(Since no one knows how the Kivat family gave birth to children, I will make it up myself)

At this time, the Mavis family is having a family dinner.

"The new world is really nice!" Kivat II is tasting the delicacies that were not available in their time.

It has been several days since the few people returned to the sword world. Maya and II are slowly adapting to the things they have in modern times.

"So how do you digest the food you eat?" Mavis was a little curious.

In the play, Kivat III also accompanies Xiaodu to take a hot spring bath from time to time, so it seems that he also has five senses.

The gold content of the Greedy is still decreasing!

"Of course... Hey, what's your expression? Why do you look like you want to tear me down? I am your future fighting partner after all!"

Just as II was about to explain, he saw Mavis looking at him with shining eyes, as if he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Even he, who has always been serious and cold, almost couldn't hold it and was a little speechless.

After getting to know each other for a while, he probably realized that this new master was a good guy, but he had some bad tastes from time to time.

"Oh, okay." Mavis felt a little sorry.

"So that's what you thought just now, right?" The Second flew over and slapped Mavis with his wings.

"Hey! Keep talking!" Mavis awkwardly changed the subject.

"I really can't stand you. We, the tooth bats, are not machines. We, as monsters, naturally have our own digestive organs. It's just that they are very different from humans."

"Oh~ So, can you guys..."

"Dear!" Metzl interrupted, "Don't talk about this at the dinner table."

Metzl warned.

"Private Marseille~ My dear wife!" Mavis decisively admitted his mistake.

Maya on the side also covered her mouth and smiled.

"Mavis, you really look like the Second."

"Huh? Is it true?" Mavis' eyes lit up.

There's gossip!

"Really? Don't look at the second generation like this, he actually has a wife and children."

"Hey, Maye..." The second generation tried to stop her from continuing.

"What's wrong? Is there anything you can't say?" Maye tilted her head and looked at him innocently.

Being stared at by such a pair of big eyes, even the second generation was speechless for a moment.

She could only let her go.


"Hahaha!" After knowing that the second generation was also a henpecked husband, Mavis couldn't help laughing loudly even at the dinner table.

The second generation finally broke down and caught him and slapped him wildly.

The Metzl girls were also a little helpless.

These two guys, the eldest brother is making fun of the second brother.

"Stop it, surrender! ┗( ´・∧・`)┛" Mavis raised her hands.

"But how do the tooth bats give birth to children?" Ling Yuan asked, and helped Mavis out of the dilemma.

Others also turned their eyes to the Second, wanting to know the answer to this question.

Seeing that everyone wanted to know, the Second naturally would not hide it.

"Female members of the Kivat clan are generally powerless, so the head of the family is always a male member with power."

"But although the female party does not have power, she has the characteristics of being able to perfectly withstand the power of the Demon King and gradually transform it into a living body."

"So we will inject our power into their bodies every once in a while until the life is fully formed." The Second explained.

At the same time, it also shows that the power of this life will continue to increase with the passage of time.

"In theory, the longer we live, the stronger our power will be, but I don't know where the peak is. The most powerful person I have seen so far is my dad."

It is worth mentioning here that the kiva armor is not the ability of the kivat clan, but is made by two craftsmen of the vampire clan, Knight (knight) and Pawn (pawn).

The ability of the Kivat clan was only to inject the power of the Demon King into others and control them at the beginning, but the direct injection is extremely dangerous.

Until the armor comes out, the two can show their true strength by cooperating with each other.

So the strength of dark kiva and kiva depends on the power injected into the life form by kivat and their own control over the power of the Demon King.

This is why Taiya, even as a king, almost couldn't defeat the resurrected King when he teamed up with Xiaodu in the form of the Demon King.

Taiya is still too young.

In his early twenties, he still couldn't bear too much power even as a pure-blood successor. (Actually, I edited it.(I don't know if it's right)

Biyin is also strong, but not too strong.

"Oh~" After listening to the second generation's story, several people suddenly realized and looked like they had learned something.

"Huh? Have you finished eating?" The second generation suddenly asked in confusion.

"Yes!" ×N!

During the second generation's story, Mavis and several women had finished their meals.

Listening to stories while eating!

"By the way, you just said that female members don't have power under normal circumstances, so is there an unusual situation?" Mavis remembered that there seemed to be a kivala.

I heard that she was the third generation's sister.

The other party can make an ordinary person like "Stocking Maniac" Guang Xiahai transform without losing his life, and can also make the useless Kuuga of Onodera Yusuke awaken the ultimate form.

Presumably, in addition to having powerful power, there are also characteristics that even the second generation does not have.

"Yes. My mother and wife do not have power. But my daughter does have the power of the Demon King." The second generation nodded.

Although the tooth bats are a species, they actually have very few family members, and there are only three generations at present.

The parents of the second generation, the second generation and his wife, and finally the third generation and Kivala.

If nothing unexpected happens, many years later, she will be taken away by Ming Long to find trouble with Xiao Ming.


(Here is a small pit, I don't know if it is useful. Let's see if it can be linked with Xiao Ming)


"By the way, Maya, is your mark still there." Mavis just remembered this question.

"It's gone, I don't know if it has disappeared completely or transferred to someone else." Maya shook her head and looked at the palm of her left hand.

Her power as a tooth vampire still exists, but the mark of the Queen disappeared the moment she came to the new world.

Mavis nodded.

He thought that this mark might have been directly erased by the power of time and space during the process of traveling through the world.

"But Mavis, I feel like I forgot something." Maya buried her head in Mavis's arms, as if she was thinking hard.

What is it?

I can't remember it!


In the Kiva world, Wei, who was imprisoned in the Delan Castle by the bishop, sighed.

This annoying cousin and brother-in-law must have forgotten me, right?

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