The scene continued to play!!

Kaguya, who was saved by Kadoya Shi, was also confused at this time!!

He thought he was going to die here!!

But he didn’t expect…Someone actually saved me!!

When he saw the face of the person who came, the confusion in his eyes instantly turned into astonishment, and then into great excitement!!

It turned out to be the idol Decad-e that he had been looking forward to for a long time and thinking about day and night!!

The audience in front of the light curtain was also very surprised at this time.

They didn’t expect that Kaguya, who always wore gorgeousness and coldness on her face, would be so out of control at this time!

But thinking of Kaguya’s past, the audience couldn’t help but smile knowingly.

That kind of mentality seems to be normal, right? ?

Facing this long-lost boy who has become a pillar of the sky,

Kadoya Shi seemed to have a relieved smile on his face.

Looking at the tired look on Kaguya’s face and the picture he saw through the corner of the aurora curtain just now,

Kadoya Shi also understood the ins and outs of the matter in his heart at this time.

It seems that there is not much time for each other to get together.

Looking at Kaguya, he took out his camera and subconsciously pressed the button. A clear click sound came from the light curtain, and everyone looked curiously at Kadoya’s camera….

The things that guy took were not worth looking at, right? ? But the pictures that were taken from the camera were so clear!!

“I didn’t expect that the guy who always talks about gorgeousness would look like such a child.”

Muscle Boy Long I was obviously shocked by the contrast of Kaguya, that guy always looked cold, even if he didn’t want to drag down Baotaro and the others, he would refuse with lame excuses, no matter how you look at him, he should be a tsundere!!

But I didn’t expect Kaguya at this time to be so real!!

“Ha ha…It’s the same look you gave Sayu back then.”

An inappropriate laugh came from the side, followed by a fight!!

I looked over curiously and saw the honest man Gento’s face flushed, chasing after Zhantu as if he wanted to fight him!!


“They are all old couples….”

“Are you still so embarrassed to talk about the past? ?”

Long Wo looked at the two people chasing each other in surprise, and then sighed.

These guys…Can’t you be more mature like him? ?

Decade World

“Eh?? Did you manage to take the photo??”

“Isn’t this amazing? ?”

Onodera’s eyes also stayed on the photo in the picture.

Kaguya’s face was clearly printed on the photo, not blurry at all!!

“It’s really curious.”

“Being able to do something like this…”

“Has the warrior found his own world? ?”

Guang Xiahai’s eyes also burst into a gleam of light, and the warrior in the picture seems to be more and more mysterious!!

“I find it strange too.”

“Always feel…”

“Something is not right.”

“Is this the place? ?”

Kamen Rider Kamen Rider scratched his head. He had a strange feeling when he saw himself, but now he finally understood where the problem was!! The scene returned to the light curtain!! After a brief encounter, Kamen Rider Kamen Rider persuaded Kaguya to leave!! Seeing the reluctance in Kaguya’s eyes, Kamen Rider…

But Baotaro and the others can’t wait any longer!!

“You did pretty good, kid…”

“But compared to me,”

“Still far from enough”

“In the future… you should work harder.”

Although he said this, (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) everyone could see the reluctance in his eyes!!

Kadoya Kadoya just patted his head and handed the photo to Kaguya!!

Is the story over here?

Everyone said they haven’t seen enough!!

But something strange happened at this moment!!

The photo that was originally Kaguya’s head portrait, unexpectedly, the moment Kaguya took it in her hand, golden light suddenly burst out from it!!

Then…A brand new and gorgeous card has appeared for the first time!!

That is…A brand new card similar to Kamen Rider Decade!!

The only difference is that the knight engraved on it has turned golden, and the note below also has the name of Rejade floating on it!!

Looking at the Rejade card in her hand,

Kaguya smiled stupidly, and a gorgeous light suddenly appeared, and the golden knight appeared again!!

Gotchad World[]


“To help us…”

“Kaguya is also racing against time.”

Takataro couldn’t help but feel lost. Kaguya seemed to have paid a lot for his own affairs. If it weren’t for Kadoya-senpai’s timely arrival,…

He couldn’t even think about it!!

“Even at the time of separation..”

“Are Kadoya-senpai’s words so”hurtful”? ?”

Even Kuroko couldn’t help laughing, watching Reiwa Ninja King laugh for the first time…

The people around him also showed surprised expressions!!

Kuroko, this guy…Things are weird lately!!

“Can you tell jokes now? ?” Minato

-sensei looked at Kurogan with some surprise, revealing a slightly surprised smile.

“That is…Decade version is really!!”

People were also shocked when they saw the photo change, so…Was all this arranged by Kadoya-senpai

?…Oren was silent.

Sure enough, she said the harshest words but did the most gentle things!!

Kaguya’s temper is just like Decade’s!!

“Is it really a little Decade?…”

“So…You who inherited the will of Senior Kadoya,”

“Keep fighting!!”

The scene ends here.

Seeing Kadoya coming to show their warmth, everyone is also numb!

Although he has not appeared in Kaguya’s world again,

Kadoya seems to be observing Kaguya all the time!

Otherwise…How did he pull Kaguya back from the hands of the god of death? ?

Everyone was moved by the meeting between the idols and their fans.

A new picture also rose up.

Looking at the miraculous rainbow in the picture, everyone looked over curiously again.

This time it was…Is this the story of Takara now?

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