Saber World

“The end of the knights?”

“What’s going on?…”

Rentaro was completely stunned!!…They are doing fine now?

Why are they talking about the end of the world all of a sudden?

Kento and Ryutaro looked at each other

, all with blank expressions on their faces.

Finally, seeing everyone’s eyes turned to Touma, the usually calm teacher Thomas couldn’t help but sweat a little on his forehead.

“Don’t look at me, everybody….”

“I haven’t figured out what this is….”

Fei Yuzhen stared at the screen in the sky….

In fact, there is nothing so exaggerated in their world ? ?

Something that can affect all knights? ?

What could it be? ?

As a novelist, Touma’s imagination was fully displayed at this moment.

“The Big Bang?”

“That’s too ridiculous….”

“or…Did those alien creatures that I had never seen before suddenly appear? ?”

“This is also very old-fashioned…..”


“The end of the knight? ?”

Fei Yuzhen was also confused when he found this specific target….

Was it actually targeted by something? ?

“It has nothing to do with ordinary people….”


“What kind of person would have such a deep hatred for the knights?”

Fei Yuzhen’s mind kept popping up the enemies he had encountered before….

Those guys don’t have that kind of strength, right? ?

Daqinsi Tetsuo:”Maybe they are guys from the future??”

“Monsters in the fantasy world…”

“If it is going to be destroyed, it will be the destruction of the entire earth, right? ?”

The atmosphere in the bookstore gradually became tense.

It can be called the end of the knights.

That is not an ordinary disaster!!

Sudo Mei looked at the big words in the title in confusion:”What on earth is this existence?…”

“This is the end of the knights….”

“Are you kidding me? ?”

After a period of intense discussion, everyone found that they still had no clue.

The atmosphere became more tense.

Fei Yuzhen raised his bright eyes:”Even if we don’t know what it is….”

“But if it’s something that hasn’t happened yet…”

“Then there is still a possibility of change, right?!”

“The future is in our own hands, everyone!!”

The atmosphere in the silent bookstore became lively again.

As expected of a novelist!!

He always speaks such inspiring words!!

Everyone looked at Mr. Thomas’s smile and nodded in agreement.

“I think…If what this light curtain says is true…”

“On the contrary, it’s a good thing.”

“In this way, we can foresee the future and choose to make changes.”

Fei Yuzhen looked around at everyone and encouraged them again…….

Blazer World


“How come it’s the end of the world all of a sudden? ?”

Thinking back to the knights who were apparently fine before,

Hiruma Xianren showed a puzzled expression.

In the previous scene, Orb disappeared, and Xianren was a little worried about it.

But the sudden appearance of the new title directly diverted Xianren’s attention.

Although Orb suffered such a heavy blow, as long as the ending did not clearly show his death,…

Maybe there is a sequel to this.

But the title this time gives off a hint of conspiracy!!

This is a complete conspiracy against Kamen Rider!!

“What on earth is it?”

“Can you arrogantly call it the end of the knights? ?”

In Xianren’s opinion, there may be a huge gap in size between the Kamen Riders and the Ultramen, but that is only the size.

Maybe in the future, the knights that appeared in the light curtain will have the power to influence the whole world!!

Just like the Flame Gothard that appeared before, didn’t he also defeat the Yamata-no-Orochi that was comparable to a giant monster? ?

And that guy’s true form is just a guy as tall as a person.

Sakato Yasunobu:”Is this true? ?”

“The knights that appeared before were pretty powerful.??”

“The title of this light curtain…”

For Sakato, he just needs to bring Ultraman Blaze from his own world into the game.

If you told him that Ultraman’s end was coming,

Sakato would just sneer.

In his opinion,

Ultraman Blaze’s power is incomparably strong!!

But the title on the screen before did not deceive everyone….

Sakato was also a little unsure!!

Minami Anri couldn’t believe it either, and covered her mouth exaggeratedly:”This can’t be true??”…….

Create the world

“This light curtain is too fake, isn’t it?”

“What is the knight’s end?!”

“I’m obviously fine!!”

Long Wo looked at the screen excitedly.

In his opinion, this was too ridiculous.

Yi Hai was not so excited, but he also looked at the screen in the sky with doubt.

He also…I am a little unsure about this light curtain.

But Zhantu, who was standing by, was unusually silent, and even his eyes became extremely solemn.

In Zhantu’s opinion, although this light curtain sometimes uses some exaggerated techniques, such as the so-called single driver, the images are all real.

Maybe it’s something in the past, maybe it’s something in the future, but it’s all real.

That is to say…

The crisis the knights are facing this time may be very serious!!

“What is it?….”

The attributes of Sento’s genius scientist were also fully displayed at this time.

His brain worked like a meticulous instrument, but it seemed that he had not found the guy who fit the title.

And he only targeted the knight….

As I watched Zhantu’s expression and mentality, I also experienced a subtle change.

Among them,

Zhantu’s IQ was the ceiling.


At this time , Zhantu actually had a heavy face….

It’s probably true….This is not true…”

Although I still said this, it was clear that Long I had begun to hesitate at the end.

In the laboratory, several people looked at the light screen, their eyes gradually becoming confused….What path will it take?

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