’t help but take a step back. The corner was very reluctant to make a smile, and the cold sweat on her forehead gradually came out. "Cousin, I..."

The butler who had been waiting outside heard the voice of Ye Yuyu, and immediately came in, his face changed. "Miss is a sick!"

"Take her back to the yard to have a good rest, let the doctors give her a good look." Silently looked at Ye Xiaoyu, then took the wooden box and went out.

Where can I go with a wooden box?

Naturally, I went to find Ye Haohua.

Seeing the silence, Liu Yiyu’s heart is cold.

She even forgot the uncomfortableness of her body, so she stayed in the courtyard of the housekeeper.

The Shenmu people, after hearing her illness, have come to see her one by one. Even so, Ye Xiyu has no happiness at all.

Ye Haohua naturally came to see her, and she came with Shen Lian.

She was not jealous in the palace, only the milkmaid was alone, but she only came to Yefu for two days, and there were five or six family members who volunteered to go to her yard.

And for herself, it took only five years to have a real confidant and only a housekeeper.

Waiting for the star to leave, the housekeeper looked at Ye Yuyu and sighed. "Miss, I have already said that although Missy looks like it, people can like it. But who knows what she is thinking about." what?"

Ye Yuyu took a deep breath and did not speak immediately.

Three days later, Shen’s mother gave birth to several relatives and several friends of Shen’s father.

When Ye Yuyu was applying makeup, she found that the golden scorpion that the father gave him was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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