"Pu·To·Tyranno, Zaurus!"

Accompanied by a sound effect, Oz's "Pterosaur" form appeared.

Eiji, who had just transformed, began to emit cold air around him, with the momentum of freezing everything!

Mavis, who happened to arrive at this time, frowned when she saw this scene.

With a light step of the right foot, the cold air was shattered.

Oz turned back suddenly and glanced at him. Mavis could clearly feel the murderous aura coming out of this guy.

However, Oz still chose to tear the enemy in front of him to pieces first.

"That power is, our kind! It's the same kind, but it's the enemy?" This pterosaur devourer still has a lot of nonsense.

How can Oz tolerate it? Just take out the scanning ring and sweep it across the belt!

How to say the big move at the beginning?

"Scanning Charge!"

The purple-linked shoulder has a weapon similar to the horns of a triceratops, called "Gust of Wind Spikers", which will automatically extend and shorten according to Oz's wishes.

After scanning and charging, the "Gust of Wind Spikers" instantly extended and pierced through the pterosaur Devourer.

Then, purple pterosaur wings extended from the back of Oz's head, rolled up a freezing airflow, and froze it, and then the extended horns were retracted. (Yes, the pterosaur is the head, and the position of the wings is probably near the neck...)

Finally, the tail of the Tyrannosaurus Rex transformed from behind directly smashed the Devourer.

With a "bang", the Devourer turned into slag, and the only cell coin bounced onto Oz's right hand.

Oz took a look at the coin, then pounded the floor with his left hand to smash it. After a flash of purple light, the floor recovered, and Oz also had a Tyrannosaurus-type axe weapon in his hand!

Holy Emblem Bite Dragon, Fierce Axe Mode!

After getting the weapon, Oz roared and rushed towards Mavis.

Purple energy immediately wrapped around the Holy Emblem Bite Dragon to form an energy blade. (Don't think it looks like a basic attack, but it's actually a big move)

"Hey! Eiji, you've made up your mind, you dare to attack me!" Mavis was a little speechless.

But he couldn't just sit there and watch the opponent's attack fall on him.

With a flash of golden light, he raised his hand in a weird state and grabbed the "Holy Emblem Bite Dragon".

"My dear wife, you step back first." Mavis reminded without looking back.

Mazel nodded and quickly moved away from the battle area.

And Mavis could feel that Oz's left hand was constantly exerting force, trying to cut off his hand directly.

"You seem to be right-handed, Eiji? This hand doesn't seem to have much strength!" Mavis said a trash talk.

His words reminded Oz.

The next moment, Oz clenched his right fist and hit Mavis's forehead.

Mavis dodged the punch by tilting his head slightly, and then kicked him out.

"Ahhh!!!" Oz roared when he saw that his attack failed.

He put the coin into the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus, pressed the handle behind it, and turned it over, and the weapon turned into a cannon.

Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus, rocket launcher mode!

Oz aimed at Mavis, and purple energy continued to condense at the muzzle!

"Pu·To·Tyranno, Hissatsu (Wing Horn Burst Kill)!"

With the appearance of the kill sound effect, a very powerful destructive beam was released from the Holy Emblem Tyrannosaurus!

"This weapon is really cool!" Mavis praised, but the movement of her hand was not slow.

The "God Slasher" was also wrapped with energy and cut out a golden sword energy.

The shock wave caused by the collision of the two instantly destroyed the surrounding things!

Fortunately, the remaining people here have been evacuated by Goto, and no more casualties have been caused.

Oz originally wanted to continue attacking, but Mavis had teleported in front of him, slashed his chest with a knife, and then added a punch to knock him back repeatedly.

"Enough of the trouble, it's almost time to end it, Eiji!" Mavis walked up to Oz's belt and straightened it, and he directly canceled the transformation.

"Mr. Mavis, thank you very much!" Eiji fainted after saying that.

You see, he got beaten and still had to thank us.

"Mr. Ida, Goto, can you please take Eiji to the hospital? By the way, that ward hasn't been vacated yet? Just send it back!"

"Okay!" Goto obediently carried Eiji on his back and left with Ida.

"You could have canceled Brother Eiji's transformation a long time ago, right?" Mazel rolled her eyes and said.

"Haha, I want to test my strength a little bit~ I'm really strong!" Mavis said after looking at her hands.

I'm not in my perfect state yet, but I can already beat the dinosaur team...

"JustHowever, it seems a little too much!" Mavis looked at the mess on the ground and scratched his head embarrassedly.


"What an amazing strength, Mavis-kun!" Maki sighed as he looked at the battle video of Oz and Mavis.

This is a complete crush, right?

"Humph, that's all!" Kazali said stubbornly.

But he was already thinking about how many rounds he could go through in the hands of Mavis after he was fully resurrected.

No, this can't go on!

As soon as he gets the ninth coin, he will immediately ask Maki for coins of other series.

Presumably, he will be able to absorb more by then.

Evolve! He needs to evolve!

"Ah! Damn it!" The monster-like Anku suddenly roared at this time.

"Why? Why can't you just give up?" It smashed its right hand desperately.

"It seems that the process of swallowing has encountered obstacles?" Maki asked without replying.

"Doctor! Give me the coins! Give me all the remaining coins! ”

Previously, Maki gave Xiao Anku three coins to support it in devouring Anku's consciousness.

Adding the five it originally had, there were eight coins in total, but it still didn't succeed.

"You are really tenacious! Okay, all for you! By the way, Kazali-kun, it's time to give you your coin." He threw the remaining two red coins and the yellow coin to the two of them respectively.

At this point, both of them can reach the level of complete resurrection, and if Xiao Anku can successfully absorb Anku, he will even have a full fourteen red coins!

But Maki didn't care.

Although he hasn't completely become a greedy person, he can do some things now.

He did some small tricks on the coins.

"Hahaha, thank you, doctor! "Kazali, who finally got the last coin, couldn't wait to absorb it.

Kazali turned back to his weirdo state and laughed wildly.

Yellow energy was wrapped around him, and his long mane-like hair began to grow longer, flying in the air like a spirit snake.

Seeing that Kazali had been fully resurrected, little Anku couldn't wait to absorb the coin into his body, and then his mind sank and entered the consciousness space.

Its situation is a bit special. Its arms and body are separated. It must devour Anku first before it can completely become a complete body!

The same is true for Anku!

"Asshole! Your death is coming!" Little Anku's consciousness snorted coldly.

"Haha, it seems that you are going to find your parents? But don't think you can easily beat me!" Anku sneered!

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