When the runaway coin container appeared, a large number of man-eating debris-eating monsters began to appear around the world. (Similar to the blank body, but the head is a big hole)

Many people screamed and fled east and west.

At this time, they suddenly found that under the shining of a soft light, the monster in front of them was directly crushed.

They looked at the source of the light, which seemed to be the location of a church in the city!

"Everyone, please come to the church of the "Angel Church." Such a broadcast suddenly came from the street.

Everyone rushed in like grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Everyone, pray to the statue, our empress will give you shelter!"

Such a scene is staged all over the world.

On the other side, at Mavis's home.

"Here I come! Sister Binet, I have to concentrate on the power of the descent now, I'll leave this to you."

"Ah? But I can't seem to do anything..."

"Don't say that, we are a family!" Ling Yuan smiled, and then sank into the mind and concentrated on work.


Miss Chiyoko beside her also smiled gently.

"In that case, let's prepare dinner here? You will all be very hungry when you come back later, right?"

"Yeah!" Binet nodded vigorously.

"Mavis-san, Eiji-kun, Anku, everyone! You must come back safely!" She prayed silently in her heart.


"There are so many!" Ida Ming, who transformed into a primitive type of Birth Rider, was a little helpless.

Killing the miscellaneous soldiers is not difficult, mainly because these guys are constantly appearing.

Fortunately, everyone on their side is very fierce.

Gamer just stomped on the ground, and those Desire Devouring Monsters were all shaken up to the sky and squeezed into pieces.

And Metzl turned his body into liquid and ran around in various areas of the city.

Anku's energy-type feathers are a sharp weapon for clearing small soldiers.

"Everyone, I'm here to help too!" A familiar voice sounded.

It's Izumi Shingo!

"Hmm? Mr. Shingo? It's dangerous here, you..." Goto tried to persuade him.

"Goto-san, I'm not a helpless policeman now!" Izumi Shingo took out a Danqi belt: "Who let me have a good brother-in-law!"

After the transformation, there were three Danqi on the field! (The original type's stats and other things are similar to the normal type, but the equipment is a little less)

"But if the thing above is not solved, things will never end!" Goto said, looking at the container in the sky.

"Ah, but that thing is probably only Hino and Mavis can solve it." Ida still has self-knowledge.

The equipment of the Danqi can't cause damage to that thing.

"Oh? It seems that it's very lively here." Maki, who transformed into a dinosaur greedy, has arrived at the scene at some point.

Everyone was also shocked when they saw this.

The three Danqi attacked together, but Maki punched them one by one, and sparks flew out of their bodies, and the transformation was directly cancelled.

"What, this kind of power!" The three climbed up with difficulty, somewhat unwillingly.

"Everyone, don't waste your energy anymore, please stay here and welcome the end of the world!" Maki said lightly.

"Bang bang!" At this time, two fireballs hit him.

"Anku? Your strength has become stronger again, but I'm afraid it's still not as good as mine."

"Tsk, hey, you guys step aside and deal with those little ones, leave this guy to me!" Anku with a bird's head said to Goto and others.

Several people nodded, now is not the time to show off.

Anku spread his wings, and countless energy-type feathers shot out at the same time.

But Maki didn't dodge at all, letting them hit him, but it didn't cause any damage.

Anku released high-temperature flames from his hands, and the opponent used cold air to resist.

But even the flames were frozen!

Seeing that the skills didn't work, Anku switched to close combat.

But the Dinosaur Greedy had thick skin and flesh, and it could be said that Anku couldn't break through his defense at all.

Finally, he was hit in the stomach by a punch, and purple energy surged out, cracking his three coins.

"You are really a difficult guy!"

"I should say this. Anku, why don't you just accept your own end?"

"Who wants to wait for death! I finally got 'life'! It's not compatible with you! Besides, my mission is over! Let someone else deal with you next."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Me!" Eiji, who finally absorbed the cell coin, walked over step by step.

"Hino Eiji-kun? But now you probably can't even transform.Are you there?"

"Soreiwadokanah!" Eiji put on his belt and took out the "King's Union"!

"Anku, stay away from me!" He put the coins into his belt one by one and took out the scanning ring.

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"


"Taka (Eagle)! Tora (Tiger)! Batta (Locust)!"

"Ta·To·Ba, TaToBa, Ta·To·Ba!"


"Sato-naka, did you see that? This is the 'real Oz'!" Hongshang, who saw Eiji's transformation on the big screen, began to perform traditional arts.

"Hey, hey, hey, President, you're too loud, just watch the game carefully. "Ronaka was a little helpless.

After the transformation, Eiji didn't say anything and rushed over to punch Maki.

Maki raised his hand to block, looking at the coins falling from the other party, he sighed: "So that's it, the combination of the first generation of Oz, and so many cell coins, you are really a huge threat."

"Not only that!" Eiji pushed him away, his hands were clawed, and he grabbed forward!

It was obvious that his hand didn't touch Maki at all, but the other party felt a sense of danger and hurriedly dodged sideways.

The few debris-eating monsters behind him were not so lucky, and were directly blown up by the invisible force.

"Is this... the power of space? How is it possible?"

"Is it powerful? This was given to me by Mr. Mavis." Eiji smiled proudly.

"Mavis-kun? That's not surprising, he is a variable, and he can always do unexpected things. "Maki sighed.

He didn't expect that the absence of the Mevis people would cause him such a big trouble.

He also realized that he might not be able to beat Oz, who was in the superposition state of "Desire Monster + King's Union".

Sure enough, after several rounds of bombardment, the Dinosaur Greedy was defeated.

"Then, Dr. Maki, this is the end!" Eiji chose to open the big move directly.

"Scanning Charge!"

His feet transformed into "locust legs" and jumped on the spot, spreading red wings in the air.

He passed through the red, yellow and green halo generated in the air and performed a powerful flying kick.

The "TaToBa Kick!" that Eiji had used a few times appeared.

After hitting the target, the red, yellow and green "OOO" text floated up, and Maki exploded instantly and was submerged in flames.

"Did it succeed? "Anku was also a little surprised.

However, it wasn't!

A beam of light shot out from the "coin container" and shone on the place where Maki was just now.

He is alive again!

"What a pity, it seems that I was almost killed by you just now. But this container seems to have some special abilities."

Then, a large amount of purple energy burst out from his body and was transported to the container.

And the circular formation with purple coins in the sky also dropped purple lightning on Eiji at this moment.

"Ah!" Eiji screamed, canceled the transformation, and the three coins on the belt also popped out and turned into fragments.

Maki slowly flew into the air, looking down at everyone.

"It seems that you have no other means. "

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden beam of light suddenly rose in the distance.


On Mavis's side, he also absorbed all the coins into his body and completed the transformation!

At the same time, he also had a brand new attitude.

He looked at the huge octahedron above the city in the distance, and realized that it was now the last moment.

Mavis took a step and disappeared in an instant.

This is not flying, but traveling through space!

This is the ability that the Zhulong coin brings him!

Soon he came in front of everyone.

"Mavis (Mr.)?" Everyone shouted in surprise.

Although they looked different, they still recognized that this was the person they were familiar with.

"Oh? Mavis-kun? It seems that you have gained a new evolution! But can you still stop me now? The end is in sight!"

"Ah, of course! "Mavis felt that he could crush the thing above directly now.

But since there is no worry, he is going to have fun!

"Eiji, go, you do it!"

"Ah? Me? (Benboer Ba's face)" Eiji pointed at himself, "But, I can't transform now."

Even if he can transform into a lust-eating monster, he can't beat Maki.

Mavis smiled mysteriously and said to him: "Don't you want to try? My joint team!"

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