"Wake up! He's awake!"

"Call Wayne Industries!"

"Inform Mr. Alfred quickly!"

Not long after, an old-looking but vigorous figure rushed to Gao Li's side and held Gao Li's hand with tears in his eyes.

"Master Gaoli, you are finally awake! It's great...it's really great..."

Gao Li turned his head with difficulty and saw that the old man was still wiping the tears from his eyes with emotion.

"I think Master Bruce will be very happy if he knows!"

Gao Li: "???"

Alfred? Wayne Industries? Bruce?

Welcome to Gotham? ? ?

PS: Some book friends mentioned before that the special photography technology used by Gao Li is all original. Let me explain it here. Later, there will be transformation props created by Gao Li using special photography technology, such as the ultra-high compatibility Gaia memory that extracts different concepts of the earth and belongs only to Gao Li.

The two major technologies that Gauri acquired in the early stage, the first Kamen Rider G3, were actually the development of a set of armor technologies similar to Iron Man's. You can name this set of armor whatever you want. Of course Gauri can also name it G114514, no. What is the issue of whether it is original or not.

The second is Kamen Rider Faiz. This is a knight system that was originally limited to Enoch of Enoch's ability to safely transform. Other Kamen Riders in the same series have even greater side effects. Faiz is already the most stable and safe version. In other words, the entire set of technology is essentially not suitable for human use. There is no need for Gao Li to create additional innovations based on this, but it may only increase the risk.

Chapter 15 Batman’s younger brother?


Gao Li first chose not to respond, but searched his mind for any relevant residual memories.

The above terms are all familiar to Gao Li. If nothing else happens, this should be Gotham City, a world with Superman and Batman. It belongs to the DC world, not the Marvel world anymore.

If nothing else happened, then something happened to him and he accidentally traveled through time again!

"I have no memory at all... Am I traveling through the body or through soul? If traveling through soul, I won't inherit any memory. It doesn't make sense for me to travel through body. How could I become some kind of Master Gaoli?"

Gao Li's brain was working rapidly, and he soon noticed that there were a large number of unread messages accumulated in the system.

"System upgrade version... version 2.0?"

Soon, Gao Li silently read out the most critical message in shock.

However, after a quick reading, Gao Li roughly figured out what was going on.

It seems that the time and space rift created during the battle with the Ancient One not only allowed Gao Li to escape from the Marvel world, but also allowed the system to absorb a large amount of special time and space energy, thereby upgrading the version and developing new functions.

Due to the blessing of the system, Gao Li, who was supposed to be in another parallel universe, directly transcended the Marvel multiverse and came to DC's Ten Thousand Sky Instruments - that is, the DC multiverse.

As for what are the new functions of the system, this is what surprises Gao Li the most:

The new function actually allows him to travel back and forth between the Marvel world and the DC world at will!

Although currently only soul consciousness can travel back and forth, Gao Li is already very satisfied.

——It is not a parallel time and space, but a brand new world, which means completely different black technology and new knowledge!

And this is only 2.0, maybe there will be 3.0 or even 4.0, which will allow Gao Li to access more different worlds!

"Since the soul can only travel back and forth, it proves that the body I am using now is indeed not the body of Gauri Parker..."

Gao Li continued to think. Strictly speaking, Gao Li Parker was his own body, because he grew up directly as Gao Li Parker, but it took more than ten years to absorb the memories of his previous life.

So now this... is probably the body of Gowrie Wayne - after all, Alfred calls him Master Gowrie - is Gowrie occupying the magpie's nest?

Then again, although Gao Li didn't watch many DC works in his previous life, he had never heard of Batman Bruce Wayne having any biological brothers?

In fact, Bruce Wayne does have a brother. In some parallel universes, Bruce Wayne has an older brother named Thomas Wayne Jr. who has the same name as his father.

However, in this universe, Bruce's brother is not named Thomas Jr., but is named Gowrie.

Unfortunately, Gao Li didn't know anything about it, so he just felt panicked.

It would have been fine if it had been anyone else, but that was Batman!

According to legend, Batman is DC's father, who is extremely scheming, capable of destroying the entire Justice League as a mortal just by relying on his wisdom, and is skeptical of everything!

If you come into contact with Batman, it's likely that the clues will be revealed soon, and then...

Gao Li didn't even dare to think about it, it was too dangerous!

For a moment, he just felt that he was in danger as soon as he crossed over, and his life was too miserable.

Not only do you come to Gotham City, a city full of outstanding psychics, but you also have to be with the murderous Batman at all times!


In fact, the less familiar you are with DC works, the easier it is for you to be like Gao Li and be influenced by the mere words of bragging in your previous life, leading to infinite deification of Batman in your heart.

"Master Gaoli? Master Gaoli?"

Alfred's concerned inquiry interrupted Gao Li's persecution delusion, forcing Gao Li to smile even more ugly than crying.

What to do next?

urgent! Waiting online!

"How about pretending to be stupid? But I don't know what happened before, it's easy to reveal flaws, but it's too deliberate..."

After a few seconds of brainstorming, Gao Li decided to bite the bullet and communicate with Alfred, at least to figure out the current situation.

"Sorry, I just woke up, my head still hurts a little, you...you..."

Gao Li said "you" for a long time, but he didn't think of what to say next. Instead, Alfred slapped his head in self-blame.

"I'm very sorry, I was too excited and neglected it. Maybe Master Gao Li doesn't know me yet, please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Alfred Pennyworth, and I'm the butler of the Wayne family."

"Do you know that your name is Gao Li Wayne? Or... do you understand the meaning of the words "family" or "butler"? If there is anything unclear, please ask me, you just need to know that I will never hurt you."

Alfred's words made Gao Li stunned, just because what he said was really too strange.

Introduce yourself? Did Alfred not know me well before?

But if I am Gary Wayne, why are the housekeepers of the Wayne family not familiar with me?

And why did they ask me if I knew who I was? Does this mean that in his eyes, I may not have any knowledge of myself or any relevant memories?

And Alfred's tone of voice was like that of a preschooler. He even asked me if I understood the meaning of words. Was I mentally retarded before?

There were so many doubts that almost filled Gary's head.

"Alfred... Then I'll ask, what's wrong with me?"

After a moment's deliberation, Gary asked the first question.

Since he had just woken up from a coma and was considered to have no knowledge and memory, such a question should not make Alfred suspicious.

Sure enough, Alfred did not feel strange about Gary's question at all. Instead, he felt it was very natural and began to explain to Gary patiently like teaching a child.

After half an hour of Alfred's explanation, Gary's expression became more and more strange.

Gary Wayne is Bruce Wayne's younger brother, seven years younger than Bruce.

When Bruce was seven years old, his mother Martha Wayne was pregnant with Gorrie, and went to the cinema with his father Thomas Wayne on the eve of delivery.

When the family of three came out, they encountered something that changed Bruce's life - his parents were shot and killed by gangsters.

Although the rescue failed to save the lives of Martha and Thomas, it successfully rescued Gorrie in Martha's belly and allowed Gorrie to survive smoothly.

However, it may be due to the death of the mother that Gorrie's brain was deprived of oxygen for a period of time. Gorrie Wayne has been like an idiot since childhood, with only the simplest mechanical response to external stimuli.

The Wayne family invested a huge amount of money in researching and treating Gorrie, and finally found that Gorrie still had the ability to learn and had spontaneously learned the skill of language by listening to the conversations of doctors around him.

However, this was only the result of a carefully designed experiment and the test of Gorrie's mechanical response.

As for the extent to which Gorrie has mastered the language and what other knowledge he has learned, the doctors are still unclear.

This situation lasted until not long ago, when Gao Li Wayne showed his sanity for the first time!

Undoubtedly, this situation is too convenient for Gao Li, but it still makes Gao Li feel weird.

"If it is brain damage, it is a physical trauma. It is impossible for it to be automatically repaired because of the arrival of my soul? But my thinking is clear now, and it is obvious that my brain function is fine."

Gao Li thought silently, it seems that Gao Li Wayne is just like a body that has no soul from the beginning and is waiting for him to come!

PS: Thank you "Alex Bingfeng" for the 500-point reward!

Chapter 16 The evil rich man is actually me!


If there is really something fishy, ​​the good news is that at least Gao Li is not considered to have taken over someone else's body, and the bad news is that he has fallen into the conspiracy of some powerful people again.

Yes, it is "again".

No wonder Gao Li is so conspiracy-minded, he is really scared of Gu Yi.

If Ancient One had not shown up, who would have thought that a super boss who could reverse time and space and spy on the future had secretly spied on him for so long, and was the mastermind behind the fatal crisis he had encountered?

If Ancient One had not underestimated him before, Gao Li would not even know the cause and effect, and would have been killed by Ancient One.

Even if Ancient One stood in front of Gao Li openly, if Gao Li had not held the card of Kamen Rider Kronos in his hand, he would still not be able to beat Ancient One and could only be slaughtered.

After thinking for a long time, Gao Li could not find the answer, after all, the information he had at this stage was too little.

"I wonder what Batman is like now? Has Superman appeared? Is there a Justice League on Earth? All these key information will only be known after I learn more..."

Gao Li's thinking stopped here, and he decided to take the initiative.

Discharge! Immediate discharge!

"Alfred... Can I call you Alfred?"

"Yes, Master, you can call me whatever you want."

"Then... Alfred," Gory thought for a moment and asked, "You said I have a brother Bruce, where is he? Why didn't he come with you to see me?"

Alfred looked embarrassed, as if he didn't know how to answer.

After a moment of silence, Alfred said, "Master Gowrie, Master Bruce is not coming to see you, but he doesn't know you're awake."

"Master Bruce is now... well, you can assume that he is traveling around the world. Let alone contacting him, I often can't even find his whereabouts."

Hearing this, Gowrie felt relieved and roughly understood the current situation.

Just now, listening to Alfred's explanation, Gowrie is not even 20 years old now, and Bruce is only seven years older than him, so he is still a young man.

Gowrie vaguely remembered that Batman was not a natural fighting master. He went through a period of training before becoming Batman, and he should be in that period now.

Great! Batman is not by my side!

Gowrie's confidence in being discharged from the hospital was immediately stronger, and he struggled to sit up immediately.

"Alfred, I think I can still be saved... Ah, I mean I think I have fully recovered and can go home!"

Alfred happily held Gao Li's hand: "Go home, go home... Wayne Manor is in need of an owner now."

Alfred has a completely fatherly attitude towards Bruce and Gao Li.

And Bruce, who has been running around the world and not at home for a long time, is like a son who has been working outside all year round and doesn't even go home for the New Year, leaving the old man Alfred alone in the empty house.

So Alfred is a hundred times happy that Gao Li is willing to go home.

As for whether Gao Li's current weak body is suitable for going to Wayne Manor, Alfred is not worried at all.

With the financial resources of the Wayne Group, it is easy to equip Wayne Manor with the highest standard of medical equipment and top medical care around the clock.

"Master Gao Li, wait for me to prepare for a while, and you can go home without worries."

Alfred couldn't wait to stand up, as if he couldn't wait to deal with those things.

The sooner we get it done, the sooner Gao Li can go home!

"Okay, before that... can you give me some literacy materials?"

Gao Li plans to gradually demonstrate his ability to recognize words. Otherwise, it is reasonable for a person who has been mentally retarded since childhood to learn to speak by listening, but it would be a bit too much if he can also learn to read.

"No problem, if you need, I can also invite a professor from the Language Department of Gotham University to teach you... or is it better to have a professor from the Education Department?"

Gao Li twitched his mouth: "I don't think it's necessary, I may learn faster by myself."

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