In order to allow the people in the building to escape smoothly, Eiji specially led the huge weevil to the rooftop and fought with it.

"Hey, Eiji! Everyone inside has evacuated, get rid of it quickly!" Anku, who temporarily left Izumi Shingo's body, came to Eiji and shouted.

"It's so easy to say, bastard! But I can't do it at all! And, go back to the body of the policeman!" Eiji was struggling to hold on.

Although the Desire Devourer is large in size, its flexibility is not bad at all, and its shell is very hard, so the "Tiger Claw" can't cause much damage.

"Damn it!" Anku cursed in a low voice.

If he had known that this was already Mavis's territory, he would not have let this guy grow so big.

At this time, because Eiji was distracted, the weevil took this opportunity to knock him off the building.

"Ahhh!" Eiji screamed.

"That idiot!" Anku quickly flew over and grabbed him.

"Thank you, Anku! But what should we do now?" After being rescued, Eiji thanked him, and then looked at the Desire Devourer who was wreaking havoc above with some helplessness.

Anku couldn't think of a solution for a while.

"Oh my, it seems someone needs help!" A voice suddenly came from the air.

A golden figure of a monster blocked the two of them.

"No way? Another one?" Eiji looked at the monster in front of him vigilantly.

"Mavis! Are you resurrected too?" Anku, who was re-possessed by Izumi Shingo, was surprised to reveal the identity of the person in front of him.

"Haha, it's been a long time since we last met, Anku. It seems that you are not doing well!" Mavis said.

"Tsk, what do you care? Since you are here, quickly get rid of that guy up there." Anku said with a pout.

Anku was also very embarrassed to be seen in his miserable state by his friends.

"Oh~ That won't do. This is the mess you caused, so of course you have to solve it yourself." Mavis refused to help.

Just kidding!

He was just a spectator!

Mavis turned to look at Eiji and said hello: "Nice to meet you, Oz, forget it, I'll just call you Eiji. I'm Anku's friend, Mavis."

"Friend? Does this guy still have friends?" Eiji exclaimed.

Can he make friends with such a cocky personality?

"Haha, let's talk about this later. You should find a way to get rid of that guy first." Mavis pointed upwards.

"Oh, yes! Mr. Mavis, please teach me." Eiji bowed and asked.

Speaking of which, even though they have become a member of Huaguo, the comrades in Sakura Province still love to bow so much!

Mavis sighed, then took out the long box and opened it.

Inside was a sword and five coins.

This is the "Holy Emblem Slashing Sword", a weapon developed by the Hongshang Foundation, with amazing sharpness.

And it was because of it that Oz once abandoned the "Knight Kick" as the knight's signature.

Mavis picked up one of the coins, walked to a "vending machine", pressed it, and it turned into a motorcycle.

He put another coin in another vending machine, clicked it a few times, and countless blue cans fell out of it.

Mavis suspected that the Hongshang Foundation might have mastered some space-related technology, otherwise how could a small vending machine hold so many cans?

After the cans fell to the ground, they turned into small octopuses.

"Go, Eiji, these little guys will pave the way for you. Just put the coin into the sword when you use the big move." Mavis reminded.

It seems interesting to be a novice knight's instructor occasionally.

"Oh, okay, although I'm a little confused about the situation, thank you anyway." Eiji climbed onto the motorcycle and thanked him.

Then he drove forward without hesitation.

And those octopuses flew over and formed a road leading to the rooftop!

"This is much more shocking than watching CG on TV." Mavis murmured.

The special effects of the Knight's Shed...


It's hard to describe!

"Hey, Mavis, when did you revive?" Anku stood aside, watching the battle above with him, and asked.

He also had time to chat at this time.

Since Mavis has arrived, there will definitely be no accidents in this battle!

"It won't be long, a little earlier than you."

"Then why didn't you come to me earlier?"

"Oh, then you must have gone to find your girlfriend first. You have Eiji Hino with you. Metzl can only take Gamel to wander around in this unfamiliar environment alone. How pitiful?" Mavis said righteously.

KnowDon’t you know how inconvenient it is for a “single mother” to wander with a child?

“You kid…” Anku was speechless.

This guy is really a beauty!

Anku didn’t realize that his emotions began to gradually become richer.

You know, Mavis hasn’t used her abilities on him yet.

It can only be said that after possessing a human, he had a brand new experience and was more like a “human” than before.

“By the way, do you know about that girl Lingyuan? She…”

“I know! As for the empress, little Lingyuan is very powerful. I say, Anku, you really should learn how to surf the Internet, the news is too delayed.” Mavis complained.

He has been possessed for so long but he is not willing to check the memory of Izumi Shingo. He still doesn’t know that mobile phones and the Internet are so convenient!

“This era is very interesting, and there must be a lot of new delicacies now. You can’t eat them if you don’t learn about them.” Mavis threw out another bait.

He knew that Anku also had a special liking for all kinds of food, and was a foodie no less than Gamel.

Of course, Anku preferred sweets.

"Tsk, I know!" Although Anku was a little skeptical that humans would make any great progress in the past eight hundred years, he still kept Mavis' words in mind.

"Oh, it seems that the battle above is about to end." Mavis reminded.

In fact, it is indeed coming to an end.

As a novice artifact in the early stage of Oz, the Holy Emblem Slashing Sword is still easy to chop a chicken Desire Devourer.

Yingsi put 3 "cell coins" into the "Holy Emblem Slashing Sword", and launched a big move after reading it through the "O Scanner".

The next moment, the Desire Devourer and the surrounding space were cut apart, but after a few seconds, only the Desire Devourer exploded, and the things around it that were cut were repaired.

Mavis was amazed.

Cutting off the space...

Are you handsome?

Want it!

After Yingsi returned to the two of them, he bowed to Mavis and handed the sword to them with both hands: "Thank you very much, Mr. Mavis! This is back to you!"

"No need, this was originally a gift from someone to celebrate the birth of Oz, you keep it for yourself." Mavis waved her hand.

"Ah... okay. But although we won, we still caused a lot of damage." Yingsi hesitated for a moment, but still accepted it, and then said regretfully.

"Indeed. But this level should still be repairable. After all, it is a gift from Yuan'er, and it can't be damaged casually."

After speaking, Mavis gathered power in his hands, and countless lights sprinkled on the building.

Yingsi was surprised to find that the places destroyed by the Desire Devourer were recovering at an extremely fast speed.

"Good, so powerful!"

"Haha, a little trick."

It can only be said that the "human" coin is still quite omnipotent.

"Okay, it's done. I'll stop here for today, I'm leaving!"

"Where are you going?" Anku asked with a frown.

"I'll go take care of something and come back to you in a few days. Eiji, please take care of Anku for us temporarily. This guy is sometimes very troublesome, please forgive me."

"It's okay, Mr. Mavis, please leave it to me!" Eiji patted his chest and promised.

"Then I'll leave it to you." After saying that, he flew away.

Looking at his departing back, Eiji sighed: "Although Mr. Mavis is a greedy person, he is really a good person. He came to give me something, and he is so polite, and it makes people feel very kind."

After saying that, he looked at Anku with disdain.

That look clearly asked, how can a guy like you make friends with Mr. Mavis?

Not only is he rude, but he is also arrogant, and he even spends his money to buy popsicles!

Ah! I have to find a place to work again, otherwise I can't live like this!

"Eiji! What's that look in your eyes, kid?"

Anku was angry!

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