Saber World


Feiyujin was silent.

Looking at the giant of light in the light curtain, he was doubting his life at this moment.

He was using all his thoughts as a novelist to search for this so-called doomsday, but he didn’t expect that it was Ultraman who could be called their partner!!

Not only Feiyujin, but the whole bookstore was silent at this time.

After a short silence, there was an extreme explosion!!!

As if in chaos, all kinds of ghost screams began to sound in the bookstore!!

Xianren:”Is this a fraud?”

Rentaro:”Are you kidding!!”

Feidao Lian”Fuck your brother!!”

Sudo Mei shouted excitedly:”Okay, okay! It turns out that the so-called Dark Gagra is…”

Daqinsi Zhexiong quickly added:”He is our good friend??”……

The confused audience had a thousand Ma Ni Ma beasts galloping in their minds.

You are really messing with people’s mentality.

But the picture only lasted for a moment before it dimmed.

The complete battle���It was not broadcast. The audience

, who were looking at the screen and didn’t know what was going on, had their CPUs burned out. Was it creating suspense? ?

That’s not how it’s created, right? ?

In a moment, the screen lit up again. It was still Hiruma Gento in the screen at this time. But unlike his usual combat uniform, Gento was wearing a red fur coat with a strong motorcycle style. Not only was his attire different, but even his demeanor seemed like a different person!! He looked ahead with a scornful smile on his face.

“Don’t try to hinder me!!”

“Masked Rider’s End…”


The world of riding.

The main character, a low-key person, is completely dumbfounded at this moment.

“That guy…It’s HERAT!!”

Looking at the familiar clothes and smile,

Toma Shinnosuke was sure that this guy was the leader of the mechanical mutants, the human form of mechanical mutant 002!!

“But why…”

“He will be exactly like Hiruma Gento who was able to transform into the Warrior of Light before!!”

Tomar Shinnosuke didn’t understand what was going on.

Utajima Tsuyoshi:”….”

“Although I don’t want to say that,”

“But that guy is really the same as Hiruma Gento…”

Shidao Kiriko was also stunned

“In the world…Could there be such a coincidence? ?”

Wu Zi looked into their eyes, trying to find the answer.

But they were clearly at a loss. They looked at each other, wondering how such a strange thing could happen? ?

“perhaps…They are just similar.”

I suddenly thought of the Light and Dark Gagra that appeared not long ago.

Those two guys…is very similar.

But…It seems that it is not the same world?

Because an alien came to the temple on Earth to practice or something….

Isn’t this too much nonsense?……

Blazer World

“Is this me? ?”

“Absolutely impossible!!”

Hiruma Gento’s eyes were filled with disbelief.

“But it really seems…”

I clearly haven’t encountered any Kamen Rider, and it’s not just me.

There have been no Kamen Riders in this world since the beginning.

The power they used to fight monsters before was the special monster response detachment formed by humans.

If there were knights, they would have been used to fight monsters long ago.

In the operations room, Nagura Teruaki also said:”It definitely can’t be a string man.

” As the deputy captain of SKaPD, he also knew the origin of the formation of this team.

What a joke, with the power of Kamen Rider, do we still need ordinary people like them? ? Sakato Yasunobu nodded.

As an Asgallon pilot, this is also the main giant weapon they use to deal with monsters.

Although it was made using the V99 wreckage technology, it also has considerable power, but that power is still not enough compared to the knights.

“So many worlds have appeared in this light curtain.”

“So…It is reasonable for two similar people to appear.”

As an information gathering expert, Aobe Emi clearly understands the possibility of such a thing.

“That’s a mistake….”

Minami Anri breathed a sigh of relief.

If Captain Xianren is really the end of the knights,…

I can’t even imagine the beauty of Southern Apricot Pear…….

Create the world

“What is this situation?…”

“That guy…”

“what the hell”

“How could he really say this!!”

The War Rabbit Man was stunned.

He just thought that the light curtain was really wrong, but he didn’t know that the next scene would be the title spoken by the string man!

As expected…Guangmu , this guy, has never lied….Why do I feel that the string man this time is a little weird? ?

“I said…That guy,”

“Why do you look so mad?!”

Looking at the curved corners of Xianren’s mouth,

Long I was also a little angry.

That expression was so arrogant! It was obviously different from the Xianren just now!!

“yes…The string man just now,”

“That look is full of justice.”

“Eyes longing for power”

“But now it has turned into this…”

Yi Hai sighed


“Changed clothes,”

“The person has changed too? ?”

Honest man Huande asked his question.

Zhantu shook his head.

This is too ridiculous.

“That guy,”

“They probably just look the same.”

Several people were confused. How did

Zhantu make such a conclusion?

“you…Have you forgotten the previous Gagra of Light? ?”

“It is also the opposite of Dark Juggler’s personality.”

“Doesn’t look like a person at all.”

“Even if a person is divided into two parts…”

“It is impossible to achieve such a huge difference.” Yi Hai and the others showed a title that was not clear but impressive….So that’s how it is, but looking at their eyes carefully, they are still puzzled.

Looking at the confused people,

Zhan Tu sighed:

“Anyway, let’s see first.”

“Random guessing here.”

“There’s no help.”

“If it is true,”

“Then we have to start preparing countermeasures.”

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