But when he really put on double gravity, he couldn't say anything.

""Okay, let's get started!"

Wang Luo said it was time to start after watching Onodera Yusuke's movements.

Kadoya Shi and Onodera Yusuke dragged their slow steps and slowly approached each other.

Just this movement made the two sweat profusely.

"Oh my god, it's so uncomfortable!……"

Onodera Yusuke muttered something, but he felt something hitting his body.

"It really works!"

In fact, he is just about to break through, and this gravity is a catalyst. As long as he can persist, he will soon break through to the intermediate level, which is the same level as Wang Luo now.

"Watch my fist!"

Kadoya took advantage of the moment when Onodera Yusuke was distracted and punched Onodera in the stomach with his fist.

"You are taking advantage of someone's misfortune!"

Fortunately, Onodera Yusuke reacted and quickly blocked


Kadoya Shi ignored Onodera Yusuke's words and continued to attack.

Because of gravity, the two's movements looked very funny. Seeing that Kadoya Shi didn't stop, Onodera Yusuke also got angry.

"In that case, don't blame me!"

Onodera Yusuke was not polite and rushed towards Kadoya with his fists clasped.

Wang Luo felt that the scene of the two people fighting each other was very exciting. Although the movements were funny, it was the kind of pleasure of punching each other.

After a while, the two men lay on the ground gasping for breath, and their bodies were bruised. Seeing this, Wang Luo withdrew the gravity on the two.

Now the situation of the two is no longer suitable to continue in the gravity environment. They have to rest or they will get hurt.

While the two were resting, Wang Luo said to them:

"You guys take a break first, and then continue after you have rested well. However, I will gradually increase the difficulty of your training. When you can move freely in your respective gravity environments, your training this time can be over!"When the two people lying on the ground heard Wang Luo's words, they suddenly felt that they had made a mistake in making such a hasty decision before.

But now they have no way out.

"Have you rested enough? Let's continue now!"

After a pause, Wang Luo saw that the two had rested enough, so he put gravity back on them.

However, this time he did not let them attack each other, but let them chase each other. Whoever could touch the other person could rest for a while, and the loser could only be punished.

The two were a little surprised to hear the rules announced by Wang Luo this time, but then they looked at each other, and they both saw the raging fire in each other's eyes.

Wang Luo saw that the fighting spirit of the two had come out, and he waved his hand and said:


As soon as Wang Luo finished speaking, Kadoya Shikamaru and the other man set off. They did not run as Wang Luo imagined, but stood there to test each other.

However, in Wang Luo's eyes, their movements looked like two eighty-year-old grandfathers exercising.

Although the two could see each other's movements at this time, their bodies would not be the same as they imagined in their minds.

Speaking of which, this gravity environment is different from the heavy acceleration in Kamen Rider Drive. The heavy acceleration in Drive seems to delay the time of other people and has no harm to the human body.

The gravity released by Wang Luo through the venue imposes a kind of weight on the human body itself. If it exceeds the load, it will cause indelible damage to the human body. If it is heavier, it will directly cause death.

Of course, if used reasonably, it will also make people exercise and strengthen their physical fitness just like Kadoya Shikamaru and the others.

Now Wang Luo wants to use the pressure of the gravity environment to make Kadoya Shikamaru and the others break through the limit. Speaking of which, they have all been enhanced by the knight's belt, otherwise it would be impossible for Wang Luo to make them break through.

Both of them showed amazing willpower this time, and they didn't want to lose to each other.


Onodera Yusuke yelled. Although his physique was better than Kadoya Shi, the longer the time, the worse it would be for him, because he was bearing twice the gravity. The more he consumed, the harder it would be to bear, so he wanted to make a quick decision.

Kadoya Shi also heard Onodera Yusuke's cry. He also understood that although he was now on par with Onodera Yusuke, this was based on unfairness. The longer the time, the better it would be for him.

However, if Onodera Yusuke was also given twice the gravity, it would be unfair to him.

Kadoya Shi's eyes must have been filled with anger when he thought of this. What he wanted was a fair fight.

"Come on, let's have a quick fight and a quick decision!"

Yusuke Onodera was stunned. He didn't expect Kadoya Kazushi to say such a thing, but this was just what he wanted, and he certainly wouldn't refuse.

In the end, both of them were very strong, and Wang Luo could see that they were much stronger than before.

Seeing this, Wang Luo knew that his guess was correct. Gravity was indeed their catalyst, and now they could use their strength better.

At the end of the battle, Kadoya Kazushi touched Yusuke Onodera's back. At this time, Yusuke Onodera was already in a stage of physical decline, and Kadoya Kazushi's victory was inevitable. If Yusuke had bet everything on it at the beginning, he might have succeeded.

"Very good! Clap!"

Wang Luo stretched out his hands and clapped a few times.

"Xiongjie, don't be discouraged, you can feel your current state!"

Wang Luo's words made Onodera confused for a moment, but he still did it.

"This, this is it!"

Onodera Yusuke listened to Wang Luo's words and felt it. He didn't expect that he felt better than ever before, as if he could control his body at will. Although he could control it before, he always felt that something was blocking him. Now he couldn't feel it.

"Senior Wang Luo, what's wrong with me?"

Onodera Yusuke looked up and asked Wang Luo

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