"It's morning..."

Gao Li pinched his brows. Although he felt a little tired physically, he was quite excited mentally.

It's okay. Researchers are used to staying up late.

Many experiments have to be carried out at different time points, so they have to work all night according to the situation; it is difficult to stop analyzing data at the beginning, because many data must be completed before they can be paused, otherwise the next time they continue to do it, the effect will not be good; and important instruments and equipment need to wait in line during the day, and it is best to avoid congestion at night; in order to promote the progress of the experiment, it is common to carry out multiple projects at the same time...

So eat some breakfast and replenish energy for the brain, I can still work hard!

Gao Li rang the bell to call Alfred, and the old man looked at the bloodshot in Gao Li's eyes with great concern.

"Master Gao Li... I have to remind you that even if you are still young, it is not a reason for you to ruin your body at will, not to mention that you have just been discharged from the hospital."

"Don't worry," Gao Li waved his hand, "I have been doing rehabilitation training in the sanatorium. Now I am in good health. It is not a problem to stay up all night."

Alfred sighed: "Then I will prepare breakfast and coffee for you. I hope you can take a break at noon. The human body is not a machine. Even a machine will overheat if it runs for a long time."

It must be said that Alfred is definitely a standard waste-making machine.

Under Alfred's care, Gao Li does not have to worry about food and clothing. All the big and small things in life are handled by Alfred.

Is this the perfect and chic butler?

Sometimes Gao Li even doubts whether Alfred has mastered some time-stopping skills to manage the huge Wayne Manor in an orderly manner.

But there is no doubt that this environment is really suitable for Gao Li who is eager to study!

So Gao Li was more active in the ocean of knowledge, studying the flute and wood playing and Wajima Shigeru's notes day and night.

The two complement each other, and if you want to use modern magic, both of their skills are indispensable.

Fortunately, Wajima Shigeru's magician ring manufacturing process is also pure technical knowledge that does not require magic, which makes Gao Li's daily learning progress soar.

Due to Gao Li's excessive sleeplessness, Alfred, who had been persuading him for a long time, gradually lost his patience and his words became more and more acrimonious-Gao Li highly suspected that this was Alfred's true character.

"Master Gao Li, if you still want to stay alive and see Master Bruce, you'd better change your bad habit of sleeping only four hours a day from now on, so that you can live longer than me."

"Oh, did you stay up all night again last night? I never knew you were so short-sighted. Please believe me, no book is more important than health. Sleep is the nutrient of the brain. You are making yourself more stupid."

"What? You said you think I have become irritable recently? I heard that lack of sleep can cause people to have hallucinations. It turns out that this is true. Obviously, the illusion is a warning to you to rest quickly."

Although Alfred's food is still so delicious and the service quality has not decreased at all, the mental oppression caused to Gao Li is increasing day by day!

In short, it feels like being intensively watched and preached by a caring old woman.

Now Gao Li is eager to know how the future Bruce Wayne can do it... Fighting crime every night without returning home, but not being nagged by Alfred at all!

Chapter 18: Sexual parties will only slow down my research speed


Gori occasionally writes a diary, which sometimes serves as a memorandum.

He is not afraid of being seen by others. After all, the content mentioned in it looks more like a novel setting collection written by a middle school boy in the eyes of outsiders.

July 5: After being in my mind for many days, I began to reflect on the harm of staying up all night for a long time to my health. Afu's preaching is really terrifying!

July 6: Well, I feel that my body has indeed deteriorated. That's why I can't beat that person and that person in close combat. Anyway, I will go to bed and get up early from tomorrow.

July 7: Today I finished reading the nature and mechanism of magic phenomena, analyzing the energy, matter, information and consciousness involved in magic. It feels really good. Ah, I forgot to sleep and was scolded by Afu.

July 8: Damn, Afu scolded me again today! But today I established a scientific model and theoretical framework for magic phenomena, so it's not worth sleeping for this.

July 9: Ah Fu scolded me! Who is the housekeeper and who is the young master? Didn't I just not finish reading the methods and techniques of magic operation, which led to not sleeping again?

July 10: Damn, how did Ah Fu manage to be so polite and sarcastic to me, making it difficult for me to fight back? His language skills are really terrible... I slept for three hours after finishing the experiment today!

July 11: Ugh, I felt like vomiting all day today. It seems that my body is still too weak. I will sleep two more hours today to adjust. Damn, I am obviously curious about the conditions, tools, procedures and laws required for magic operation!

July 12: Ah Fu still feels sorry for me. Seeing me in pain, he spoke very gently today, not so spicy. Wait, am I CPU? Forget it, let's focus on exploring how to manipulate magic power through rituals, spells, symbols, utensils, etc.

July 13: Great, the experiment achieved the expected effect! To celebrate, we are staying up all night again today to test and evaluate the magic effects!

July 14: Wow, Afu scolded me again... But I should reflect on myself. I was thinking about going to bed and getting up early more than a week ago. Today, I will develop the quantitative indicators and measurement methods of magic effects, and start going to bed and getting up early tomorrow!

July 15: Very good, I successfully used instruments, sensors, algorithms and other technologies to objectively and accurately detect and evaluate magic effects. Today, I will continue to work hard and verify the effectiveness and reliability of magic operations all night long!

July 16: Gao Li, Gao Li, how can you be so decadent? I just thought about going to bed and getting up early the day before yesterday... Of course, I'm not afraid that Afu will nag me again when he delivers food. I just want to be good to my body. Have a good sleep tomorrow!

July 17: Today's experimental session is quite important. I'll stay up all night.


In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

In addition to thoroughly studying the two notebooks and repeatedly reading the technical information of the astronomical switch, Gao Li also took the time to take a degree exam at Gotham University.

Of course, in order not to waste time on commuting, Gao Li taught and took exams remotely throughout the whole process, which seemed quite low-key.

And Alfred naturally did not want Gao Li, who had finally recovered from the sanatorium, to be disturbed by the outside world again, and signed a strict confidentiality agreement with relevant people, so that this matter that should have been a big news did not even make a splash.

There is no way, the second heir of Wayne Industries is such a big name, even if there is only a little gossip, it will be reported over and over for several days, let alone a genius who completed his degree in just half a year?

"Sure enough, I need to find someone who really understands magic to continue my research."

On the wide balcony overlooking the manor, Gao Li drank the black tea brewed by Alfred while muttering to himself in a trance.

No matter how thorough the theoretical research is, Gao Li is not a "door" after all, and no magic power has been detected in his body.

"Although the phantom can provide magic power for the magician, and I have also mastered how to artificially create the phantom, but... Alas, in this system, the magician himself needs to have magic power in order to circulate with the magic of the phantom."

Thinking of this, Gao Li pinched his brows with a headache.

Firstly, the phantom is a condensation of magic power, and Gao Li himself does not know where to find magic power, which is equivalent to lacking the raw materials for making phantoms.

Secondly, although the phantom is the crystallization of the magic power in the body of the "door" when it is in despair, when the magician overcomes despair, the phantom itself will be independent and have the function of circulating with the magician's magic and supplying magic.

If there is no magic power of the magician, the phantom itself cannot supply magic; if there is no phantom in the body, the magician cannot cast spells even if he has magic power.

For example, the Infinite Magician Ring of Kamen Rider Wizard Haruto Soma is the manifestation of the integration of the magic power of the phantom and the dragon after he overcomes despair again.

This fully shows that before this, the magic power of Cao Zhenqingren and the magic power of the magic dragon were two different magic powers, and it was not simply relying on the magic of the phantom magic to mass-produce "doors" with magic power.

Otherwise, Di Muzou, who had the technology to create artificial phantom magic, would not have to work hard to collect magic power and find "doors", and could directly produce magicians in large quantities.

Fortunately... although Gao Li had no magic power, he had money ability!

"Afu, help me collect information and rumors related to magic around the world, and after screening, hire those strange people who are not just in name with a lot of money."

Gao Li put down the teacup and instructed Alfred who was serving beside him.

Alfred frowned slightly when he heard this, and hesitated again and again.

Then he spoke: "How could there be real magic in the world? Master Gao Li, are you awake?"

Gao Li: "?"

In Alfred's opinion, many of Gao Li's behaviors in the past six months were weird, and he was always conducting some scientific experiments full of metaphysics.

However, the Wayne family is rich and can provide almost unlimited funds, which can withstand Gowrie's arbitrary tossing, even if the money is wasted on unreliable research like alchemy.

Just treat it as Gowrie's private hobby, as long as Master Gowrie is happy - anyway, Alfred thinks so, so he never stopped him.

As a result, Gowrie is finally going to start looking for like-minded people today?

Oh no, isn't this a manifestation of getting deeper and deeper into the crooked way! ?

Feeling Alfred's strange eyes, Gowrie was half annoyed.

"Aver, I am very sober, miracles and magic do exist!"

Looking at Gowrie's serious expression, Alfred pondered for a moment.

"Do you mean that friendship is magic?"

Gowrie: "???"

What are you watching My Little Pony at such an old age!

Alfred said to himself, "So your subtext is that you want me to help you find some friends? But think about it, Master Gori doesn't seem to have many friends of the same age, which is not good for mental health."

"No!" Gori complained helplessly, "Forget it, I won't talk to you, it's a waste of my youth... Anyway, just do it, and you will see real magic soon."

Alfred often nags, but once Gori makes a decision, he will execute it without any compromise.

After a while, three documents were placed on Gori's desk, making him fall into deep thought.

"Mrs. Xanadu, John Constantine, Zatanna Zatara...Who should I call? Or should I call them all?"

After struggling for a few seconds, Gori decided that he wanted them all.

These three magic masters are actually very easy to hire with the blessing of money abilities.

Mrs. Xanadu is almost the best magician at divination, and the way she gets paid is to perform divination for the powerful, so Wayne Industries has a lot of ways to invite her.

Zatanna, on the other hand, performs magic shows all over the world, and it is equally easy to invite her in the name of a commercial performance.

As for the last Constantine... when he has no money, he will take on some exorcism work. Or should I say, Constantine is not shy and will take almost any job. Just use a high price to lure him.

Although it is easy to invite someone, they are naturally well-known if they can be selected by Wayne Industries.

Madam Xanadu is a descendant of an ancient nation. Her two sisters are both heavyweights - the eldest sister is the Lake Fairy Vivian who gave King Arthur the scabbard and the holy sword, and the second sister is one of the biggest villains in the legend of King Arthur. Morgan le Fay.

She is not famous for her fighting skills, but when it comes to her ability to predict the future, no one can compare with Madam Xanadu.

As for Zatanna, she is not actually well-known. The one who is really famous is her father, the magic master Gwani John Zatara. However, Zatanna herself has perfectly inherited her family's secret skill "Irony Magic".

This irony magic is simply a universal spell like a plug-in. As long as you say the words backwards, you can complete the magic effect corresponding to the meaning. It is one of the most powerful in the magic world.

Although the last Constantine had a reputation, it was a pity that it had a very bad name. Especially for the demons in hell, it was definitely a name that was hated to the core.

This of course does not mean that Constantine is a righteous and awe-inspiring exorcist master that makes the hell demons hate him so much, but that Constantine is even more scumbag and a bastard than the hell demons!

He has deceived the demons of hell countless times in various ways, even tricking Lucifer, the boss of hell, which caused them to collectively break their defenses and leave them with a lot of infamy.

As soon as Zatanna got off the plane at Gotham Airport, she was escorted to Wayne Manor by a special car.

"The young master of the Wayne family wants to watch a private magic show? When did the Wayne family have a young master?"

In the back seat of the special car, Zatanna was lost in thought thinking about the invitation.

Soon, she was shocked by the magnificent Wayne Manor in front of her. It was like a small principality built in Gotham City!

Although Zatanna's family is considered wealthy, it still pales in comparison to the Wayne family.

When she thought about the fact that the remuneration given by the Wayne family was ten times that of other commercial performances, Zatanna's lips curled up even more.

"This is a big customer! If we can build a good relationship and come to perform more times a year, then I can basically perform a few performances and rest for the whole year."

Of course, Zatanna is not skipping work just to be lazy, but to free up time and energy, as well as get more funds to find her father who suddenly disappeared.

That's right, the magic master Gwani disappeared inexplicably one day. Zatanna was preoccupied with finding her father. This is why the Wayne Group invited her instead of Gwani.

As for whether the young master of the Wayne family will get tired of watching her magic show... Zatanna is not worried about this at all, and is even confident that she can make him addicted to it after just one show!

After all, Zatanna is different from other magicians. She has real magic and can cheat. Her ornamental skills and tricks are much better than ordinary magicians.

This thought continued until she met the other two people in the living room.

"Are you...Mrs. Xanadu? And...um...this seems to be Mr. John Constantine, right?"

As both well-known figures in the magical world, Gwani took Zatanna to visit Madam Xanadu several times, so the two of them were relatively familiar with each other.

At this point in time, Constantine had nothing to do with Zatanna. It was purely because of his notoriety that Zatanna reluctantly recognized him.

"Are you the heir to the irony magic? The young master really invited a lot of big shots here."

Constantine was smoking a cigarette by the window, glanced at Zatanna and ignored her.

Mrs. Xanadu waved to Zatanna: "Xiao Zha, you have grown up, come here and let me see you."

Although Mrs. Xanadu is much older than Zatanna, she is immortal and looks like Zatanna's sister, and her mature temperament also allows her to act like an elder without any violation.

"Madam, were you invited by Wayne Group to do divination?" Zatanna came to her side and asked curiously.

"The Wayne Group has contacted me through many channels. I really thought that the Wayne family wanted to ask me for divination... But since you have also been invited, that's probably not the case."

"You don't know the purpose of Wayne Group?" Zatanna was stunned, "Can't you predict it?"

Mrs. Xanadu said helplessly: "My child, fortune tellers generally don't predict their future too much, even me. You know, miracles have a price, and I don't want to pay the price often."

At this time, the door of the reception room opened, and a young man followed by the butler walked in with a smile.

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