Eiji quickly contacted Hongshang Mitsuo, and Hongshang gladly accepted his request.

"Sparasi!" Hongshang in the video opened his hands and cheered.

"Hino Eiji-kun, your container of desire is finally opened! I have waited for this day for too long!"

"That... Mr. Hongshang, I want power, Mr. Mavis said he can ask you for help"

"Of course you can get it! Just put the crystal of desire in your huge container, which is the cell coins I collected with great difficulty behind me!" Hongshang pulled open the curtain behind him.

Looking at the pile of cell coins, Eiji opened his mouth wide.

"Close it, close it, this is just the beginning. Don't listen to his lies, I put all the things in his side. If you feel that it is not enough after absorbing it, ask me or Gamel for it." Mavis jumped out and exposed it.

"Ahem! Mavis, I haven't thanked you yet. Thanks to you, Hino-kun was able to regain his desire so quickly." Hongshang awkwardly changed the subject.

"So, how can I absorb these coins?"

"Tsk, Eiji, what are you talking about? You are my 'Desire Devourer' now, so you naturally have the ability to absorb these coins!" Mavis was a little speechless.

His Desire Devourer is not just a tool for producing coins.

"Indeed, I just thought of this question. If you are an ordinary human, it is really difficult to put them into your body." Hongshang sighed.

"I understand. I will go to your President Hongshang when the time comes!"

"You are welcome anytime!"


In the evening, everyone held a barbecue meeting outdoors.

Mavis took a stove and took Eiji to a corner alone.

He felt that he needed to talk to him.

"That... Mr. Mavis, when will the Desire Devourer on my body be completed?" Unexpectedly, Eiji asked first.

Mavis, who was grilling meat, was stunned.

Good guy, you still have the nerve to ask me?

I'm more anxious than you, okay.

"Ah, is that so?" Seeing Mavis's expression, Yingsi knew that there was no hope, and smiled awkwardly.

"It's just a little bit short, although I don't know where it's short, obviously your desire has been remembered." Mavis was a little helpless, "By the way, why do you suddenly ask this?"

"I just think that although Mr. Hongshang intends to give that power to me, maybe I should prepare more power on my side... and Miss Lingyuan is so powerful, I was thinking, if Mr. Mavis's Desire Devourer can be made..."

Yingsi, who was talking to himself, suddenly stopped.

Because he found that Mavis was staring at him without saying a word.

After watching for a while, Mavis spoke.

"I see, Yingsi, is this your 'arrogance'?"

"Huh? Of course not, arrogance or something... Why did Mr. Mavis say that?" Yingsi didn't quite understand such a statement.

"If it's not 'arrogance', why do you always want to solve everything by yourself?" Mavis put down the burnt meat in his hand, held his chin with one hand, and asked with a smile.

"This..." Eiji didn't know how to start for a moment.

"Do you know what Ida said about you?"

Eiji shook his head.

"He said, 'Hino is a man who makes himself cry.'"

"Is that so?" Eiji obviously didn't know himself.

"I think he is right! We all know that you are even willing to pay the price of your life for someone in need of help."

"It seems to be true!" Eiji scratched his head embarrassedly.

He imagined the scene. If he and the girl could exchange positions and exchange himself for the other's chance of survival, he would definitely give his life without hesitation!

"I know, because of your past experience, you are eager for power, but ah..." Mavis smiled and looked at Eiji seriously.

"Friends are also your strength, aren't they?"


"I, Anku, Goto, Ida, Hina, and those who have been helped by you, obviously want to help you in return, why do you always turn a blind eye?"


Seeing that Eiji was still trying to argue, Mavis sighed.

"Remember that Kitamura?"

"Kitamura? Of course I remember!" Although that experience was not pleasant, Eiji didn't hate Kitamura in his heart.

"Do you know what he did for you?" Mavis took out a tablet and opened a news.

Eiji took it and exclaimed.

"Oz... Children's Foundation?" It was on it.It is a company founded by Kitamura to help children all over the world.

In the name of Oz!

"Yes, he said this was your dream in high school. Although you have given up temporarily, he will complete it for you!"


"Look!" Mavis spread his hands, "Everyone who is influenced by you is eager to help you to the best of their ability!"

"So, Eiji... don't bear everything alone!"

"Occasionally, try to grab someone else's hand!"

Mavis patted his shoulder and turned away.

Eiji stared at the night in front of him for a long time without saying a word.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand to the front, as if he wanted to grab something.

He felt that he was trapped in an illusion.

In the illusion, he returned to the battlefield again, facing the desperate scene.

Almost, just a little bit!

At this moment, he felt that countless hands behind him gently pushed him.

This time, he caught it!


Maki opened his eyes, and purple light emerged.


Since he already had five coins as a foundation, he adapted very quickly this time.

"Hey, Doctor! When are we going to find Anku and the others to take away the coins from them?" Wu Fan asked impatiently.

However, Maki had a cold face, and looked at him as if he was looking at a dead object.

"Mr. Wu Fan, you have been doing very well so far! Much better than I expected! As a reward, I will also let you have a good ending!"

Maki took out five coins of different colors and threw them into his body!

"Ah!" Wu Fan screamed.

Because this time, the coins entering his body brought him no pleasure, but pain!

It was precisely because of this pain that his mind, which had already lost some of its mind, became more sober at this time.

"Stop! Don't give me any more coins! I don't want to lose control!"

Maki didn't care about him. How could he stop at the last step?

He threw five more coins.

"I told you to stop!" Wu Fan rushed towards Zhenmu, intending to force him to

But on the way to the charge, the other party threw coins for the third time.

The last five!

"Ahhh!" He covered his head and collapsed to the ground in pain.

His whole body began to shine with colorful light.

Just when Zhenmu was happy that the container of the coin was about to go berserk, a change occurred.

At this critical moment, Wu Fan had a flash of inspiration and created a clone in a hurry!

And that clone actually carried three core coins!

"It works!" Wu Fan felt the pressure suddenly reduced and was overjoyed.

So he immediately continued to create clones to disperse the core coins in his body.

"Okay, I'm saved!" He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh? I didn't expect that Wu Fanjun, with your wisdom, you can think of such a clever way to avoid going berserk?" Zhenmu's tone was rarely emotional, and he exclaimed.

"You bastard...!" Wu Fan roared at him.

Maki shook his head: "But it's a pity, I've always been a person who likes to keep a backhand."

He waved his hand, and the next second, purple lightning appeared on the body of Wufan!

"The coins you absorbed all carry my power, and they have long been concentrated on your consciousness coin, just for this moment!"

The destructive force instantly smashed Wufan's conscious "stag beetle" coin into pieces.

"No! Someone...save me!"

Without the leadership of consciousness, the clone quickly synthesized another one.

After Wufan's body emitted seven colors of light again, it gradually turned into an octahedron with a strange shape.

And around it were six slowly rotating circular magic circles composed of six series of coins. (I still don't understand why Wufan, who didn't absorb the dinosaur coin, could create a purple ring)

"It's finally done! The end of the world has arrived, Mavis-kun, are you ready?" Maki murmured in one direction.

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