"You mean, as long as I take you as my master, I can gain powerful strength to fight against the outsiders, so I don't have to worry about what bad things will happen in the future."

After listening to Wang Luo's words, Zhiye Zhanglu summarized

"That's right!"

Wang Luo replied.

At this moment, Zhiye Zhanglu finally knew Wang Luo's purpose, but he couldn't react for a while. For him, he was now the head of the Zhiye family, so it was impossible for him to make a decision so easily.

Although he also agreed with Wang Luo's strength, he still had to think about this matter. Becoming a disciple must be cautious.

At this time


The sound of the bell reached the ears of everyone present.

"Oh no, the Outer Daoists have appeared!"

When Kusakabe Hikoma heard the bell, his face changed instantly. This bell is the gap monitor. As long as the Outer Daoists come out of the gap, the bell will ring.

""Your Highness!"

Ikeba Ryunosuke and the others put down their practice and came to Shiba Joruru. Even Tani Chiaki did the same. He knew how important this matter was, so he had to put the overall situation first. Shiba Joruru knew that this was not the time to think about those things. He nodded apologetically to Wang Luo, then turned his head and said to Ikeba Ryunosuke and the others:

"Let's go!"

At this time, Kusakabe Hikoma had already brought the address of the Outer Path Clan.

"Your Highness, No. 563, Wu Neng Town!"

After knowing the address, Shiba Joruru and the others went there without hesitation.

Seeing this, Wang Luo said to Kusakabe Hikoma:

"Mr. Hikoma, I'll go take a look too!"

Kusakabe Hikoma was delighted when he heard Wang Luo's words.

"With Mr. Wang Luo going, there is no need to worry about His Highness and the others!"

Through the strength displayed by Wang Luo yesterday and the scenes narrated by Ikeba Ryunosuke and the others, Kusakabe Hikoma knew that Wang Luo's strength was still above His Highness and the others, so Wang Luo's going there could increase the strength of His Highness and the others. At the very least, it could guarantee the safety of His Highness and the others.

Wang Luo certainly didn't know what Kusakabe Hikoma was thinking. After telling Kusakabe Hikoma, he had already followed Shiba Joruru and the others to the place where the Outer Path appeared.

Name: Da Xuanmao

Suitable attributes: Outer Path

Existing attributes: Spies (Advanced)

Wang Luo looked at the Spies in the field. The one who appeared this time could be said to be the strongest enemy that Shiba Joruru and the others were currently facing.

"Useless humans, this place will belong to us heretics sooner or later!"

Big Xuanmao waved the big knife in his hand, which had sharp spikes growing on it.


Attack after attack landed in the city, and houses and buildings were destroyed one after another.

"Stop it!"

Zhiye Zhanglu shouted, and Daxuanmao did not continue to destroy it, but instead set his eyes on Zhiye Zhanglu and the others.

"That sign is……"

Suddenly it recognized the symbol on Shiba Joruru and the others, which was the family emblem of the Shiba family.

"I see, it seems that you are from the Zhiye family. Today, I will eliminate the thorns in the eyes of the crying general. Watch out!"

As he said this, the big knife flew in the air and chopped towards Zhiye Joruru. As the big knife fell, it had grown more than ten meters long.

""Not good, get out of the way!"

Shiba Joruru said hurriedly as he watched the attack from the outsiders.

As for Wang Luo, he did not enter the battlefield at the beginning. He just stood by and watched. Even if this group of spies was stronger than Ikeba Ryunosuke and his men, Shiba Joruru was still there, and they could still deal with it together.

"Calligraphy phone? One stroke on it."

After Zhiye Joruru and the others dodged, they took out their calligraphy phones without hesitation and began to transform.






The five people wrote their own heraldry characters, then pressed the buttons on the calligraphy phone, and then they transformed and completed the

""The Samurai team of Tenkagome? Shinkenger, meet!"

After singing the name of their team, Shiba Joruru and the others entered the battle.

Wang Luo was very embarrassed watching this scene. He didn't understand why the teams had to sing their team names, and why the villains on the opposite side didn't take this opportunity to attack, which made Wang Luo speechless.

"But is a team still a team if it doesn't sing its name?"

Wang Luo muttered to himself, and then continued to watch.

Now he thought how nice it would be if he had a bag of popcorn. This scene was no different from watching a TV series. The only difference was that one was watched through TV, and the other was watched live. The two feelings were really different.

On the battlefield, Shiba Joruru was dragging the spies, while Ikeba Ryunosuke and the others were clearing the monsters.

This is when the advantage of having more people is revealed. Otherwise, you have to deal with the boss and the monsters by yourself, and you must be very busy.


Zhiye Zhanglu's weapons collided with Daxuanmao's, but Zhiye Zhanglu was obviously weaker than Daxuanmao. After the two weapons collided, Zhiye Zhanglu obviously retreated a bit.

""Hah, Fiery Blade!"

With a backhand chop, Zhiye Zhanglu took this opportunity to retreat and install the secret disk on the real sword pill. The flame grew in the real sword pill, and in an instant, the real sword pill in Zhiye Zhanglu's hand became a Fiery Blade. The huge blade increased Zhiye Zhanglu's strength by a part.


Zhiye Joruru raised the flaming sword and chopped at the big swirl. The big swirl did not take it head-on. Although it was a waido, it was not stupid. There was no need to fight Zhiye Joruru head-on.

Just when Zhiye Joruru and the big swirl were fighting hard, the situation on the battlefield of the other four people was also very good. To put it bluntly, the nameless people were just miscellaneous soldiers. These miscellaneous soldiers were mass-produced. How could they be the opponents of Ikeba Ryunosuke and his four men?

However, Ikeba Ryunosuke and his four men still upgraded their weapons.

The Shinkenmaru in the hands of Ikeba Ryunosuke, Shiraishi Mako, Tani Chiaki, and Hanaori Kotonoha turned into the Water Flow Bow, the Heaven Fan, the Konoha Spear, and the Earth Boomerang respectively.

Holding these weapons in their hands, the nameless people swept a large area and basically felled.

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