"Snap!" "Snap!" "Snap!"

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Don't get me wrong, this is the sound of Mavis hitting the body of Cube Q with the spinning stick and the screams of the opponent.

"Hey, I came down according to your request, and it seems that you are not so good." Mavis grabbed her neck and dragged her up.

"Forget it, the experiment of the new belt is over, I don't want to play anymore." Mavis let go of her hand.

"Exceed Charge (energy filling)!"

After pressing the confirmation button on the phone, the belt will charge the spinning stick in the hand.

The next moment, the spinning stick in the hand emitted a blue light after the energy was filled.

Then he swung forward, and a blue sword light was chopped out and hit the Cube Queen.

"Bang!" After a violent explosion, the opponent's belt opened directly.

"What do you think, I should still be considered a man?" Mavis canceled the transformation and teased.

So stingy!

Cube Queen was speechless.

"Stop talking nonsense, seal it now!" Her tone was still arrogant.

"That won't work, I said I wanted you to be Miyuki's colleague and share the pressure with her."

"Don't even think about it, don't underestimate the pride of the ancestors!"

Anyway, as an undead creature, she won't really die, so she is also very confident.

"Oh?" Mavis can probably guess what she is thinking.

But this time it won't be as she wishes.

"What kind of power is this?" The tone of the diamond Q was suddenly full of fear!

She could clearly feel that her vitality was gradually disappearing!

Oh no, she will really die!

Mavis smiled without saying anything.

This is naturally the power of the "Anubis" coin provided by Qian Qiao, which can suppress the immortal characteristics of the ancestors.

"Wait, wait! I am willing to surrender!"

"Well, I still like your rebellious look just now, how about you recover again?" Mavis did not stop, but smiled with evil taste.

"I, I was wrong! I'm sorry, Master!" Under the threat of death, Cube Q chose to follow her heart.

"ε=(´ο`*))) Alas, I didn't want to be so rough. Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier?" Mavis stopped supplying power.

Cube Q was relieved.

"Change back to human form." Mavis gave her a treatment casually, allowing her to exit the sealed stiff state, and then ordered.

After recovering, Cube Q knelt on one knee, not daring to look up and look at Mavis.

"What's your name?" Mavis raised her chin and stared into her eyes.


"Azumi, you have to follow Miyuki in the future. Is that okay?"

"No, no. I will be very obedient, Master!" It can only be said that once this opening is opened, even if it is the ancestor, her bottom line will be infinitely lowered.

The originally arrogant person will become as docile as now.

"Good boy! (,,´•ω•)ノ"(´っω•`。)" Mavis touched her little head.

She even rubbed it.

This scene made Miyuki stunned.

No, in just a few minutes, you have changed too much, right?

"Miyuki!" Mavis suddenly cue her.

"Yes!" Miyuki immediately closed her legs and stood at attention.

"Why are you so nervous? Here are these for you." Mavis threw a few canned machines to her.

This is the scene of the battle of the transformed Gren that he recorded.

Of course, he deleted the part where he copied the power of the Zebra Ancestor.

This cannot be exposed for the time being, he wants to use it for fun.

"Take these to show each Ancestor, tell them that their enemies are these knights now, and if they want to win, they have to defeat them. If I find that you attack ordinary people again, I will personally go! "

Mavis's move undoubtedly gave Kenzaki and others some strength.

After he said that, some of the ancestors might unite, and Kenzaki and Tachibana might face multiple enemies.

"But, Master Mavis, will those superior undead beasts also attack together..." Yoshinaga Miyuki expressed concern about the combat power of Kenzaki and others.

Now the knights are okay against ordinary undead beasts, but it seems that they are really not good against superior ones.

"Those guys also know something about the situation of this war. They hope to seal other ancestors through the hands of the knights to win. So it is unlikely that the knights will be eliminated now."

Mavis is not very worried about this.

The four Kings, oh no, the three Kings are watching the fight from the mountain.Since we know that we can't gain power by defeating other undead creatures, it's better to hide behind and let the knights do the work for nothing, and then come out to harvest the fruits at the end.

Even the most irritable Red Heart King and the Ghost Mantis Ancestor still choose to wait and see during this period, waiting for the day to pick peaches.

The strength of other superiors, Queen, is not very good, and the combat power of Category J can also be dealt with by relying on the Knight System.

After the guard form comes out, the other undead creatures except King will be chopped and cut into melons and vegetables, and one will be beaten without making a sound.

In fact, the people on the human side who need to be most vigilant are actually the people on the human side...

"I understand, let's do it now!" Miyuki responded and planned to leave with Azumi who had just joined.

"Wait." Mavis stopped the two.

He stretched out his hand and patted the shoulders of the two, and copied a portion of power from them like the original zebra ancestor.

"Okay, we can go." Mavis looked at the two golden cards in his hand with interest, and then left here first with the space gate.

After seeing Mavis disappear from in front of her, Azumi suddenly collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Miyuki thought that the other party was beaten by Mavis.

"Just now, it was so exciting!"

Although she was afraid of being close to death, she actually felt an indescribable excitement in her heart at that time!

I want to do it again!

Azumi's face suddenly flushed strangely!

You blush like a bubble teapot!

Miyuki was a little flustered. This newcomer seemed to be a little wrong.

She remembered some "miscellaneous books" she occasionally read when she was free in the past two years...

Oh no, the new colleague seems to be a masochist!


Mavis, who didn't know that her newly recruited subordinate had awakened a strange attribute, came to "Jacaranda" and handed the card of the red heart Q to Aikawa Hajime.

"This is..."

"It's a superior card, but it doesn't contain undead creatures. Maybe it can help you suppress Joker's power." Mavis explained.

"You can actually do this? You are not on the same level as us." Aikawa Hajime frowned.

Being able to create a card with power out of thin air, this is almost the same as being a ruler, right?

He hesitated for a moment, but still chose to take it.

"Why give it to me?" he asked.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I haven't given you any gifts as a friend, so I'm making up for it now." Mavis also said casually.

After all, Miyuki can't be sealed by Hajime anymore, but without the Queen of Hearts, Wild Kalis can't come out.

Although there are no undead creatures in the card now, there is no difference in power.

"Friends? Humph, boring!" Hajime turned and left.

But in the end, he stopped and whispered, "Thank you this time."

Then he left in a hurry.

Mavis shrugged helplessly.

There are a few arrogant guys in every world.

I'm used to it! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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