"Although Zhenli knows your twisted feelings for her, at least I didn't expose your hidden personality to you." Mavis squatted down and said with a smile on his face.

But then his face turned cold and a strong murderous aura was released from his body!

"But if you use your little tricks on my friends, then next time it won't be as simple as a beating."

"Now Zhenli has recalled the scene of the class reunion, including the fact that he had died."

"At the same time, he also recognized some of Orphino and regarded them as friends."

"Oh, by the way, it seems that there was an Orphino who tried to save you at the class reunion."

"If she knew that you had the idea of ​​killing them, you might never have a chance."

Mavis patted the bruises on Soga's face with the rough hands of the weird state, and he twitched in pain.

"You are a fighting force after all. Zhenli probably still considers you as a friend. So I won't kill you this time. Take care of yourself, Masato Kusaga."

After saying that, Mavis left directly.

The injuries on Kusaga's body will not affect his daily actions under his strength.

But he will probably have to bear that pig head for the next few days.

Masato Kusaga, lying on the ground, pounded the ground hard with strong fear and unwillingness.

Mavis left the beach.

Just as he was about to go home. A breeze blew by, and Mavis chuckled.

"I didn't expect that one day I would experience a plot like 'beating the young and the old'?"

A man wearing a black turban appeared in front of him at some point.


"What? Are you going to avenge him?"

Hanagata shook his head, but bowed his waist to thank him: "I also watched for a while and knew the whole story. Thank you very much for not killing me."

He also watched the battle just now.

He could clearly sense that even if he faced Mavis, he would not have the slightest chance of winning!

Hanagata did have a super speed that even Dragon Man-style Beiqi could not match, but so what?

No matter how fast you attack, the only message that pops up when you hit the opponent is "HP -0".

What's the point of playing?

And Hanagata didn't think that Mavis had no means to restrict him.

"I didn't expect that Masato had such thoughts about the truth. I thought he was just closer to the other party. I didn't teach him well." Hanagata sighed.

Originally, he was busy monitoring Murakami and making new belts during this period, but he accidentally found out that there was a very big problem with the belt he gave to the children.

After learning that Soka was the new user of Caesar, he hurried over to check the situation, and saw this scene.

"He is much worse than you think. If you have time, you'd better talk to him in person! Otherwise, if he offends me, I will really kill him." Mavis did not comment on his words.

"Although I would like to do this, I'm afraid I don't have much time left..." Hanagata knew that his life was coming to an end.

"About this, maybe I can help you... huh?"

"Ding-ling-ling!" Mavis's phone suddenly rang.


"Darling, Rina just called and said that a very powerful Orphino wants to snatch the belt. It seems that the two transformers on her side can't stop it. Inui Qiao and Kiba have already rushed over. Do you want to go and see?"

Metzl's voice came out on the phone.

"It looks like there will be fun. Let's talk about it next time. I'm going to save your 'children'."



At Meteor Academy, Shinto and Tokumoto have had a conflict since Soka left.

Looking at the two people who have gradually gone crazy, Rina finally made up her mind and wanted to secretly take the Delta belt to find Saya.

But she didn't expect to be discovered by the two.

"Rina! Are you going to steal the belt?" Tokumoto asked with a bad face.

"Yes, I want to give it back to Saya! Kyosuke, haven't you noticed yet? Since you used this belt, your personalities have completely changed!"

"What a nonsense! Give me the belt back! It's mine!" Kyosuke Tokumoto didn't want to listen to these big truths.

Now he just wanted to get his own Delta belt back!

"Wrong! Delta is mine!" Although Shinto agreed to take back the belt, he didn't agree with Tokumoto at all.

Just when they were about to fight again, a figure suddenly appeared.Already appeared behind them.

A ball of light appeared out of thin air in his hand and was thrown at the three people.

"Be careful!" Rina shouted.

Shinto and Deben got her reminder and avoided the attack at the critical moment.

"It seems that everyone is fighting among themselves? Why don't you hand over the belt obediently, please don't embarrass me." Zhuo Mo, who was still polite at the moment, said lightly.

"You bastard, you are also Ophiino, right?" Deben roared.

He rushed to Rina, snatched the belt from her hand, put it on his waist, and the next moment he transformed into Delta.

"Alas, it seems that a battle is inevitable." Zhuo Mo sighed and also transformed into Centipede Ophiino!

As a member of the Lucky Clover, Zhuo Mo Yilang is completely different from the guys that Deben and the others had encountered before!

How could Deben, who had difficulty fighting two monsters, be his opponent?

It didn't take long for him to show his decline.

Rina immediately noticed something was wrong and called for help.

She had originally called Soga, who had just left.

But Soga was being beaten by Mavis at the time, so how could she answer the phone?

So she changed her target.

"Maru! Help!"


"It's useless. I've been observing you for a long time. You don't seem to be good at fighting." Takuma whipped Deben with a whip.

He had seen Deben and his men fight before, and they were very strong against a single Orphino.

Today he thought of sending a few more brothers to explore the way, but he found that the other party seemed to be very weak.

So he was about to go out to collect a head, but Soga came, and the speed of killing monsters made him hesitate again. (Don't look at Takuma's pretentiousness in the early stage, he is actually very timid)

Then such a powerful Soga actually left the team!

Although there were some twists and turns, Takuma immediately realized that this was the best time to snatch the belt!

So he showed up!

Deben was finally knocked out, and the belt fell to the side.

Shinto, who had been prepared for a long time, ran over and grabbed the belt.

"Hmph, I told you! Deben, you can't control Delta! It has to be me!" After saying that, Shinto put on the belt and was about to transform himself.

But Takuma was not so stupid.

He stretched the whip to Shinto's waist and took away the belt and the transformation phone together! (Takuma pulled off Qiaoye's belt the first time.)

Fuck! No martial ethics!

Shinto was a little confused when his belt was suddenly gone.

But the next moment, he and Deben were whipped by Takuma with a whip with Orphee's energy, and they turned into sand.

Just when he wanted to kill the terrified Rina, Mavis, who "just happened" to arrive, slapped him and flew away, and the belt fell to the ground.

Looking at the two piles of sand under her feet, Mavis said with a "sad" look on her face: "Sorry, I'm late!"

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