Bruce discovers a thief who has sneaked into his home.

To be precise, a female snitch disguised as a Wayne Manor maid.

Of course, it is impossible for Alfred to serve the entire Wayne Manor alone, nor can he manage it, so many people with positions such as maids and gardeners are actually employed.

As a maid, Catherine is undoubtedly too beautiful, and she is very agile. She can sneak into Bruce's bedroom with ease. She also has superb lock-picking skills, and the safe cannot stop her at all.

While she was wandering around looking at the bedroom, which was larger than an entire home for ordinary people, Bruce stood behind her quietly.

"Your pearl necklace is beautiful. It reminds me of my mother's, but it's probably not the same one...after all, her necklace is locked in the safe."

Catherine started and turned around sharply.

"Oh, sorry, Mr. Wayne, I'm here to deliver food to you..."

Ignoring what she said, Bruce slowly walked to the desk, bent down and pulled the safe underneath.

The safe door wasn't closed at all...or rather it was opened.

Bruce admired this miraculous unlocking method for a few seconds and said softly: "The manufacturer who sold this safe told me that it was impossible to crack. Obviously this is incorrect."

Seeing that she could no longer pretend, Catherine's expression changed from panic and fear to cold and charming in a second.

"Oh, no one told me it couldn't be opened. It's obvious you were deceived, Mr. Wayne."

"I can't let you take it away," Bruce said calmly, "It is my mother's relic. If it is lost, I can't even explain it to Gao Li."

Catherine turned a deaf ear and paced over to Bruce with a confident smile.

"Listen, you shouldn't hit women, and I won't hit ordinary people either, but..."

Just when she was about to say "everything has an exception" and take action boldly, Bruce took action one step ahead of her!

I saw Bruce taking the first step quickly, and his body rushed towards Catherine like a beast.

Catherine reacted almost subconsciously, dodging Bruce's attack with nimble steps, and responded with a quick kick without showing any weakness.

Bruce dodged with extremely beautiful movements, and finally made Catherine look shocked.

She never expected that a billionaire could be so skilled!

Fortunately, she thought Bruce Wayne was just an ordinary person among the rich!

"Mr. Wayne, it seems you are not a gentleman enough to attack a woman."

Bruce smiled slightly: "There are exceptions to everything."

Catherine: "..."

She didn't want to talk anymore, her eyes flashed with cold light, and she took a step in an instant.

She waved her arms like a snake, with a dizzying speed, and struck Bruce on the head with a vicious palm strike!

Bruce leaned back and skillfully avoided the fatal blow again.

Next, he responded with a quick sweeping kick. Almost in an instant, Catherine's body was swept to the ground.

However, Catherine was not a vegetarian. She quickly got up as soon as her body rolled, and deftly parried Bruce's follow-up pursuit.

There was a back and forth between the two's moves, and each step was a precise calculation and quick reaction.

Their movements are smooth and fast, their moves are full of threats, and their fighting looks like art.

Catherine's punches and kicks were fast and agile, and she tried to create opportunities to hit Bruce, who was rock solid, deftly dodging every attack.

The fight lasted for a while, and there was a fierce atmosphere in the room. Catherine's body suddenly spun and she launched a tornado kick, trying to knock Bruce down!

Bruce quickly crouched down, avoiding her kick, then grabbed her legs and threw her to the ground.

But Catherine did not give up. She rolled away from Bruce's control and stood up again.

As the battle continued, Bruce's skills gradually showed his advantage, and his movements became more precise and powerful.

The rapid combos forced Catherine to take a few steps back and became short of breath!

"Bruce Wayne is so strong! How could he be so powerful?!"

Catherine was anxious and shocked inside. She had obviously tried her best, but Bruce still seemed to be able to do it with ease and still had the absolute upper hand!

"When your mind is confused, the flaws will become bigger."

Bruce saw the opportunity and quickly subdued Catherine, trapping her on the floor.

After tying up Catherine, Bruce rang the bell and called Alfred.

"Master Bruce, I just wanted to tell you that Miss Miranda Tate insists on asking you to collaborate on a project. I think you should know...oh my God, what is going on?"

The old housekeeper was shocked by Bruce's rope skills. Bruce said concisely: "We have been robbed. You should not let her get close to here."

Alfred had recognized Catherine as the new maid, and frowned slightly, but his reply was not soft.

"That may not be possible until you learn how to make your own bed."

Bruce choked, the fact that his own eldest brother didn't make the bed made it difficult for him to reply to Alfred's vicious words.

So he changed the subject and said: "Let's take her down for interrogation first to see who is behind it. She seems to want to steal my fingerprints in addition to the pearl necklace."

If you just steal the pearl necklace, it can be said that you are obsessed with money, but if you want to steal Bruce Wayne's fingerprints, it is definitely not simple.

What's more, with Catherine's strong skills, Bruce doesn't believe that she just wants a pearl necklace. Catherine can definitely steal more expensive jewelry.

"Well, as you wish, Master Bruce."

Alfred shrugged, but he didn't forget to make a sharp comment when he took over Catherine.

"I have to say that your craftsmanship is quite good. Do you have a special hobby in this area? Of course, I don't think it's bad, I just think you should consider Miss Tate. She is also very beautiful. It's time for you to start a family. You see, Mr. Gaoli has children..."

Alfred rambled like an old father looking forward to his son's early marriage, which made Bruce's head hurt.

"Is that Gao Li's own son? Wright is obviously..."

Considering Catherine's presence, Bruce stopped talking in time, but Catherine was no longer silent.

"Don't you have a hobby of torturing women? This would damage the good name of the Wayne family!"

Bruce narrowed his eyes and threatened: "Who knows? Haven't you heard that many billionaires have extremely perverted hobbies in private?"

121. Chapter 121 If you dare to touch Gao Li, aren’t you asking for death?



Of course, Bruce didn't do any perverted torture to Catherine in the end.

Catherine was entrusted by someone, and she still had a little bit of professional ethics. No matter how Bruce interrogated her, she didn't let go.

Of course, if Bruce did something further, Katherine might just say so, but he didn't have to.

"Master Bruce, is she still unwilling to say anything?"

Seeing Bruce leaving the room where Catherine was held, Alfred asked outside the door.

Bruce smiled slightly: "Don't worry, her body will tell you."

Late at night, Wayne Manor was shrouded in quiet darkness, with only the faint moonlight shining in the corners of the manor.

Catherine sat in a dark room, her hands tied to a chair with ropes and her mouth taped shut, but Catherine kept looking for a chance to escape.

Catherine's heartbeat was racing because she knew time was running out!

Bruce Wayne is unexpectedly so difficult to deal with. He is too mysterious. Who knows what methods he will use to interrogate her tomorrow?

So she must find a way to escape, otherwise she will undoubtedly fall into deeper danger!

Fortunately, Bruce seemed overconfident in his victory and went back to sleep in the middle of the night because he was too sleepy.

Alfred, the butler, is an old man and lacks the physical strength and energy to stay up all night.

As for the other employees of Wayne Manor... there is no doubt that the scene of capturing and imprisoning a woman is not suitable for outsiders to know, so there is probably no one to keep a vigil!

How could Catherine not notice this flaw, but Catherine also understood that this was her only chance.

"This Wayne, the binding technique is quite professional..."

Catherine struggled to get rid of the rope tied around her wrists, using a special method of shrinking her bones and moving her muscles.

Although the pain came from time to time, Catherine couldn't stop!

Finally, Catherine managed to free one hand from the rope and carefully removed the tape.


Catherine looked happy and quickly untied the rope from her feet.

Then Catherine rose quietly and began to study a route of escape.

After a while, Catherine walked out of the room quietly, like an elegant black cat.

She carefully bypasses all possible patrol routes - even if the guards may not know this, they will make noises to attract Bruce Wayne, and then Katherine will be captured again.

"Boom! Boom!"

She could feel her heartbeat, and every step felt like a life-or-death test.

Eventually, Catherine managed to make her way through the maze of corridors of Wayne Manor and to the front door.

When she escaped from Wayne Manor and breathed the air of freedom, she felt an unprecedented sense of relief!

"Bruce Wayne...hum, I remember you!"

Catherine snorted behind her and licked her lips.

who is she? She is the famous Catwoman on the road!

There is no reason to just suffer without fighting back!

Just now, Catherine didn't just simply escape, but the skilled artist boldly re-extracted Bruce's fingerprints on the way.

In the final analysis, the task she was entrusted with was Bruce Wayne's fingerprints, which could still be traded as long as they were taken.

Of course, the commission also included Gauri Wayne's fingerprints. Unfortunately, Gaoli was not in the manor and seemed to be very low-key. The servants didn't even know which room Gauri lived in.

Before Catherine could search the castle-like Wayne Mansion from room to room, she was caught by Bruce. Now that she wanted to escape, it was naturally impossible to spend a whole day searching everywhere.

After Catherine left, Bruce, dressed as Batman, followed.

On the display interface inside his BAT armor helmet, a fast-moving red dot suddenly appeared!

It's Catherine!

With Bruce's level, how could he really expose his flaws and allow Catherine to escape?

Of course, he used superb techniques to quietly install a tracker on Catherine, intending to directly track down the mastermind behind it!

Bruce follows Catherine through the city's rooftops and dark alleys.

His black cloak rustled in the wind, and his eyes searched for clues through the darkness.

I saw Catherine going back to her base camp for a short time, and then going out again.

After a while, Bruce chased him to a small bar. In this dim place, filled with smoke and low music.

Catherine enters the bar and can see a mysterious man waiting for her.

"Full fingerprints of Bruce Wayne's right hand."

Catherine took out the fingerprints from her arms, and the man opposite asked: "Very good, where are Gauri Wayne's fingerprints?"

"Don't rush to ask for Gauri Wayne's fingerprints yet, handsome guy... I want to confirm what I need first."


The man glanced at Catherine and was about to say something, but suddenly closed his mouth and listened intently.

Only then did Catherine notice that there was an earphone on his ear, equipped with a miniature camera.

"Mmm, my concealment skills are superb, and my makeup skills are very good. It's a pity that I couldn't hide it from my partners - or the eyes of professionals, so it was exposed all at once."

Within a few seconds, the man who listened to the conversation on the headset sneered at Catherine.

"Your wrists...are there signs that you just broke free? After you are exposed, with the financial resources of the Wayne family, they will definitely hire the most professional security team. I don't think you can get Gauri Wayne's fingerprints again." ”

As the man finished speaking, a large group of people stood up around him, and Catherine also cursed secretly.

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