"Oz! What do you want to do with me?" Anku dropped from the sky.

The ancient king did not speak, but just looked ahead quietly.

Anku followed his line of sight and saw a sarcophagus in that direction.

"What is this..." Anku was shocked.

"That is Mavis's coffin. He has disappeared." The king said lightly.

"Tsk, why are you telling me this?" Anku pretended to be indifferent.

"Anku, cooperate with me!" The king invited directly.


"Don't you want to get real life? Join forces with me and snatch the core coins of other greedy people. With them, we can get powerful power. Then your wish will come true!"

Anku was silent, and seemed to be somewhat moved by the king's proposal.

Then, he asked the ancient king with some doubts: "I don't understand. Since you want the power of the core coins, why didn't you just take them all away when you created them? Why did you have to let us appear and wait until now?"

The king shook his head: "Anku, you don't understand. Coins with greedy people and coins without greedy people are different. Although the coins themselves are very powerful, desire is the driving force. You who have endless desires are the real power of the coins!"

Anku was thoughtful.

If Mavis was here, he would probably know what this sentence means.

The purple dinosaur coin representing the fantasy biological system has a complete ten pieces, and no greedy people were born, so it has been safe and stable all the time, and has not shown any power.

It was not until eight hundred years later that they met Maki Kiyoto and Hino Eiji, two people with "nothingness" desires, and were attracted by them and entered their bodies, gradually transforming them into greedy people, and then gradually showing their power.

Seeing that Anku didn't speak, the king thought he was still hesitating.

"You are not still immersed in the false illusion that Mavis has woven for you, are you?" Wang added another blow.

Anku looked up suddenly: "Okay! I agree!"

"Hahahaha, with our strength, we can definitely achieve the goal! Go back and wait for my news."

Anku nodded, and just as he was about to fly away, he saw Wang suddenly gather his strength and release it towards Mavis's sarcophagus.

"What are you going to do?"

"Just a little insurance measure. In order to prevent Mavis from faking her death, I have to add another seal!" Wang snorted coldly.

He didn't know that Anku was looking at him with a cold light in his eyes.

This bastard...

I will kill you sooner or later!

But now he has no position to stop Wang's actions for the time being, and he also believes that Mavis has a backup plan.

After all, that guy is very strong!

After returning from Wang, Anku told the news to Metzl and Gamel, asking them to prepare early and wait for the day of the decisive battle.

"Mavis said that we should hide some of the core coins. Have you figured out how to do it?" he asked Metzl.

"Ah, but I'll need your help when the time comes."

After the two made a plan, Anku left.

"See you in eight hundred years, Mavis!" Metzl called out her lover's name.


After a while, all parties were ready.

The Ancient King summoned the Greedy to the place where he had fought with Mavis.

The sarcophagus had been taken away and placed in the underground of the Ancient King's Palace, in the laboratory that created the Greedy.

The King thought it would be safer to keep it under his own eyes.

Besides, although the seal could not be broken, it would be nice to collect it as his own trophy.

"Oz, what are you calling us for?" Kazali asked.

"Well... there are some things that need your help."

"What is it?" Wufan was a little confused.

While they were talking, Kazali and Wufan didn't realize that Anku had quietly moved behind them.

"Puff!" Anku suddenly reached out and pierced the stomachs of the two men.

"Ding-dong, ding-dong!" Cell coins kept falling to the ground.

"Anku, you!" Kazali and Wufan retreated instantly and moved away from Anku.

But Anku's goal had been achieved.

He spread his hands.

In his left hand were two green insect coins, and in his right hand was a yellow coin symbolizing the cat family.

"Our... core coins! Anku... give them back to us!"

Because of the lack of core coins, the leg armor of the two men also turned into a pile of cell coins along with black smoke and completely dissipated.

"Oz! Anku! What do you want to do?" Kazali finally felt something was wrong and roared.

"Kazali, you are useless now. I want to take back your core coins!" Wang said coldly.

Then, with a sound effect, he put on Oz's armor.

"You deal with the two of them. I'll deal with Metzl and Gamel!" Anku threw the coin in his hand to Wang, said a word, and rushed over with the other two greedy people.

"Ah, leave it to you!" Wang responded, and the "Tiger Claws" on both wrists were also revealed, attacking Wufan and Kazali.

The battlefield was divided into two.

However, the battle of the three people on Metzl's side seemed fierce, with special effects everywhere, but in fact it was just a show.

The ancient king probably didn't expect that three of the six people present were traitors!

Metzl blocked Wang's sight with a water curtain, making it impossible for them to see the battle situation inside.

Anku nodded to Metzl, indicating that she could start.

Metzl also nodded in response.

"Gamel, give me your coins."

"I know." Gamel took out 6 coins from his body without saying a word.

Metzl also took out 6 coins.

Anku also took out two coins and threw them to Metzl.

It's not that he doesn't want to take out more, but he must return to Oz as a "winner" or it will arouse suspicion.

The coins were taken out, and the breastplates and leg armors of Metzl and Gamel were also broken, while Anku's overall appearance did not change.

"Is this enough?" she murmured.

She took out two coins from her and Gamel's coins and threw them to Anku.

This is what Anku will take to the king.

Then Metzl sent the remaining coins away with a hidden stream of water.

It will take the coins to a safe place and hide them.

Seeing that she had done everything, Anku used flames to evaporate all the water curtains surrounding her.

He flew back to the king, and Metzl and Gamel also fell to the ground "weakly".

"Take it, Oz!" Anku threw all four coins given by Metzl to the king.

"Is it really Anku? The battle ended so quickly. But I'm not slow either." The king praised.

As for the fact that Anku's breath became a little weaker, he didn't ask much.

After all, it is impossible to deal with two perfect greedy people without getting hurt.

Kazali and Wufan had their core coins taken away. Without their perfect posture, they naturally couldn't beat the powerful ancient king. They were already knocked to the ground, and many of their core coins were also robbed.

"There are still some, I took them, this is the 'reward'!"

"Of course!" The king had no doubt.

"Anku! What do you want to do? Why did you betray us to help Oz!" Wufan said angrily.

"Why? What a stupid question, Wufan! As a greedy person, everything I do is to satisfy my own desires! Besides, betrayal? You and I have never been companions! How can there be any betrayal?" Anku sneered.

"That's right, we have never been companions, let alone betrayal!" Wang's sinister voice came from behind.

Then, the tiger claws pierced through Anku's body, and there were two red coins on the claws.

It can only be said that those who steal others will be stolen by others!

"Oz! You guy!" Anku knew this would happen, but still pretended to be angry and said

"Hahahaha! Thank you, Anku! But your coins are also one of my targets!" Wang kicked Anku aside, looked at the coins on the claws, and laughed wildly.

"Humph! Don't forget, I still have the coins of Metzl and the others, don't even think about it." Anku began to talk nonsense.

"It doesn't matter! These are enough for the time being! Let me show you!" Wang didn't care too much about it.

He just snatched four coins each from Wufan and Kazali, and now he has almost twenty coins!

The king threw all the coins into the air, took out the "O scanner" on his waist, and scanned the coins.

"Taka! (Eagle)" "Tora! (Tiger)" "Batta! (Locust)" "Gorilla! (Gorilla)" "Shachi! (Killer Whale)"...

The sound effects of the coins belonging to different greedy people sounded one after another.

The king felt a huge force surging from his body.

"That's it! That's it!" He shouted excitedly.

But soon his body burst into colorful light.

"How is it possible?" The king felt that he was about to burst.

And the light gradually formed a sealed vortex.

The bodies of several greedy people lying on the ground were bound by the light, flew up uncontrollably, and were swept into the vortex.

The next moment, the king also lost consciousness and turned into a stone statue.

Anku was not actually affected, becauseBecause he still had five coins on him, he was much stronger than the others and could withstand the force pulling him.

At the moment when the greedy people and the king were about to be sealed, Anku thought about it and transferred two coins (including the conscious one) to his right hand.

Then he separated his hand from his body and rolled them into the seal together.

Then, the stone statue of the king turned into a pile of cell coins, which then reorganized into a sarcophagus, sealing all the greedy people inside.

Everything returned to peace!


In a huge lake, there is a hidden cave.

This is where Metzl found the core coins of himself and others.

I saw that these core coins were surrounded by a ball of water, and anyone who wanted to get close would be attacked by it.

Until one day, a white figure found this place.

She ignored the attack of the water flow, broke the water ball, and took away all the core coins!

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