Before the uninvited guest caused a commotion, Mavis used his spatial ability to transfer the other party to an empty place.

"It is very rude to disturb other people's dates, don't you know?" Looking at the undead creature in front of him, Mavis spoke lightly.

He is now talking to it in the language of the undead creature.

Block 9, the Zebra Ancestor, has the ability of clones.

It is also the last link of the flame clone kick of Senior Tachibana!

"What are you talking about?"

Well, the ancestors are all primitive people, and it is normal that they don't know what dating means.

"Forget it, that's not important. Let me ask you, I should have asked someone to warn you before? Don't attack humans at will. What's your situation now?"

He doesn't believe that the Zebra Ancestor appeared in the crowd for a ride.

"Even if you are the winner in the past and the master of today, I still have to say that the way humans evolve is wrong! It is an existence that should be eliminated."

It lay dormant for two years to observe humans and finally came to such a conclusion.

"So, I understand that you are not happy with humans and you are planning to attack them, right?" Mavis' tone gradually cooled.

Wow, you are very brave!

"I don't deny that there are indeed drawbacks in human development, but that has nothing to do with you! If you want to change, then win this war through fighting. What's the point of bullying ordinary humans?"

"Damn it! The war now is completely different from the past! We can't gain power! Human Ancestor, is it you who did it?"

It seems that the Zebra Ancestor also tried to defeat other undead creatures, but did not see the arrival of the sealing slab, so he also found something wrong.

"This is not a reason for you to attack the crowd. Even if there is really a problem, the Extreme War is a battle between the ancestors after all, and the final winner can only be the undead creature! You don't understand this truth, you are too far away from those guys above you!"

Mavis shook her head.

Why did Isaka go to great lengths to create "Q of the Queen"? Why was the Ace of Clubs deliberately sealed? Why did Tennolu go to any lengths to create artificial undead creatures, and even merge himself with the undead creatures?

All of this is because only undead creatures will be recognized by the Sealing Slate!

They just want the Knights to seal the other ancestors, and they steal the chicken to become the winner behind the scenes.

In Mavis's view, these superior undead creatures are all trying to find a way, and as for the other ancestors, they are just venting their anger. (A-class is not considered superior)

Having said that, Mavis didn't intend to say anything more to it. He took out the orange buckle and inserted the transformation card.

The next moment, a card-shaped belt stretched out from the buckle and fixed it on Mavis' waist.


"Turn Up!"

Kamen Rider Gren, Mavis version, third uncle!

"I have suppressed my own power now, and only use the Gren armor itself. If you can't beat me with this, then don't play." Mavis said.

"Asshole! Stop looking down on me!" Zebra Ancestor also knew that this battle was inevitable, so he rushed forward.

To show respect, he used his proud clone ability right away.

But Mavis was not afraid of fighting two enemies alone.

In fact, Gren is not weak. He looked bad in the early stage, but that was because of Senior Tachibana's fear and the reduced fusion coefficient of Category A.

After all, Senior Tachibana killed King with his initial form!

Not to mention, the current user is Mavis, who is perfectly adapted to all belts!

His fusion coefficient is not as high as Sempersentu (one thousand percent, Qianqi Terrier), but it is still 100 percent.

Two undead creatures can't hurt him.

"And I know how to distinguish your original body and clone!"

When the clone of Zebra Ancestor is attacked, the original body will emit green light.

In the original plot, because he didn't know this feature at the beginning, Tachibana found the wrong monster when sealing it, and its original body escaped.

Mavis would not make this mistake. He took out the Gren Awakener and shot at one of them.

Tsk, wrong choice!

But the main body also emitted green light at this time.

"Found you!"

The Zebra Ancestor saw that he could not fight and his main body was found, so he planned to retreat temporarily.

It jumped high and planned to leave directly.

"Where will my face be if you run away?" Mavis took out a few cards from the Gren Awakener and swiped them.

First, the 2 of diamonds.


Then the 6 of diamonds.


FinallyThis is a card that Gren has never used in the play.

8 of Diamonds!


This card that seals the bat undead creature can improve night vision and allow the bullets fired to have tracking ability!

It is worth mentioning that the initial AP of Gren Awakener is 5500.

AP is a bit like the blue bar in the game. Every time you swipe a card, the corresponding AP value will be consumed, so the card is not unlimited.

But Mavis thought, who can use 5500?

He has already used 2600 with this move, so he directly uses his ability to change the AP of Gren Awakener.

Just change it to 10000 for now.

What? You said I changed the parameters, is it cheating?

That's because you didn't see my efforts and sweat!

Speaking of which, this attack hit the fleeing Zebra Progenitor.

And as expected, after a burst of explosions, it fell down and the belt opened.

But Mavis hasn't had enough fun yet!

A healing energy shot out, and the belt on the opposite side closed immediately, and it also stood up with a "swoosh"!

Just when it was still confused about what happened, Mavis continued to swipe the card.

"Upper!" "Fire!"

The combination of diamond 3 (frog) and diamond 6 (firefly) can use a fire uppercut!

"Bang!" Mavis punched out and knocked the zebra ancestor away again.

The belt opened again, but was healed by Mavis again!

Hey! I jumped back and forth, just for fun!

The zebra undead creature is about to cry.

Is it because I attacked humans that you play with me like this? I really know I was wrong, please seal me up quickly!

"It's a pity that there is no clone card, otherwise I can use the signature clone kick." Mavis felt a little regretful.

Hmm? It seems that it is not impossible.

Mavis suddenly had an idea.

He walked up to the Zebra Progenitor and put his hand on his shoulder.

The Zebra didn't dare to move at all, it was already scared.

Mavis recorded the opponent's energy and information. The next second, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and a 9 of Diamonds card appeared out of thin air.

"Wow! Nice~" Mavis was also a little surprised. She didn't expect it to work!

"Hey, pony, the last trick, you'll be free after it's over."


If the Zebra Progenitor could shed tears, he would cry.

He opened his hands and prepared to meet Mavis's final blow.

"Drop!" "Fire!" "Gemini!"

5 of Diamonds (whale), a classic combination of 6 and 9!

Mavis somersaulted after jumping, transformed into a clone, and kicked the power of fire from the head of the Zebra Progenitor with his toes!

Hey ha! Flame clone kick!

The Zebra Ancestor looked at the clone on the other side and was also shocked.

Damn, someone hacked my account!

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