World Zero One

“Is this true or false? ?”

“One against three? ?”

Looking at the German in the picture who didn’t take it seriously,

Oren couldn’t help but be full of doubts at this moment!

What’s wrong with that kid?

Why is he so confident?

After all…Just Rainbow Song Chad alone is enough to make Germanic suffer!

Now with the help of Black Steel and the others,

Germanic will surely fall here!

“Eh?? Maybe that guy Gigisto…”

“Didn’t you tell him?”

“after all…No matter how you look at it, they seem to be guys with high aspirations!!”

“Calling oneself a god…”

“If you are defeated by others, you will definitely feel ashamed, right? ?”

Buba Jian was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

It seems that there are a lot of dirty tricks between these three Dark Kings!

Maybe he can get a good reward through this opportunity!!

“Run forward!!”


“Give this kid the most profound lesson!!”

“Let him…”

“Know the power of being human!!”

Looking at the three people walking in the fire in the picture, some people’s eyes are also shining brightly!

243″The future led by miracles…”

“It’s hope and rainbows!!”

The screen continued to play!!

In this rising rain of flames, the Rainbow Gochard team merged with it, and with unparalleled power, rushed straight to German who was still watching them with relish!!

At this moment, with German as the center, all the pictures turned into dark flames!!

In this interweaving of light and darkness, what was going on was a battle related to the fate of the world!!

At this time, German also let out a roar, as if until today, the nature and power that had been suppressed for a long time could be fully exerted!!

His body was covered with the power of fire as his momentum continued to rise.

The dark flames that were like living things not only rolled, but also burned everything that tried to approach German, giving this guy unparalleled defense!!

But a figure moving at high speed broke through the incomparable black flames!!

Baotaro also turned into a dazzling light, wanting to split the chaotic darkness and find a brand new future!!

Following his footsteps, there were also Rin Yin and Heigang who were also knights!!

Countless fire The flames fell like the rain curtain.

This is the discharge of the power of the king of the dark! In the face of the three people’s joint attack, there was no panic in the voices of the Germanic! That fingertips were born with wonderful control from the origin of the alchemist! [ ] [] This guy

He was able to handle the power of three people with ease!!

The audience’s attention was attracted by the dazzling scene.

(dabc) was even more shocked!!

Germanic fighting power…

It seems to be much stronger than Jijisto!!

You know…Previously, relying solely on the power of the Rainbow Dragon,

Baotaro had won an overwhelming victory!!

But now, under the siege of Baotaro and the other two,

German was actually more powerful!!

As the battle progressed, his mood became more and more excited, as if he had encountered something happy!! Everyone was silent when they saw German screaming in the picture!! That guy…The more you fight, the happier you are? ?

Zi-O World

“Huh? ?”

“That guy wasn’t defeated instantly? ?”

Gates, who realized that he seemed to have underestimated Germanic power, couldn’t help but reveal a look of surprise on his face!!

“That’s not right….”

“How do I remember”

“Isn’t the power of the three Dark Lords divided equally?”

“How come?…”

Things seemed to be beyond his understanding, and

Gates’s expression became confused.

Shouldn’t this be an overwhelming battle? ?

On the other hand, Sougo showed an expression that he had expected it.

“That’s because…”

“Although they are both the Dark Lord…”

“But their powers are different!!”

“Germanic expertise…”

“It’s fighting and refining, right?”

“That guy Gigisto…”

“It’s more about creation.”

Looking at the somewhat anxious battle in the picture,

Sougo’s face did not show any worry, but a smile!!

“but…Believe in Baotaro”

“The power of the rainbow,”

“It’s really interesting.”

Just when everyone was shocked by German’s unexpected fighting power,

Baotaro and the others finally started to exert their strength!

After discovering that this reckless forward charge was not a good idea,

Rainbow Gochard also showed a mysterious smile!

Then…Compare it with this so-called origin of alchemy!!

As a field of expertise, what kind of shock will this new alchemy bring? ? The rainbow light in his hand burst out in an instant, even the black flames that filled the screen were eclipsed.

…It turned into a colorful starry sky!!

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