"Mr. Mavis, I'm sorry..." After undoing the transformation, Saya felt annoyed for not getting rid of Takuma.

"It's okay, I saw a very interesting scene, and it's worth the 'ticket price', don't take it to heart. And Saya's battle is really handsome, well done!" Mavis rubbed her head and praised with a smile.

Seeing her smile again, Mavis looked at Rina beside her.

"Now that you have decided to return the belt to Saya, what are you going to do next?"

"Soka can also use the Caesar belt, maybe we can rely on him for the time being"

"After all, he is a person, and hiding all the time is not a solution. How about this, why don't you take your classmates and teachers to the Hongshang Foundation for shelter." Mavis made a suggestion.

Although the students of Meteor Academy are currently being tested and observed by the Zhinao Company.

But in terms of priority, the belt is more important.

Zhinao Group also hit a wall several times at the Hongshang Foundation.

Take the three belts from the group of people from Meteor Academy, and then throw them to Hongshang. There is a high probability that nothing will happen before the belt issue is resolved.

Even if someone comes to the door, don't be afraid. The production of belts is increasing, and the number of members of the Danqi team is also steadily increasing.

Again, except for the plug-in players like Beiqi who drive dozens of times the speed of sound to bully people, no matter how many come, they have to accompany the Soka in TV.

As for why he didn't make this suggestion last time, Mavis can only say that he forgot!

Well! That's it! It's not because of a grudge!

"Eh? Mr. Mavis still knows people in the Hongshang Foundation?" Rina naturally knew about this emerging enterprise.

"But do they have a way to resist Orphino?" She asked with some concern.

"They are all blocked. Except for a few who are a little bit awesome, there won't be any big problems. And those few won't take action easily." Mavis patted his chest and guaranteed.

Uh... it seems like a bit of a plot, but it's not a big problem!

"Is that so? Then I'm relieved. Can I take other students with me?" Rina said a little embarrassedly.

"Go ahead, go ahead. It doesn't matter if there are just a few more. I'll make the arrangements." Mavis waved her hand, indicating that such a small matter didn't matter.

At worst, let them work to pay off the debt!

Besides, Hongshang was originally planning to find some employees and members of the Danqi team here.

After all, we can't always recruit people from the Oz world, right?

One or two worlds are fine, but if Mavis discovers other worlds at that time, how much trouble will it be in the future?

It's better to use local materials.

"Then I'll call now!"

Rina first called Haruko and Mr. Masuda in the RV to tell them what happened here, and asked them to drive to this area first.

Then she contacted other students in the address book one by one.

"Strange, why can't I contact Sawada?" Rina was a little puzzled.

Hearing this name, Mavis narrowed her eyes.


In the Clover Bar, Takuma pretended to be calm and drank at the bar.

But his shaking hands exposed his inner fear.

"Takuma-kun, what's wrong with you?" Kageyama Saeko asked with a frown.

"No, nothing!" Takuma didn't want Saeko to know that he failed to snatch the belt.

"Well, you can always find me if you want to talk." Seeing that Takuma didn't say anything, Saeko didn't ask any more.

"Takuma-kun! I heard that you failed to snatch the belt?" At this time, Murakami, who happened to arrive, directly took off his fig leaf.

"Mr. Murakami!" Looking at Saeko's half-smile, Takuma almost couldn't hold it.

And Murakami saw Saeko and realized that he had just said the wrong thing, and looked at him apologetically.

But he still had to ask.

Seeing this, Takuma had no choice but to narrate the matter again.

"So that's it, is it because of Delta?" Murakami suddenly realized.

Then he patted Takuma's shoulder and said, "Delta is the strongest of the three belts, so Takuma-kun, you don't have to worry about a failure."

But Takuma didn't appreciate it in his heart.

What I want is Miss Saeko's comfort, not yours!

"Didn't expect that even Takuma-kun failed?" Saeko's face was also a little unhappy.

Although she thinks she is stronger than Takuma, in fact, they are the same if they really fight.

Could it be that Clover can only send Beiqi?

But that guy is not an obedient child.

Tsk, it's really a headache.

"In that case, then first send the other two"Let's take back the belt. We got the news that the three seem to be acting separately."

"Then I will take back the Faiz belt and the Caesar belt! It's to make up for my previous mistakes." Takuma adjusted his glasses and regained his confident expression.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Ms. Saeko, continue to execute the "traitors". By the way, it seems that Kiba Yuji is still alive last time."

"Hmm? This young man is really lucky. Got it, I will go again, this time I will watch him die in person! "


Saeko has always been a woman who is quick and decisive.

He arrived at Mavis's doorstep the next day.

Yes, Kiba is now at Mavis's place.

Mavis was very happy after beating up the movie star yesterday, so she held a small party today!

He mainly invited friends from the Faiz world.

Except for Soka herself, almost everyone she knew came!

Even Mari didn't say anything about this.

It's really that Soka's ideals are too explosive, and she hasn't planned to find a "son" as a boyfriend yet...

It's better not to meet for the time being.

By the way, he also brought Monta and Miss Chiyoko over.

For a party, a professional chef is needed.

In theory, with so many people, even Mavis's home would seem a bit crowded.

But it doesn't matter!

Isn't this the time to use spatial abilities!

Although there seems to be no change from the outside, the space inside has doubled!

"Sorry, Miss Chiyoko, you and Monta will have to work a little harder. ”

“Oh, Mavis-kun is really polite. Didn’t you often book out the whole place for banquets in our world before? I’m used to it.”

Ms. Chiyoko was still so warm and generous, which made Mavis a little embarrassed.

“Although it’s fun to meet new friends, it feels so troublesome to come here once. Mavis-kun, if you feel guilty, can you help me think of a solution? "Miss Chiyoko looked a little distressed.

Like Eiji, she also likes to travel, and the purpose of opening this store is to share with others the various dishes she learned during her travels.

Now that she has the opportunity to travel through different worlds, she will naturally not miss it.

Mavis was also somewhat moved when she heard this, and she had some ideas in her heart.

In fact, the method is also very simple, it is nothing more than finding a place in each world to fix a door, so that people marked by Mavis can be directly teleported into Miss Chiyoko's store!

He remembered that when he read novels before, there was a thing called a dimensional restaurant, which could gather people from different worlds to eat in a restaurant.

It was almost that model.

Mavis told Miss Chiyoko about her idea, and she agreed with it.

In this way, she can receive friends from different worlds at any time!


"But where should the door of each world be fixed? It doesn't seem good to always put the door in Mavis's house, right?"

"Hey, this is not easy, just build a Kuscuchi in each world! Miss Chiyoko, congratulations on opening a branch in a different world! "Mavis teased.

"Haha! I'll leave it to you!"


Just when everyone was having fun, Mavis unexpectedly felt a sense of undisguised malice.

It was because the meal hadn't started yet, otherwise this guy would have gone downstairs to find Kazali.

Now he was going to meet this uninvited guest!

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