"I never thought that one day I would be able to live in such a peaceful place with the Greedy Ones!" Ida said with emotion.

Maki had already brought him to the secret base.

Wufan and Kazali looked at him coldly.

"Is this the second helper you found? Danqi? This guy is not very strong!" Kazali said disdainfully.

"Hey, hey, isn't that too much?" Although he really has no chance of winning against the perfect Greedy One, don't say it directly...

Forget it, they are not like Mavis and others, and they will not be considerate of others.

Don't be angry, don't be angry!

"Well! After all, it is a combat force, and the Danqi system was originally created by me, so it is natural for it to work for me." Maki said while looking at the puppet.

"By the way, Doctor, can't the Danqi belt be mass-produced? What if..." Ida suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Don't worry, Ida-kun. Although I have uploaded the data of Danqi, a small part of that data is wrong. It will take a while for other researchers under the Hongshang Foundation to discover and correct it. I am still confident about this."

"Hey~ Really cunning."

"Then, Wufan-kun, Kazali-kun, it's time to absorb the core coins of other systems to complete the evolution."

After Maki sent a wave of "warmth" to Mavis last time, he still had two water system coins, three gravity system coins, and five insect system coins in his hand.

The red bird system coins were taken away by Anku, and the cat system coins were already in Kazali's body.

He gave the water system and gravity system coins to Kazali, and the insect system coins were naturally taken away by Wufan.

Kazali absorbed a water system coin without hesitation.

The monster form automatically appeared, and the pressure on his body surged again!

"That's the feeling! This kind of pleasure!" Kazali's voice was full of desire.

Then he put all the remaining coins into his body without hesitation.

Maki narrowed his eyes.

According to Kazali's past temperament, he would hesitate before absorbing coins, and he would definitely absorb them one by one.

But this time was a little different from the past.

So that's it, is this the "disadvantage" of artificial coins?

Wu Fan, who was standing by, couldn't hold back his inner impulse when he saw Kazali gradually becoming more powerful.

He first absorbed two coins to fully revive himself.

I saw that his armor had become complete, and green lightning was surrounding him!

"It's a long-lost feeling!" Then he put all the remaining three coins into his body without stopping.

"Boom!" Green flames ignited around Wu Fan, and invisible waves continued to sweep around.

The momentum was much greater than that of Kazali, who absorbed five coins on the basis of full revival!

It's simply a Super Saiyan!

"Isn't this too scary? Hey, Doctor, let's step back a bit?" Ida Ming looked at the scene in front of him in horror.

"No need, Ida-kun!" Maki, who was already half a greedy person, said he was not panicked at all.

"But your doll was blown away!"

Maki turned back suddenly and found his empty shoulders, and his mouth turned into an "O" shape.

"Where, where?" Maki made a shrill voice, looked around in panic, and ran to find his doll with a trembling body.

Ida shook his head helplessly and hurried away from here.

Standing in the distance, he looked at Wufan with a worried expression on his face.

With such power, can Hino and Goto really solve it?

Yes, Ida was instructed by Hongshang to be an undercover agent.

By the way, take this opportunity to help Goto become the next Danqi!

At this time, a miniature camera on Ida's chest filmed the evolution process of Wufan.

On the other side, Hong Shang and Mavis were sitting in front of the big screen watching the transmitted images.

"It's amazing! I didn't expect that Wu Fan would take this step first? Twelve coins." Mavis exclaimed.

Theoretically, Wu Fan is the first greedy person to obtain the same series of coins.

Let's not talk about Mavis, the level is different.

Although Anku's Eagle Eternal is also a bird-type coin, it has been sublimated and naturally cannot be compared.

"Mavis, have you noticed the difference between the two now?" Hong Shang asked.

"Well, their desires are beginning to expand! They are already a little reckless."

After all, there is a difference between ancient alchemy and modern technology.

Alchemists can perfectly integrate the power of creatures into core coins through alchemical synthesis, but modern technology can only reproduce coins.It seems that this cannot be done.

Although the power is similar, the latter seems to gradually increase the desire of the Greedy!

In other words, Wufan and Kazali are already a little bit overwhelmed at this time!

The desire of the Greedy is extremely strong, and it is easier to fall into a rampage after being messed up like this.

I can only say that it is still metaphysics! (Alchemy should be considered metaphysics, right?)

But this seems to be good news for Dr. Maki!

Isn’t the rampage of the Greedy the result he wants?

In the secret base, as the evolution of Wufan and Kazali ended, their breath gradually calmed down, and they turned back to human form at the same time.

"Kazali, I finally understand why you are so keen on evolution! This feeling is really wonderful!" Wufan exclaimed.

"Huh, it's not too late to know now, Wufan!" Kazali smiled, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Wufan now has two fewer coins than him, but his strength has surpassed him!

It's not enough... I need more!

Whether it's Wufan's or Oz's, I have to find a way to take the coins!

Kazali, who has always been cautious, is a little crazy.

There is no way, Wufan has seven coins, and four of the fourteen coins in his body belong to him...

This is what happens when you take too much!


The next day, Ida asked Goto out.

"Ida-san, is it true? Did you really betray us?" Goto asked, staring into Ida's eyes.

"Ah, sorry, I did change jobs." Ida sighed.

Goto was silent for a while, then said: "I understand!"

He took out Danqi's belt and handed it to Ida.

"Huh? I was thinking about how to persuade you to give it back to me. And I thought you would say some big words to make me change my mind." Ida was a little surprised.

"I won't say those naive words anymore! Mr. Mavis told me that you are a person who will go on unswervingly for your own desires! For Mr. Ida now, living is your desire, right?"

"Goto-chan, you have really matured a lot!" Ida sighed with satisfaction as she looked at the disciple in front of her.

But it's not just about living... Watching you grow up is also my wish!

"But, we will be enemies next! I will defeat you myself!" Goto said firmly.

"Oh! If you can do it, try it!"


"Ding Dong!" Goto rang the doorbell of Mavis's house.

"Ka!" It was Hina who opened the door.

"Eh? Mr. Goto? Why are you here?"

"Hina-chan, is Mr. Mavis at home now?"

"Ah, yes, please come in first."

Goto entered Mavis's house.

"Ah? Goto? Is there something you need from me?" Mavis, who was playing games with Gamer and Ling Yuan, was stunned.

Goto walked over, knelt down, lowered his head and said, "Mr. Mavis! I've made up my mind! Please give me strength!"

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