"Ah~ I slept so comfortably!" Yingsi stretched his body.

"Baka." Anku said speechlessly.

This kid slept comfortably, but he was busy for a long time.

Yingsi was also used to Anku's way of speaking, and didn't care about his "vulgar words".

"Eat, eat!"

"Hey, Yingsi, do you feel anything wrong with your body? You used the joint group!"

"Eh? It seems not, it's better to say that I feel very good now, and it seems to be a little stronger?" Yingsi tilted his head, a little puzzled.

Anku suddenly realized.

It seems that it is really as Mavis said, Yingsi's desire began to revive unconsciously, so Mavis's power also began to show.

Mavis is different from other greedy people. The host chosen by him will not give birth to any conscious desire-eating monsters, but will strengthen the host's body as the other party's desire increases, and finally let it obtain a special monster form.

Just like Lingyuan.

In Mavis's opinion, this is more like an evolution!

"Eiji, let me ask you, don't you have anything that can be called desire?" Anku asked.

"Yes! That is..."

"Except underwear!" Anku immediately knew what he was going to say and interrupted him impatiently.

"Ah, underwear doesn't count? Well... how should I put it? I feel like I want a lot of things, right? But after thinking about it carefully, I found that I don't particularly want them."

"I occasionally want to eat delicious food, but I think it's okay not to eat, as long as I can eat enough: I want to find a good bed to sleep in, but I can sleep in the open air; I want to go out with friends, but if my friends are not free, it doesn't matter if I don't go..."

"Really, I don't have high requirements. I can survive with a pair of underwear!"

Well, after talking about it, I finally pulled the underwear back.

This idiot!

"Then what do you feel when you transform into a joint group?"

"Feeling? Just full of power, very comfortable!" Eiji smiled and scratched his head.

Anku rolled his eyes at him and gave up the idea of ​​helping Mavis to find out the boy's desire.

"Hey, Anku, you keep talking about me, what about you? What is your desire?" Eiji asked curiously.

Anku opened the attic window, looked outside, and whispered: "Life!"


"It's life! The 'life' that can taste the world with your own hands!"

"But you are not now...?"

"Ah, it is true that with the help of that guy Mavis, I have all the senses of humans, but I always feel that it is still a little short." Anku said, looking at his right hand.

"Souga! In this case, I will help you!" Eiji said.

"Huh, a guy who slept for a whole day after using a joint group, really dares to say that!" Anku was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Don't underestimate me, I feel that I can fight for a long time now!" Eiji was a little bit nervous.

After laughing, the two suddenly fell silent.



"You must help me get my body back. I can't do anything like this, not even fighting..."

"Of course! Leave it to me!"

"Gurgle!" Eiji's stomach suddenly rumbled.

"I'm starving! It's all because of you, Anku, asking all sorts of nonsense, and I forgot I had to go eat! Miss Chiyoko! Help~"

"You're really an idiot!"


"Kazali-kun, it seems you've completely absorbed the power of the coin?" said Maki, who was fiddling with his doll in the laboratory.

"Ah, it feels like my energy-eating monster will be a type I've never seen before." Kazali, who turned into yellow hair, laughed.

"Well, the container of your coin has begun to evolve, and the Devourer you created will naturally evolve as well! However, this is just the beginning. The first priority now is to collect your core coins as soon as possible!"

"I know, but that guy is..."

"Kazali-kun, you really should learn more about using human things as Mr. Mavis said." Maki sighed.

He clicked on the screen, which showed the daily life of Kuskuchi.

"Mavis, Eiji Hino and Anku are not always in the same place. Most of the time, the latter act together. And your coin is on Anku, do you understand what I mean?"

"Huh, so that's it, just deal with Oz, right?" Kazali said that he was fine again.

Just Oz and one-handed Anku!

"Yes, maybe you can try your new power." Maki Kiyoto said lightlyA sentence.

Then his eyes moved to the smiling Miss Chiyoko in the video.



Soon after. A robber escaped from prison.

His name is Yamagane. The purpose of this escape is to avenge his younger brother "An" who once betrayed him and the policeman who arrested him, Izumi Shingo.

That is now Anku.

After seeing the news, An hurried to the store and told Izumi Hina the news.

Because he knew that Yamagane was likely to hurt Izumi Shingo's family.

Izumi Shingo had done him a favor.

And when he left the store, he happened to meet Yamagane who came after his scent.

Yamagane was wrapped in a strange gray-white bandage.

He said angrily: "Aan, you kid, you dare to betray me! Do you know how many years you made me stay in prison?"

"Ah~ Brother Shanjin~ You really escaped from prison!" Aan rubbed his hands and said flatteringly.

"I'm here to settle accounts with you!" Three steel claws suddenly appeared on Shanjin's hands.

"Ah!!! Help!"

After a chase, Aan was rescued by Yingsi who came.

Yingsi immediately transformed after discovering that the other party was a Desire Devourer.

This guy looked like a boarding type created by Kazali, so Yingsi didn't dare to attack before the Desire Devourer left the body.

However, after seeing Anku's face on the side, this guy became even more angry: "It's you? Bad policeman!"

The desire for revenge rose instantly, and the Desire Devourer took shape and separated from the host almost instantly.

It was a Desire Devourer in the form of a lion, but its right hand actually had a jellyfish-like part.

"That Desire Devourer has half of Metzl's attributes!" Anku said in surprise.

Has Kazali evolved to this point?

Seeing the Desire Devourer coming out, Eiji immediately started to attack, but when he touched the jellyfish head on the right shoulder of the Desire Devourer with his tiger claws, two cell coins fell out.

Then the coins turned into two jellyfish and rushed towards him.

Eiji subconsciously waved his claws, and the jellyfish was split by the claws.

More small jellyfish stretched out their tentacles and began to give Eiji electric therapy!

"It hurts! Anku! Give me a joint group!" Eiji chose to cheat directly.

He didn't even think about the other subspecies, and he started with a joint group.

"Tsk, don't order me!" Anku retorted impatiently, but still took out two yellow coins from the "coin storage box" and threw them out.

This box was still given by Binet.

But what he didn't see was that A'an on the side had a sly look in his eyes.

Eiji switched to the "lion, tiger and leopard" joint form.

He emitted a blazing light and attacked the Desire Devourer.

Unfortunately, the one in front of him had some Kazali attributes, which could reduce some of the damage.

The Desire Devourer sensed something was wrong, and after resisting for a while, he immediately returned to the body of Sanjin.

"Not good!" Eiji immediately stopped attacking when he saw this.

Sanjin woke up again, and did not choose to fight hard, but turned around and jumped into the river to escape.

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