Gochard World.

Seeing that Oren had suffered such a terrible defeat, he still chose to challenge Is for the second time. This was a choice that

Oren made to protect everyone’s smiles with all his heart!! Baotaro showed sincere admiration on his face.

“Or someone senior…”

“It seems different from before.”

Compared with the Oren who was incarnated as Ark before, the current Oren has found his own way forward.

He is no longer confused and has become a mature Kamen Rider!!

“This awareness,”

“It makes me feel that”

“Although Is’s self-healing ability is really terrifying…”

“Senior Oren may have found a solution!!”

The resolute and persistent look in his eyes silently told everyone that Oren had already prepared to die on this trip!! If the world is really going to be destroyed, it can only be after his death!! Before the last drop of blood in his body is shed, Yis’s goal will never be achieved!!

“Eh?? Wait…”

Or the man’s body was covered with countless mechanical locusts, making him appear silvery white.

“This new look!!”

“really…Does it represent the dawn of hope? ?”

Ginkgo Lianhua’s eyes were already misty.

She hadn’t felt so passionate for a long time! What

Oren showed was the ambition to do something even though he knew it was impossible!!

“Is this a dress specially prepared by a senior based on his experience of failure?”

“Special attack or something…”

“It’s so cool!!”

Baotaro was also stunned for a moment, just like a person who had been in darkness for a long time suddenly saw the light when he saw”530″.

The silver-white knight seemed to be standing in front of him!!

He was so dazzled that he could hardly open his eyes!!…

Creation World.

Oren’s white light cut off Is’s arm again, but then it recovered.

Ryuga sighed at the sight, but the next moment, that guy’s body seemed to have a problem!!

Is’s body kept flashing white light, and

Ryuga shouted with joy!!


“This new power!!”

“It really works on this guy!!”

Battle Rabbit, who was watching silently at the side, immediately relaxed his brows.

“This is…”

Looking at the flowing light, and recalling the moment when Oren transformed,

Sento couldn’t help but curl his lips.

“Is that the mini locust?”

“Or someone injected the mini locusts into Is’s body during the attack.”

“Even if Is’s body is restored again,”

“But within his seemingly intact body,”

“Someone has already planted a time bomb!!”

Yi Hai stared at the light screen, and his voice became more and more excited!!

“Or this guy!!”

“Grown a lot!!”

“His fighting wisdom,”

“Has it reached this point? ?”

Listening to Zhantu’s explanation,

Yihai couldn’t help but admire him.


“No matter who it is,”

“Or do you have to go through things to grow?…”

Thinking of this effective battle rabbit, they laughed, and everything seemed to be going in a good direction…….

ZI-O World

“What a thoughtful operation!!”

Gates looked at the sudden failure of Is in astonishment.

He didn’t expect that this kid Oren had such a fighting talent.

Sougo couldn’t help but touch his nose.

“After all, you have to get beaten to become stronger, right? ?”

“People always grow through failure.”


“This degree seems to only affect his actions…..”

“Still need to find a way…”

“Cut off his endless self-healing power.”

As expected of Sougo, he saw the essence of this battle at a glance!!

Even if Oren continued to destroy and destroy Is, the knight who was nurtured by endless malice would not be destroyed.

Even if Oren ran out of strength, it seemed that he could not change the final outcome.

Sougo looked at Oren in the picture, did he have any other way??


Is held the key transformed by the hell locust, and in an instant, violent negative power surged out of his body!!

Even Sougo had a look of relaxation in his eyes at this time!!

“If that guy could use this power to its full potential,…”

Sougo did not continue.

As a time manager from the future, Wozniacki, who was usually well-informed, could not help but remain silent when he saw the scene on the screen. It seemed that the overall situation had been decided….

But the next second, Oren’s figure disappeared.

When Gates and the others could see him again,

Oren had already blocked the dark light with his whole body!

Wozniacki’s eyes suddenly shrank.

“Or someone else!!”

“Did he choose to use his body to resist this force that was filled with endless malice?”

“This foolish boy!!”

Even the followers of the devil were moved when they saw Oren’s choice to face death. Not only him, but also Gates was dumbfounded.

“Is there no way out? ?”

But there was a strange light in Sougo’s eyes.

He didn’t seem to be as pessimistic as the other two.

“I think…Maybe Oren can hold on.”

Recalling the look Oren gave when he stood in front of Is for the second time,

Sougo smiled inexplicably…….

The screen continued to play!!

After the dark power condensed to a certain extent, it finally exploded completely!!

Oren burned himself, and the metal locusts that made up the armor also scattered, helping Oren to resist this terrifying world-destroying power together!!

The mushroom cloud that soared into the sky completely dispersed the clouds in the sky.

The sky, which was still a little gloomy, was now covered with scorching sunlight!!

It was like a carnival before the end of the world, and even the sun was burning itself to its heart’s content? ?

The picture turned straight down from the sky, and the scene that came into view was a devastated city!!

No, the city may no longer exist.

Now it is just a ruin with smoke and war!!

As the camera fell rapidly, the Oren who was originally invisible on the mottled ground also appeared in the light curtain!!

There were green fragments on the ground not far away, which seemed to be the motorcycle that Oren had just ridden.

Under such destructive power, even the high-tech products forged by the latest technology can’t withstand this terrible force? ?

And Oren seemed to have used up all his strength.

The armor on his body also disintegrated after exhausting the energy, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

His eyes seemed to be extremely heavy.

In the corner of his eyes, looking at this scene that looked like purgatory on earth,

Oren couldn’t help but grit his teeth.

“Why do you,”

“Do this!!”

The scene then changed to the culprit who released this terrifying attack,


Everyone was more shocked by Is in the scene than the surviving Oren!

Because that guy seemed to be backfired by his own power, and even his entire body was incomplete!

From this point of view, it seems that Oren’s body is still quite resistant!

The black and red energy overflowed from Is’s body again, and then his body recovered as before.

Is looked at the struggling Oren with compassion, and disappeared on the spot.

Was it because he achieved his goal?

At this moment, he regarded himself as the new creator god, and God…

I don’t bother to argue with mortals!!……

Exide World

“This terrifying impact!!”

“Even the celestial phenomena have changed!!”

Seeing the sunlight hidden behind the clouds shining on the earth recklessly,

Gui Liya couldn’t help but feel dizzy.

“It really is a power that can destroy the world….”

“If it weren’t for someone holding off most of it,…”

Looking at the city where there was no intact place,

Yongmeng broke out in cold sweat.

“Hey?? Where is the person??”

“”Where did Oren go!!”

The key words were finally triggered, and everyone came to their senses at this moment.

Where did Oren go?

The city in the picture became like that, and Oren, who was at the center of the explosion,…

The doctors in the conference room couldn’t help but lower their heads.


In the silence, the voice of someone came from the screen again!

Everyone looked at the person in the screen with surprise and excitement!

“Are you still alive?…”

“This guy, don’t make everyone worry so much.”

Gui Liya wiped his sweat, although he said this, but his eyes were already faintly shining with tears.

“Reiwa’s First Kamen Rider…”

“Not bad!!”

I also shouted excitedly!!

“or people…”

“It’s good to be alive…. ”

“As long as he is still alive, that’s all.”

Jing Feicai, who was always known for his calmness, was also trembling slightly at this moment.

Seeing that Oren was alive, his heart was also throbbing.

“Only less than half an hour….”

Everyone came to their senses and recalled that the countdown before the two fought was only 37 minutes.

“one way or another,”

“As long as the person is still alive, there is still a chance!!”

Looking at the people who still had”I will protect this world” written on their faces, the doctors also comforted themselves…….

Saber World

“Hell Locust…”

“What on earth is this thing? ?”

The wise man looked at the ruined city in the picture and felt a shudder of fear.

“Is this really the key to creating a new world?…”

“only…This terrifying power,”


“Is it paradise or hell? ?”

Rentaro shook his head.

I’m afraid only a madman could create such a thing.

“This guy Yake…”

“What are you thinking about?…”

Thinking that it was actually a virtual world,

Xianren frowned slightly.

Artificial intelligence with independent consciousness…

“That guy wants to put all humans into this virtual world.”

“Is this the way to achieve the goal of exterminating the human race? ?”

Daqin Temple recalled the role of the nano artificial intelligence and put forward his own opinion.

Before everyone had time to think deeply, looking at the intact Oren and the broken body of Is, everyone in the bookstore was amazed again!!

“Someone is still alive!!”

“The guy on the other side doesn’t look too good either!!”

“It recovered again? ?”

“Isn’t this healing ability too abnormal?!”…

The sounds came one after another in the book room.

“or the road of man…”

“Where is it?”

Fei Yuzhen looked at the light screen thoughtfully. It seemed that he could not resist the power of the hell locusts at all. Or he only had less than half an hour left….

This next choice, perhaps, will be the last one.

Fei Yuzhen’s deep gaze seemed to pierce through the light curtain and reach the front of the person…….

Just as everyone was sighing at the fact that the person was still alive, the screen switched to the next scene.

The melodious bells from afar and the statue of Jesus on the wall inside the building all indicated that this place was a church.

However, the mottled colors on the wall and the tables and chairs placed randomly everywhere seemed to imply that this church had been abandoned for a long time.

Is held a ring in his hand, with a nostalgic look on his face.

“0.7 from the completion of the park…”

“It’s almost there…”

It was like he was reporting his achievements, or like a child reporting his good grades to his parents.

Seeing Iss like this, the guy in front of the screen was also stunned.

This guy is so gentle? ?

A sudden voice came from behind, and the door of the church was opened. The figure of Fei Dian Huo Ren appeared!! This guy was so seriously injured, but he still came? ? Iss’s face showed a rare helpless look.

“The world is about to end…”

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by someone yelling!!

“The time should not have come yet!!”

Is did not answer him, but took out the Hell Locust Key and turned the switch.

In an instant, countless twisted dark forces surged out!!

“Stop it!!” Oren yelled, and snatched it away before Is expected!!

“Got it!!”

The man’s face was filled with joy, and he kept slapping the key on the ground.

“Stop it!”

But the key just kept gushing out black and red power, not affected by anyone at all!

At this moment, all the memories with everyone also came to his mind in an instant!

A sad or helpless smile appeared on his face

“Sure enough, is this the only way?…”

He looked at Is opposite him, and then inserted it into his belt without hesitation!!

The dark power enveloped Oren’s whole body, and the terrible malice gushing out from it rendered the entire light curtain into hell!!.

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