Zhenli ran away with a belt in her arms.

Just now, the man turned into a gray monster after killing Makino and the other two, and kept asking her to hand over the belt.

Of course she refused, and in order to defeat the monster, she tried to transform according to the instructions.

As a result, the dead belt made an "Error" sound effect and knocked her out, causing her to almost die.

Fortunately, she escaped in time with the help of darkness. (When I was a child, I watched the first episode with a disc. It was really dark. Except for the red light at the moment of transformation, I couldn't see anything clearly. I only heard the sound but didn't see the person. I only heard the sound of fighting)

But she was almost out of strength.

"Zhenli, I didn't expect you to be here?" Mavis's voice rang in the darkness.

"Mavis?" Zhenli was a little surprised, but then quickly said: "There is a monster! Get out of here."

And Qian Qiao came to the two of them without knowing when, "Hey, you bastard, give me my bag back quickly!"

Zhenli saw another person coming here, and she couldn't help but feel anxious.

Although this guy looked a bit arrogant, she was kind and didn't want him to get hurt.

Just then, the monster caught up with her!

Thorny fish Orpheus...

It's not a bat or a spider? You are really a shame for a novice monster!

"It's over!" Zhenli was a little desperate.

Suddenly, she looked at the belt in her hand, then looked at the two people, and an idea came to her mind.

I can't do it, can they?

She looked between Qian Qiao and Mavis, and then she decisively chose the latter because she was obsessed with looks!

"Mavis! Only you can save us!"


Zhenli came over and put the belt on him personally, and then put the Faiz phone in his hand.

"What are you going to do?"

Girl, what are you going to do?

This is my Qiaoye's first monster...

But it seems that it's not impossible?

Mavis suddenly became very interested!

Qiaoye, your first time, I took it away, hehehehehehe!

"You can transform with this belt, just press ..."

"Beep beep!" Before Mari finished speaking, she heard Mavis had already pressed the transformation code and the confirmation button.


"Standing By!"


"Sorry, I'm much more familiar with this than you!"

Girl, I've played with toys more times than you have!


Then he put the phone on the socket and pressed it.


The red photon blood gradually spread all over his body, and finally ended with a dazzling red light.

And both Inui Takumi and Mari subconsciously covered their eyes.

The light gradually dissipated.

Kamen Rider Faiz!



On the other side, there was also a person who completed his transformation.

Kiba Yuji!

Originally an ordinary young man who grew up in a wealthy family, with loving parents and a girlfriend who loved him deeply, Morishita Chie.

However, he and his parents were involved in a traffic accident while driving, which resulted in the death of his parents and he himself has been in a vegetative state.

Two years later, he was resurrected after being declared dead in the hospital because he awakened the power of Orphion.

After being discharged from the hospital, Yuji Kiba found that he had become penniless.

It turned out that during his hospitalization, his uncle took away all the property of his dead parents, and his lover Chie also betrayed him.

Chie's new lover, his cousin Kiba Kazuaki, even blamed Yuji and asked him why he woke up.

The collapsed Kiba finally completely awakened the power of Orphion on this rainy night!

With the words "What did I do wrong?", Kiba turned into a horse-shaped Orphion!

Its appearance looks like a Western knight wearing solid armor, with a head naturally similar to a horse's head, and a horseshoe-shaped logo on the chest.

Kiba Kazuaki screamed and returned to the car, trying to escape.

Kiba simply watched him drive away indifferently, and then chased after him, his legs gradually turning into a horse's torso during the chase.

Maofino, galloping!

As the name suggests, his agility is not proportional to his huge body, and his jumping ability has also improved.

He jumped in front of the car almost instantly, and his two front feet easily blocked the front of the car.

Kiba lifted his cousin out of the driver's seat, ignored his pleas for mercy, and conjured his weapon "Horse Magic Sword", piercing his heart with one sword.

Kiba Yizhang fell to the ground weakly and turned into a pile of sand., and then washed away by the rain.

After doing all this, Kiba slowly came back to his senses from his extreme anger, staring at all this with wide eyes in disbelief, and then fled from here in fear.


"This dress is a bit tight!" Mavis moved her body.

No wonder the second uncle always likes to shake his hands.

And it seems a bit weak...

But it is understandable. The Faiz belt is the most stable of the three belts, so it will be a little weaker than Caesar and Delta in terms of data.

That's why there are many accessories as reinforcement.

"You guy..." Looking at Mavis who ignored him doing stretching exercises, the thornfish Ophi was also angry.

The lower body turned into a fish-like posture and moved towards him as if swimming in the air.

"Huh?" Mavis, who was playing with a new toy, glanced at him and kicked it back directly.

This kick was restrained.

Otherwise, with his own strength, he could still kick the opponent to pieces even if he was restricted by the belt!

He wanted to play for a while longer!

He walked over step by step, inheriting the gangster fighting method of Master Qiao or Second Uncle!

Dodge the attack, punch, shake your hand, and then swing a big swing punch.

Master Qiao, watch out, I will teach you how to fight!

"Zhen Li, please give me those small parts in the box." After fighting for a while, Mavis said.

Just now, Zhen Li did not install the accessories when using the belt, and did not take the box when running away.

"Ah? OK!" Zhen Li was stunned for a moment, and then immediately returned to the place just now and brought something similar to a flashlight and a camera.

"Mavis!" Zhen Li threw them over.

Mavis took it and first put the camera in the empty space on the left side of the belt.

Then took the flashlight.

This is the "faiz cursor"!

The thornfish Orpheus rushed over again with his weapon. Mavis kicked him, then took a "Φ"-shaped chip from the surface of the mobile phone embedded in the belt and installed it on the flashlight.


The tail of the cursor popped up slightly and turned into "kick mode".

After setting it in the lower right corner, turn on the phone and press the "Enter" key.

"Exceed Charge!"

Then he jumped up and did a front flip in the air. The right leg cursor emitted a red cone-shaped pointer to aim at the target, locked and restrained the thornfish Orpheus, and then used a flying kick!

Crimson electric drill!

When penetrating the enemy's body, the thornfish Orpheus showed a red ∅ sign on his body, and finally a blue-green flame appeared on his body and turned into ash.

After dealing with Orpheus, Mavis took off the phone and pressed the return key on the upper right corner of the phone keyboard to cancel the transformation. (I remember that except for being forced to take off the belt, the transformation is normally canceled like this)

Huh! So cool.

Faiz is still handsome!

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