Exide World

“Invincible player? ?”

“Pediatrician? ?”

The doctors in the conference room were stunned.

These two factors are only found in the Exide world!!

And…It seems that only Yongmeng meets the conditions of this title!!

Everyone turned their eyes to Yongmeng.

Gui Liya:”Invincible Player…-What is the posture? ?”.

Jing Feicai’s tense face also showed a rare curiosity:”The title in this light curtain,”

“Are you talking about Yongmeng?”

Hua Jiada also said with an inquiring look:”Yongmeng, your power…”

“To what extent has he reached? ?”

In their opinion, to be called invincible, he must be very powerful!!

But Yong Meng’s face was full of surprise:”Hey? ? What the hell? ?”

“I don’t even know what this light screen is saying? ?”

The doctors looked at each other, as if they had never seen Yong Meng’s so-called invincible player posture.

“oh…Is it the future again?”

“but…Still curious,”

“What is a crystal card?…”

“Can it be called invincible? ?”

Everyone was talking about it, staring at the light screen.

Tan Lidou looked at the title and fell into deep thought.

“Hosou Eimeng? ?”

“Invincible player?…”

Feeling a little surprised,

Dan Lidou carefully looked at the light curtain

“Hmm, a new crystal card? ?”

His eyes became excited.

A crystal card that can be called an invincible player…

“Things seem to be getting interesting.”

“Let me see.”

“Hosou Eimu”

“Is your strength worthy of this title?…”……

Riding the World.

As Toma Shinnosuke was coming out of the main door of the Special Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, he saw this scene on the screen.

“Invincible player?…”

“Although the name seems a bit childish…”

“But he can be called invincible,”

“Should he still have some abilities? ?”

Thinking of the fierce battle between himself and Heart in the light curtain last time, in which his life or death was unknown, Shinnosuke was very confused during this period….Did it just disappear like that? ?

The depression during this period made him not pay much attention to what happened in the light curtain.

Thanks to the enlightenment of Shijima Kiriko, he felt that it was a matter of the future if he worked hard from now on.

The ending, can it not be changed? ?

Shinnosuke looked at the title curiously, and

Mr. Belt seemed to feel Shinnosuke’s renewed fighting spirit, and his light kept flashing:”Shinnosuke, other knights,”

“It’s not all smooth sailing…”

“So, believe in yourself.”……

The video finally started playing.

Seeing Yong Meng appearing in this state, the audience’s eyes suddenly zoomed.

This guy…Seems quite impressive? ? Is this the invincible player?…The narration given by the light screen surprised everyone!!

【Extreme Player Lv.99】

This server is so powerful, isn’t it the so-called invincible player in the title of the light curtain? ?

Or…There is no such thing as an invincible player.

Is this a fraud in the title?

What is going on?

Everyone looked at the screen with confusion.

But the next moment,

Yongmeng directly took out a golden crystal card!!

It was dotted with colorful gems, and the crystal card in the center was also carved from crystal that emitted endless brilliant light!!

“Let’s fight it out.”


“Let you see…”

“The power of genius player M!!”……

Saber World


“Extreme Player Lv.99…”

Xianren recalled the cassette games he had played when he was a child.

He remembered…

99 is already the highest level!!

“This look…”

“It feels very strong too!!”

The wise man stared at Yong Meng in the light curtain, that body was too heavy because of the thick armor attached to it!!

“I said…”

“Although it has a powerful force…”

“But that posture,”

“Can it really move at will? ?”

Rentaro showed a skeptical look.

In his opinion,

Yongmeng at this moment was like a human wearing hundreds of kilograms of plate armor!

Although this would have unparalleled destructive power and defensive power, every action would consume a huge amount of energy….

“Don’t worry about that.”

“You can tell by the way he speaks without breathing heavily.”

“How terrifying is Yongmeng’s current strength!!”

Fei Yuzhen nodded frequently.

Yongmeng’s posture can be called the performance of a Lv.99 player!!

This guy’s various attributes are completely maxed out!!

“That cartridge!!”

Although no one saw the so-called invincible player, this extreme player level 99 also made everyone mistakenly think that this was the invincible player mentioned by the light curtain.

But the moment they saw this cartridge, everyone in the bookstore realized that they were misled by the light curtain!

Now…I’m afraid this is the moment when the invincible player appears!!……

Gochard World

“Eh?? Is this a mistake??”


“It’s always like this!!”

Baotaro looked at the light screen with an unhappy face.

He had been deceived too much.

“After a long time,”

“You are not an invincible player yet.”

Ginkgo Lotus grumbled.

Jiutang Rinyin could not help but nodded.

This light screen was really bad.

It created a lot of suspense every time!

“etc….What is Genius Player M? ?”

Bao Tailang carefully savored every word of Yongmeng.

He keenly realized that should it be replaced with Invincible Player, or his own name would be better? ?

“Should he say the name of this Jingka or his own name? ?”

Feeling something strange, Tsuruhara Showan looked at everyone in confusion, and from his expression, he seemed to be looking for answers from everyone’s faces.

“Logically speaking, it should be like this…”

“”Eh? ? Could it be that!!”

Baotaro nodded and thought.

Since he is not an invincible player, that means!!

“Genius player M is also Hosho Eimu!!”

Ginkgo Renka gave the answer

“What the hell? Split personality? ?”

Jiudang Linyin looked at everyone with an expression of disbelief.

“But this is the only way to explain it….”

Baotaro is a little uncertain, but this is the only way to reasonably explain why Yongmeng suddenly said the name of this genius player M

“What did he go through?…”……

At the moment the cassette was inserted,

“Don’t even think about it!”

Chronos on the opposite side pressed the driver on his belt, and in an instant, the world became quiet, and

Yongmeng’s body also stopped moving!!


Was he forced to stop transforming??

Everyone was dumbfounded!!

What the hell is this, he was defeated as soon as he came out??

But it was just a momentary pause, and the cassette actually started to work on its own!!


【Invincible! Dazzling! Like a shooting star!!】

【The strongest gamer of gold!!】


Yongmeng’s body seemed to turn into a golden star, running rampant in the dazzling universe!!

The brilliant stars chased his figure, and then all sank into his body!!

And the moment he completed the transformation, it seemed that the entire universe was cheering for the birth of an invincible player, and countless stars turned into meteor showers to celebrate this moment!!

“Watch me clear the level with one life!!”……

Decade World

“”Great! It’s finally starting!”

As soon as the golden cassette was inserted,

Guang Xiahai cheered.

The real show has finally begun!!

But at the next scene, she was stunned!!


“How come I was stuck?”

“What happened to the promised invincibility? ?”

Looking at the guy opposite, he just pressed his belt, and everything in the light curtain stopped.


Kazushi Kadoya’s forehead was covered with cold sweat.

It hadn’t even started yet.

Was it going to end? ?

Haidong Dashu’s face also had black lines on it.

“How embarrassing!…”

“The guy opposite…”

“Can actually manipulate time!!”

Haidong looked at Chronos in astonishment as he slowly walked towards Yongmeng.

Although he didn’t know where this guy came from, this ability was too BUG!!

0 ········Request flowers·· ········· ……

Tiga World


There was a little confusion in Dagu’s eyes.

“No way…”

“Was this strangled in the cradle? ?”

Looking at this scene,

Da Gu didn’t know how to complain!

Lina also said worriedly:”Is it because of the fear of the power of the invincible player,”

“So did you force him to stop transforming? ?”

Da Gu nodded, then shook his head:”But…In this case,”

“It’s useless no matter how strong you are, isn’t it?”

Everyone in the war room looked at Yong Meng, who was motionless in the light curtain, with worry written in their pupils. What should they do?

But in the next scene, the golden light that filled the screen made them tremble!!

“Holy crap!!”

“How did they do this?!” Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Yong Meng transforming! Wasn’t it stopped? The beautiful yet dangerous scene in the sky also made everyone obsessed.

“Is this the style of an invincible player? ?”

“At the moment the cassette was inserted,”

“Invincible Player…The destined start begins!!”

“Even time,”

“Nothing can shake his established path!!”……

Yongmeng, who transformed into an invincible player, arrived in front of Chronos in an instant!!

“Bang, bang, bang!”

The continuous heavy blows made Chronos feel tremendous pressure.


His face also changed inexplicably!!

“After all, it can only last for 10 seconds…”

Chronos smiled again.

With such a terrifying power, he only needed to hold on for 10 seconds!!

But as he fought, cold sweat broke out on his face!!

This was obviously more than 10 seconds!!

Yongmeng just responded to him with the most violent attack!!

“It’s time to end…”


【HyperCriticalSparking!! 】

Yeonmeng turned into a golden meteor in an instant, and a terrifying power condensed on his right foot!!

The brilliant color had distorted the space nearby, and it was impossible to see clearly!!

In an instant,

Chronos was kicked several times in succession!!

But Chronos, who suffered such a heavy blow, seemed to have no effect at all? ?

“You think,”

“This attack will work for me….”

Before Chronos’s arrogant laughter ended, countless cracks suddenly appeared in his body!!

Then, the parts that Yongmeng had just stepped on began to emit golden light!!

As if replicating the previous attack,

Chronos fell to the ground, his life or death unknown…….

Blaze World.

Hiruma Gento was secretly shocked by the power displayed by Eimue.

“Is Chronos that guy under so much pressure?”

“Unfortunately, it can only last for 10 seconds….”

He also heard what Chronos said.

The string man looked at Yong Meng with a complicated look.

“This powerful force…”

“It has reached the level of taboo..”

“There is a time limit,”

“How much is reasonable?…”

But the more he watched, the more he realized something was wrong.

It had clearly been a minute!!

“Could it be…Is the time in this mode also invincible?!”

“Yongmeng this guy…”……

Levis World.

Igarashi Ikki watched Eimue turn into a golden meteor, and his eyes were filled with shock.

“This is…Invincible player.”

Yihui looked at the lightning-fast attack, and

Chronos couldn’t fight back at all!!

But that guy didn’t fall down!!

“How could it be!!”

“Is this useless? ?”

Igarashi Ikki’s pupils suddenly shrank.

What on earth is wrong with this guy? ?

But then Chronos exploded directly!!

Ikki’s pupils were full of shock.

“Hey?? What happened??”

“Is this a delayed attack? ?”

Whis looked at Ikki who was confused and said jokingly:”That guy’s power,”

“Even I was secretly shocked.”

“It’s normal for you not to understand.”……

The scene ended, and the invincible player’s first screen appearance brought great shock to everyone!!

The next scene also started immediately,

【All-powerful novel X, the truth that even pediatricians themselves don’t know. 】Tu.

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