"Is this the world of Kaito?" Kamen Rider...

"Hi, I haven’t seen you guys before. Are you new here?"

"New neighbors, you have to treat them well. Come on, come to our place and have a good rest!"

A middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle said to Kadoya and his friends, and while saying this, he pulled Kadoya and his friends towards his home. It seemed that he couldn't refuse.

But it seemed that Kadoya and his friends enjoyed this treatment.

""Master, go ahead and let me go around!"

Wang Luo did not follow Menshishi and the others, but wanted to go around by himself.

After leaving Menshishi and the others, Wang Luo went around in the village. The villagers were very enthusiastic towards Wang Luo along the way.

However, Wang Luo knew that this enthusiasm was just a hypocritical surface phenomenon. In fact, if the residents of this world did not show this kind of kindness, they would be punished.���

That is, cockroach monsters will appear and forcibly take them away, and then take them to their base for brainwashing. In this way, people are no longer human.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I'm in a hurry!"

Just when Wang Luo was thinking, a child accidentally bumped into Wang Luo, apologized and ran away quickly.

Wang Luo looked at the child's figure, thought for a while, and decided to follow him to take a look.

Just as Wang Luo was walking, a cry for help came into his ears.

"Help, help!"

Wang Luo recognized the voice of the child just now.

At this moment, another harsh and heavy voice sounded.

"You didn't follow the rules just now and didn't apologize properly, so now you have to accept the punishment!"


Just as he finished speaking, the child screamed in fear.

Covering his head, the child squatted on the ground, waiting desperately.

But after waiting for a long time, he did not feel any pain in his body.


Raising his head, the child suddenly saw a figure in front of him. As for the cockroach monster, it was no longer visible.

Seeing the child behind him raise his head, Wang Luo said:

"Go back quickly, be careful not to be caught by them!"

After hearing Wang Luo's words, the little figure paused, and without even saying thank you, he got up and ran away quickly.

Wang Luo didn't care. He just happened to be in a good mood and guessed that the child might be attacked by the cockroach monster, so he followed to see. Facts proved that he was right.

"Damn it, human, why are you stopping me from punishing the person who broke the rules!"

The cockroach monster that Wang Luo had kicked away just now flew back, with a large group of cockroach monsters following behind it.

Wang Luo shrugged his shoulders.

"There is no reason, I just don't like you guys!"

The cockroach monster listened to Wang Luo's words and was a little angry.

"Damn human, you will pay for what you did, come on!"

The cockroach monster raised his weapon and ordered the cockroach monster behind him.

Then a large group of cockroach monsters formed a circle and surrounded Wang Luo.

"Haha, you can't run away now, human!"

The cockroach monster thought he had trapped Wang Luo, but he didn't expect that Wang Luo was not something that these miscellaneous soldiers could deal with.

""Ha~" Wang Luo yawned,"Come on, you miscellaneous soldiers!"

Without being polite, Wang Luo pointed directly at all the cockroach monsters and said.

The cockroach monsters listened to Wang Luo's words, and they were furious, and then they attacked Wang Luo crazily.

Wang Luo had no interest in clearing out these miscellaneous soldiers.


Cracks appeared around Wang Luo, and a large group of Invases rushed out.

"Let's see who has more people now!"

Wang Luo took out a recliner from the system space out of boredom and lay down on it.

Just like that, the style of the painting suddenly developed in a strange direction.

Wang Luo lay in the middle of a large group of brown and green monsters, and the green monsters kept coming out of the cracks.

As one grew, the other grew. The number of cockroach monsters was directly suppressed by the Invase, not to mention that there were also a large number of superior Invase among the Invase.

Such a big commotion certainly shocked many people.

The first one was Kadoya Shi and his group.

This place was not far from them, so they came quickly, and of course there were two knights.

One man and one woman

"Tell me, am I dreaming? Someone can actually control monsters, and they are monsters we don’t know!" said the female knight

"No, I saw it too. Do you think we can ask him for help to rescue Junyi?"

The male knight first answered the female knight, and then proposed an idea.

"Are you serious?

The female knight was a little surprised.


The knight nodded without hesitation.

"Judging from the battlefield, the man on the recliner is definitely not Fourteen's subordinate, so my idea can be realized, but we don't know him, how can we make him agree to us."

After listening to the male knight's analysis, the female knight felt that it was very feasible, but she also knew that such a person would never cooperate with them.

At this time, Kamen Riders opened a passage and came to Wang Luo.

""Master, you are so awesome! If I remember correctly, these should be the monsters named Invase from Kota's place!"

Kadoya said admiringly while looking at Wang Luo.

However, Mitsuru Natsumi and Onodera Yusuke looked at Wang Luo lying on the recliner in disbelief. They did not expect Wang Luo to have this skill.

Controlling monsters, Mitsuru Natsumi and the others had never seen it before.

Although they had also been to Kota Kuzuba's world, they had never seen anyone who could directly control monsters like Wang Luo. All they had seen were controlled by using locks.

Listening to Kadoya's words, Wang Luo did not waver at all. This was nothing. He could do it by swallowing the golden fruit.

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