Saber World

“That knight?”.

“According to Wozniacki’s words…”

“There shouldn’t be any Kamen Riders in this world, right? ?” Fei Yuzhen frowned deeply as he looked at the strange knight who suddenly appeared in the light curtain.

“And that weird sound Wozniacki heard…”

As expected of a novelist.

His observations are so meticulous.

Everyone else in the bookstore looked at Mr. Thomas in surprise.

Sage:”Huh?? I understand that this is a world without knights.”

“But what is the so-called sound?…”

Rentaro and the others also looked at him in surprise.

“Can’t you hear it?”

Fei Yuzhen himself hesitated, could it be that he heard it wrong?

“I don’t know why this knight appeared.”

“But I definitely heard that strange voice.”

The moment the whisper appeared,

Fei Yuzhen felt a chill.

Even if his ears were lying, his body’s instinctive reaction was real!

Before everyone had time to investigate, that guy suddenly attacked Sougo and the others!!

Seeing Sougo and the other two falling everywhere in the blink of an eye, the alien knight locked onto Sougo without any hesitation, and

Sudo Mei covered her mouth:”What should I do!!”

“Sougo and the others are just ordinary people now!!”

Fei Daolian’s face was covered with cold sweat for a while:”This guy’s purpose is very clear!…”

“Who released this guy? ?”

Fei Yuzhen adjusted her hat and looked at the person who did not belong to this world.

“From this point of view, we can only look forward to Wozniacki’s performance.”…

ZI-O World

“”Hey? Isn’t this guy me?”

Looking at the knight who looked like her,

Tsukuyomi was dumbfounded.

It was the first time she saw a different knight created based on her.

Looking at the three people in danger in the 13th picture,

Tsukuyomi’s face turned pale unconsciously.

“Who can…”

Wozniacki suddenly appeared and interrupted her words.

“”It’s Woz!!”

Sougo said in surprise.

The previous scene only showed Woz standing far away in the dark, spying on Sougo and the other two.

They thought that Woz would not be able to arrive in time.

Gates’ nervous heart was also relieved.

But the next moment,

Woz couldn’t do anything about this alien Tsukuyomi!!

Looking at the anxious atmosphere, cold sweats broke out on their faces.

The words”I’m going to call the police” in the picture blurted out from Gates’ mouth in the light curtain!!

The originally gloomy atmosphere was instantly broken!!

Sougo:”Hahaha…Gates this guy!!”

Woz:”Is this a problem that the police can solve?”

Tsukuyomi looked at Gates in the light curtain, blinked again, and looked at Gates beside him with some surprise:”I really didn’t notice…”

“Jingdu-kun has a good sense of humor!!”……

The world of Creation.

Looking at the powerless Sougo,

Battle Rabbit felt itchy all over.

“How could Sougo be bullied like this? ?”

Ryuga looked at the obviously stunned Sougo in disbelief.

Battle Rabbit’s face trembled slightly:”Actually, there’s no need to go through so much trouble.”

“Just let me go!!”

“And I won’t kill you or anything.”

“At most teach him a lesson…”


Seeing that the scene was getting more and more wrong, even the Demon King’s follower Woz couldn’t do anything about this strange Tsukuyomi,

Battle Rabbit’s mentality of preparing to joke also changed.

“Ah Yue, are you serious? ?”

Sensing that things were going to get bad,

Zhantu’s face turned gloomy.

Although he had been beaten up by Sougo before,…

But it was not shameful to lose to the future demon king!

Yi Hai was also very anxious:”If Woz can’t do it…”

“Is there any other solution? ?”

Zhantu shook his head and looked at the blank dial handed over by Woz.

“This dial is just the most basic dial…..”

“Even if Sougo used it,”

“It should only be the most basic….”

Before he finished speaking, the screen suddenly emitted an extremely brilliant light!!

The moment Sougo grabbed the empty watch, it seemed as if something had been retrieved.

Countless clocks appeared beside him in salute, and the vast and magnificent sound filled the entire screen.

At this moment, it was like the coronation moment.

Tokiwa Sougo once again embarked on the road to becoming a demon king!!


“Did Sougo become a Kamen Rider again? ?”

I was stunned by the golden screen.

“Is this really a predetermined fate?”

“Even if it was Sougo who changed history,”

“Will I embark on the path of becoming a demon king again?!”

Sento looked at Sougo, who was still a little confused, in a daze.

“This time…”

“What kind of strength will he show?”……


Sougo subconsciously called out that name.

The space was instantly torn apart, and endless power burst out and poured onto the young man!!


【Masked Rider!!】



White, silver and magenta light reflected from Sougo’s body!!

The alien Tsukuyomi on the opposite side looked at the guy in front of him who suddenly became a Kamen Rider, and for the first time, he showed a look of doubt!!

Sougo looked at himself blankly.

This was the first time he saw himself become a Kamen Rider!!

Then, more like unconsciously, the fighting consciousness engraved in his bones made him take the initiative to attack!!

Although it can’t be said that it was very smooth, but he didn’t hesitate at all!!

Every time he swung his fist, there was a sound of explosion and a shock wave formed by the air bursting!!

The alien Tsukuyomi barely blocked the first attack, but as Sougo’s strength and speed increased, the knight on the opposite side was obviously overwhelmed.

In Sougo’s punch with all his strength, the alien Tsukuyomi was unable to resist and flew far away!!

But obviously when it was hit hard, the guy’s body once again emitted the light like a moon arc, which helped it to remove most of the damage!!……

ZI-O World

“He actually became Zi-O Level 2 for the first time!!”

Woz’s face froze for a moment.

He was completely unable to understand what was happening in this picture.

At least, in the current timeline,

Zi-O Level 2 was a power that Sougo obtained after months of training and confronting the darkness in his heart!!

“How is this possible?!”

Sougo himself was also stunned.

Looking at this incredible scene, several people couldn’t help but frown together.

Gates’ face was also as bitter as a gourd:”So I’m just a background board? ?”……

Exide World

“Well, that’s great….”

Looking at the performance of Zi-O’s second stage,

Gui Liya couldn’t help but nod his head.

This is actually what he could do in the first battle? ?

“Isn’t Sougo’s fighting instinct too outrageous? ?”

Hosou Eimu was a little stunned as he watched Sougo getting better and better at fighting.

“I was still a little confused when I first started….”

“In the end, there was an excited expression on his face? ?”

“You deserve to be the Demon King!!”

Jing Feicai’s pupils suddenly shrank.

As expected, a monster is a monster.

Even if it is the first time to transform into a Kamen Rider, it has a power that ordinary people can’t reach.

“but…The guy on the other side looks pretty tough!!”

The moon arc that appeared on the body of the alien Tsukuyomi made me frown.

Although Sougo could cause substantial damage to this guy, it seemed that he couldn’t affect his roots….

Danrito stared at Sougo’s every move.

“This guy…”

“The more I watch, the more frightening it becomes….”

With each blow, Sougo

‘s movements became smoother, and in the end, his fists rained down on the alien Tsukuyomi, which made Danrito admire him for the first time.

“Well, it seems…”

“You’re still very capable….”

“Ben Kamil now admits that”

“Tokiwa Sougo,”

“You are the second person under the talent of this god!!”

A person who can become a demon king should not be underestimated.

Danrito nodded with satisfaction.

This is not bad, it is good to have an opponent.

After all, being invincible is a kind of loneliness…….

The world of Gochard.

Baotaro looked at the screen in disbelief.

“Can he suppress the alien knight on the opposite side for the first time? ?”

Looking at the alien Tsukuyomi with black light,

Baotaro’s pupils suddenly shrank.

Even Baotaro now finds this guy very difficult to deal with.

I didn’t expect Sougo to chase him and beat him directly!!

“Is it really Sougo-senpai? ?” Tatarō wiped his sweat when he thought about how he could not beat anyone in the beginning. As expected, people will die if they are compared with others, and goods will be thrown away if they are compared with others!! Seeing his senior reviving the glory of knights while he is just being timid here, Tatarō’s face also dimmed:”When can I become a great alchemist?” Jiudou Rin’in looked at the somewhat discouraged Tatarō and couldn’t help but comfort him.

“You are still young!!”

“It’s a good thing to have more experience!!”

But Baotaro gave her a resentful look.

“But Sougo-senpai in the picture is also very young….”……

The screen continued to play the homepage.

Looking at the alien Tsukuyomi, which was slightly damaged but not seriously injured,

Woz didn’t know what to do for a moment.

“Should I ask Tsukuyomi-kun to solve it? ?”

Thinking like this, Wozniacki was taking out the

Tsukuyomi watch….This one.

The voice that made Wozniacki shudder appeared again!!

Then, a new pocket watch suddenly appeared in Sougo’s hand!!

Sougo looked at Wozniacki with a tentative look.

After all, all of this was brought by Wozniacki.

Wozniacki’s eyes were calm, but his heart was panicking. Is it okay to listen to that guy? ?

But Sougo had already put the watch on his waist.

In an instant, two knights appeared from behind him!!

They were Gates and Wozniacki!!

Then, the three knights appeared in the brilliant light,

【Fusion into one!!】



【Kamen Rider Zi-O!!】


【3 Powers!!】

【Kamen Rider Zi-O! Geiz! Woz!】


【Trinity!! 】

Sougo actually evolved into Zi-O Stage 3!!

Everyone was stunned watching Sougo on the screen before they could figure out what was going on!!

The moment Sougo transformed into Zi-O Stage 3, the light screen was filled with shock and gasps!!

Sougo himself didn’t know what was going on, he just followed his instincts consciously, as if out of control, his body flew straight into the sky!!

The knight’s shadow that had just appeared appeared behind him, and then all merged into his body.

In an instant, a strong light burst out from Sougo’s right foot!!

The Demon King kicked without hesitation!!


【Zi-O!! Geiz!! Woz!!】



【Burst! Explosion!! 】

Passed through the monster called the alien Tsukuyomi.

Behind Sougo, the black monster shattered directly.

After the explosion, all that was left on the ground were various fragments, and Sougo was looking at it blankly…….

Nava World

“The Demon King’s Talent…”

“Too outrageous, isn’t it?”

General Duanmu took a deep breath.

Just at the moment of contact with the knight’s power���

Has it grown to this point?

“Is this really not cheating? ?”

“I feel that this power is stronger than the previous Zi-O Stage 3. How do I say that? ?”

General Duanmu had many questions at this moment.

Sougo had given him too many shocks.

Since he was born, perhaps, this was the most outrageous time for General Duanmu.

Ma Lingling was stunned by what Duanmu Yan said.

How dare you say that about others?

Aren’t you a hacker yourself?

Lingling clearly saw the figure in the giant pit before, and that was clearly her father!!……

Seeing this quick and decisive battle, everyone was obviously still not satisfied.

However, the screen did not explain too much about the sequel of this new demon king.

After the screen dimmed, it brightened again.

【The senior style of Heisei Eternal Rabbit vs. the fake hero, Kiryu Rabbit? 】

Looking at the title on the screen, the screen became lively again.

It’s an old acquaintance again.

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