Special photography scientists in the comic world

Author: High Quality Shrimp Dumplings


Gauri traveled through time and brought with him a system that can acquire technology from the tokusatsu worlds such as Ultraman and Kamen Rider.

So far, the shuttle between DC and Marvel, the strongest enemy of Stark Industries, the new successor of Wayne Group, the nemesis of the Supreme Master, the red and silver Ultra Titan, the nightmare of Hydra, and the members of the Justice League The source of headaches, a Kamen Rider different from superheroes, and the source of all evil that caused Silver City to be closed for a long time was born!

"How many times have I told you, I'm just a scientist, I don't have as much power as you!"

——Gory Parker, who punched Thanos and kicked Darkseid, said this.

Chapter 1 I’m just a scientist


Gourry Parker, eighteen years old, not a student.

To be precise, Gao Li's soul traveled through time eighteen years ago, but it took more than ten years just to absorb the memories of his previous life.

At this time, Gao Li was surprised to find that he had actually traveled to the Marvel world.

Although Gao Li in his previous life had not seen many Marvel movies, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was so famous that even if Gao Li had not seen it, he had heard about some of the famous characters and plots.

Therefore, Gao Li's heart was filled with a sense of crisis!

I heard that a global crisis will break out in the Marvel world every three days, and there are usually many outstanding people everywhere. The crime rate is comparable to that of Popcorn City, and it is quite common for the universe to be reset after its death time.

You must have the ability to protect yourself as soon as possible!

Fortunately, Gao Li discovered that he actually carried a system——

The most powerful special photography system.

Gao Li looked at the instructions that came with the system. It seemed that the influence and changes he had made on the world could be accumulated and won a lottery for him.

After using the system for a period of time - in fact, it can't be said that it works, this system has no sense of existence except for the lottery - in short, Gao Li finally figured out what the lottery rewards are.

The most common thing that appears is some scientific research knowledge in the tokusatsu world such as the Kamen Rider world and the Ultraman world. For ordinary people, it may be very profound and difficult to understand, but for Gao Li, it is just right.

In his previous life, he was not only a well-known scientific research enthusiast in the university, but also a little genius. At the very least, even his famously strict tutors were full of praise for him.

The second thing that will appear in the lottery is some real objects, and the next thing is some messy little skills.

Small skills are hard to come by, and Gao Li has only obtained two small skills so far.

The first one is called "Ten Meter Run". Its effect is that when Gao Li starts chanting in a specific format, he can specify that up to three people must spend 100 seconds to move a distance of 10 meters.

The second one is called "Invincible Flame Head". Gao Li can set the head of a target within his field of vision on fire every day, provided that the target must have extensive prestige or reputation.

Although they are all subtle, they are quite powerful field control skills.

Although Gao Li's parents died in an accident last year, they still left him a lot of inheritance. Gao Li was able to live comfortably and have spare money to completely transform the small villa into a laboratory.

This was enough for Gao Li to use the black technology knowledge he acquired to drop out of school and make inventions at home day and night.

In the slightly dim laboratory, Gao Li was hammering away feverishly. There was a blue-painted armor in front of him, and it looked like it was almost complete.

"Very good. The matching guard accelerator baton is ready. This telescopic electromagnetic baton is not difficult at all. The basic weapons are all ready."

After Gao Li finished the work at hand, he took a few steps back to admire the blue armor up and down.

"What name should I choose?" Gao Li touched his chin and muttered to himself, "How about calling it G3 Armor?"


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the outer wall of the villa was directly hit by an Audi sports car, causing it to collapse, startling Gao Li who was deep in thought.

What happened?

Gao Li looked around and saw a handsome middle-aged man holding his forehead and stumbling out of the airbag.

The face looks very familiar. Isn't it the most famous playboy in the United States, Tony Stark, who often appears on the covers of various magazines and tabloids?

Gao Li will not look down upon this super genius just because he owns the system. He himself is not a novice in scientific research. He has already compared various science and technologies in the past and present. There is no doubt that the Marvel world is full of a lot of high-end black and white things that were not seen in previous lives. science and technology!

Among these advanced knowledge, a very few have even reached the level of interstellar civilization. They are super black technologies that even Gao Li, who has access to otherworldly technology, has never heard of. Many of them were created by Tony in front of him.

Therefore, Gao Li still knew such an iconic figure. He was stunned for only a tenth of a second. After combining the information he knew in his past life and this life, a set of plans was formed in his mind.

This is undoubtedly a great opportunity that comes from heaven!

"Fuck...I didn't drink that much, did I?"

Tony shook his head, and when he looked up, he saw the boy in front of him dialing the police number.

"Hey kid, if I were you I'd put down the phone, avoid getting into any extra trouble, and get a huge compensation check."

Gao Li hung up the phone without hesitation: "Let's talk, how much can you give? At least it must be more than the amount I called the police to blackmail you."

Tony: "..."

Whose child is so outspoken?

"I'm willing to apologize for this kind of accident. Fortunately, no one was hurt... Well, I'll sign you a check for two million US dollars, which is enough to buy a new villa."

Gao Li dialed the alarm number again: "Too few, you are sending beggars away."

Tony couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Just because he was willing to pay compensation for his mistakes didn't mean that he was a big bastard who threw money around.

"I would like to remind you that Stark Industries has the best legal team in New York. If you are willing to litigate, just go ahead and file a lawsuit. I guarantee that you will not earn compensation."

As he said that, Tony felt that it was a bit too childish to be angry with teenagers, so he changed the topic: "Forget it, what should I talk to you about... Where are your parents? I'll talk to them."

Gao Li said calmly: "They passed away, and I am the only one living here, so you just need to talk to me."

Tony was stunned when he heard this, and his tone softened.

"Sorry, kid, I didn't know before... Mum, how about I give you three million dollars?"

Gao Li thought about it in his mind and shook his head again.

"not enough."

Tony frowned slightly. He sympathized with Gao Li's experience because Gao Li's life experience reminded him of himself, but he was not that greedy.

He used his remaining patience and reluctantly educated him: "Listen, kid, sometimes excessive greed is not a good thing. I can give you up to four million US dollars."

"No matter how many millions of dollars it is, it is actually a small amount of money to me, but in fact I have already issued you a compensation that is much more than the reasonable range. What do you want so much money for?"

Gao Li knocked on the G3 armor next to him and said, "Because I want to open a company, and the company needs to purchase a lot of equipment and instruments. This is a big expense."

Gao Li has already thought about starting a Feidian Group first, and when it becomes bigger and stronger, he can also develop a museum semiconductor company, a fantasy game company... and so on.

"If there was a huge compensation, I wouldn't have to try to deal with the Ministry of Defense... I didn't really want to sell the G3 system to the Ministry of Defense. It was really a helpless move."

This time, Tony was really stunned when he heard it. He almost thought that he had not sobered up yet, which caused him to have auditory hallucinations.

What did this teenager who looked like he just said?

Sold to the Department of Defense?

Moreover, his tone sounded very positive, as if he was certain that the Ministry of National Defense would take a fancy to him!

"Haha, is this a new joke that's popular this year? You're selling it to the Ministry of National Defense, and you can't even meet officials from the Ministry of National Defense, right?"

When he came back to his senses, Tony only felt funny.

"I have to say, you succeeded in making me laugh. I really hope you can give some of your confidence to others... For your joke, I'll give you five million dollars!"

However, it was Gao Li who responded to Tony with a deliberate sigh: "Oh, you don't even understand such a simple truth? It seems that the rumored genius Tony Stark is just a mortal's wisdom."

"After seeing the product of my divine talent, the world will be shocked! At that time, only the Ministry of Defense will take the initiative to send people to find me, and I will not need to go to the Ministry of Defense myself!"

Of course, this is just a deliberate excuse by Gao Li, and many details cannot withstand scrutiny, but it is enough to attract Tony's interest.

What's more, Tony's ability to distinguish is greatly reduced in his semi-drunk state.


As expected, Tony was stunned when he heard this, and even didn't know how to reply for a while.

I have to say that Gao Li's reply really exceeded all the possibilities he expected!

In the past, the media often commented on his overly self-centered character, but now Tony only felt that in front of Gao Li, he was insignificant and nothing.

The confident young man in front of me simply highlighted the feeling that "the world revolves around him"!

"Huh? Then I want to see what kind of crap you made to be so arrogant?!"

When he came back to his senses, Tony smiled instead of angry. He had seen too many such civil affairs over the years.

They all have little knowledge of technology and think they have created some amazing invention, but in fact the finished product is not worth mentioning at all.

Obviously, the young man in front of him, who may not be old enough to go to college, belongs to this kind of sad and blind group of people.

In the past, Tony only looked at these people as jokes, and even touching them seemed to be a drop in value - but now that they are all jumping on his head, it is not Tony's character not to criticize and torture them!

"It's not impossible. Anyway, my registered patents will be made public soon, so I'll let you take a look."

Gao Li confidently introduced: "The product I plan to sell to the Ministry of National Defense is this G3 armor, which can also be called the G3 system."

"The G3 system is divided into two versions, depending on the procurement needs of the Ministry of National Defense. If the Ministry of National Defense is short of money, it is a pity that it can only purchase G3 armor made of conventional high-performance aluminum alloy as the main material."

As he said this, Gao Li glanced at Tony vaguely, which made Tony, who usually likes to use high-performance aluminum alloys, harden his fists.

Is this kid trying to understand me? ?

Probably not. He didn't know me before, so how could he know my habits?

"But if you can afford the price, then you can get this complete G3 armor, one of the crystallizations of my wisdom! Its main material is my newly developed heroic super-hard aluminum alloy!"

"By the way, 'Brave' is a trademark I registered for it. Common aluminum alloys have melting points ranging from over 400 to over 700 degrees Celsius, and the Brave series of super-hard aluminum alloys can even withstand flames of up to 2,000 degrees Celsius for a long time!"

Hearing this, Tony sneered.

He is indeed a folk scientist, lacking basic knowledge, and bragging without thinking.

Aluminum alloy that can withstand high temperatures of 2,000 degrees?

You should know that the melting point of pure aluminum is only about 660 degrees Celsius, and under normal circumstances, the melting point of alloys is lower than that of pure metals.

Even if anodizing treatment is performed, an extra layer of aluminum oxide protection only changes the surface properties, and has little effect on macroscopic heat transfer. If it is subjected to a high temperature of 2,000 degrees, the whole will still soften and the mechanical properties will decrease.

Can you really still consider this an aluminum alloy?

Tony was about to open his mouth to sneer, when he saw Gao Li take out a spray gun from the drawer.

Tony recognized that it was a twelve-hole double-headed high-temperature liquefied gas flamethrower, which was a well-known brand on the market and could spray out temperatures of nearly 2,000 degrees...

Hmm? Wait, is he going to test it for me?

When Tony realized this, Gao Li had been spraying on the edge of the armor for more than ten seconds.

Seeing that the high-temperature flames continued to burn the armor, but the armor metal did not even show any signs of melting, Tony's mocking smile gradually disappeared.

When he saw that the G3 armor was intact after spraying ultra-high-temperature flames for a full minute, Tony finally couldn't stand it anymore, and his face changed slightly as he stepped forward to look at it.

"This is impossible... How can aluminum alloy have that level of temperature resistance!? This is not aluminum alloy, right?"

As he spoke, Tony touched and knocked on other parts of the G3 armor, his expression becoming more and more unbelievable.

Very familiar feel and echo, most likely it is really a special aluminum alloy!

How did this happen! ?

Chapter 2 Super High School Level Terrorist Incident


"Not only that, the Heroic Series Super Hard Aluminum Alloy is resistant to high temperatures and has superior bulletproof performance that can resist Magnums!"

When it comes to technical matters, Gao Li seems to be much more enthusiastic, and he took out a classic Desert Eagle from the drawer.

"Oh, by the way, I just took the gun license test this year, and this is a legally purchased firearm... You step back a little to prevent ricochets from accidentally injuring you."

Tony, who was still immersed in disbelief, suddenly woke up and quickly retreated to the Audi car. He was driving a bulletproof version of the sports car.

"Bang, bang, bang", Gao Li, who was well protected, fired several shots at the G3 armor.

A few sparks could be seen on the surface of the G3 armor, and there was no other change, and even the iron frame hanging the G3 armor only shook slightly.

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