I have to say that Koei Jiro's cooking skills are really amazing.

After Wang Luo finished his meal, he also planned to go back. Originally, he came out this time just to see what kind of world he had come to. Later, he came to [Guang Photo Studio] just because he suddenly thought of it and wanted to see where Men Shishi lived now. At the door of the photo studio, Wang Luo stopped Men Shishi and others from coming out to see him off, but he still told Men Shishi that he had to go to the studio to study every day and not slack off.

On the way back, Wang Luo saw the information conveyed in those videos and newspapers again. Although he already knew it, it still made him feel a little incredible.


As soon as Wang Luo returned to his own venue, he felt something was wrong, as if someone had come in.

Wang Luo couldn't figure out the previous week, when he didn't see a single bird feather, but since Menshishi came, it seemed that everything before was just a dream.

""It can't be a thief!"

Wang Luo thought again. Although his place was remote, it was not impossible for a thief to come in.

After looking at the movement trajectory again, Wang Luo found that the man seemed to have finally entered his room.

"He's not still here, is he?"

Wang Luo followed the man's movements and quietly approached his house, fearing to alert the enemy.

In fact, there are not many rooms in this venue. Except for the room with actual combat functions, which must be opened by Wang Luo and his disciples, the rest can be entered at will.

"Hmm! Why is there no sound?"

After approaching, Wang Luo found that it was quiet inside, without any sound. With the body strengthened by the system, Wang Luo could actually hear very subtle sounds, but at this moment there was no sound in the room.

In addition to the fact that the man was not there at all, the man was very powerful and could deceive Wang Luo's ears, but Wang Luo preferred the former.

"Sure enough!"

Wang Luo opened the door and saw no other figure.

"Who is it?"

Wang Luo was a little confused. He didn't know who could visit his little house.

Sitting on the bed, Wang Luo had a headache, but he seemed to have grasped a clue.

"It can't be him!"

Wang Luo's mind appeared a figure wearing a hat, with a mysterious identity, who always obstructed the gate.

However, Wang Luo couldn't make a decision now because there was no evidence.

"Forget it, nothing is lost anyway."

After thinking for a long time, Wang Luo couldn't think of anything else except that one clue, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

However, not far from Wang Luo's venue, in a corner, a figure looked at Wang Luo's venue.

"Who is this person? There is nothing related to him in his room. Why would he help Decade? And where did his driver come from?……"

The shadow paused for a moment and then laughed grimly twice.

"Hey~hey~, no matter who it is, it is impossible to stop me from destroying Decade."

Then a gray and white light curtain appeared, slowly covering the figure, and when the light curtain disappeared, the figure had disappeared.

At this moment, Wang Luo certainly didn't know that the prisoner who entered his room just now was not far from the venue.

Ignoring these, Wang Luo was now discussing with the system how to prevent such a thing from happening again. If he didn't know, it would be fine. Now that he knew, he had to come up with a solution. If he left something valuable in the room in the future and someone took it away, he wouldn't know where to cry.

"Could you please set up the system so that when I'm not around, only my apprentices and people I allow can come in?"

"The host can set it."

Wang Luo felt relieved after hearing the system's response.

"Then set it up!"

Wang Luo did not hesitate and immediately let the system set it up. Anyway, this one is for when he is not around.

After finishing these things, Wang Luo suddenly felt a little free. In the past, he still had some hope, but now that he has received an apprentice, he seems to have some free time.


Wang Luo was speechless about his own thoughts. He was really looking for trouble.

Wang Luo fell asleep unconsciously while lying on the bed. This was because he slept too late last night, and the unlucky kid Menshishi woke him up so early today, so Wang Luo fell asleep after just a short while.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Luo opened his eyes and stretched his waist. He felt that he was refreshed all of a sudden.

"What time is it?"

Wang Luo looked at the time and found that it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. He got up at eight in the morning and first taught Menshishi to become Kamen Rider Decade, then worked on practical functions, and then went to the [Light Photo Gallery]. Wang Luo felt that today was the busiest day since he traveled through time.


While summarizing what he had done today, Wang Luo suddenly heard some noise outside.

"Could it be that the thief is here again?"

Wang Luo's previous guess was just a guess and he didn't really see it, so he still called the person who sneaked into his house a thief.

After opening the door, Wang Luo found that he had thought too much. The person outside was none other than Men Shishi. However, there was another figure that surprised Wang Luo, and that was Guang Xiahai.

""Master, Wang Luo!"

Menshishi and Guangxiahai shouted when they saw Wang Luo coming out.

"Why are you here?"

Wang Luo thought that Menshishi would not come today, at least he would have to wait until tomorrow. When the two heard Wang Luo's words, they didn't know what to say for a moment, and then Menshishi mustered up the courage to speak out.

"This is the master.……"

After learning the reason for their visit from Menshishi, Wang Luo didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Oh my god, isn't this the plot of the DecadeTV drama!"

Yes, what Menshishi said just now reminded Wang Luo of the DecadeTV drama.

However, what Menshishi said was a little different from what Wang Luo knew.

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